Chapter 1 ~ I Wish Upon A Robot ~

Noel hated her personalitly, She was always quiet...She always stuttered when speaking, And even one understood her emotions. They always treated her like she was an idiot. Of course she was in deep thought and didnt see the guy heading her way, She slammed into him hard and was sent sprawling to the floor.

"Owwwww..." She whispered while rubbing her bottom.
"Watch were your going!" Came the irratated reply. She looked up to see Ragna the Blood Edge towering over her.
"R - Ragna" She spluttered nervously, and tried to stand up, but made a mess out of it and ended up fallling into ragna again, her face pressed against his chest. She pushed away from him, her face bright red with embaressment.

"..." Ragna stared at her quietly for sometime... "You are so stupid." He muttered. But loud enough that she could hear.
"Im!...Im not STUPID!" She defended herself. Ragna's eyes widened a little with surprise, But Noel couldnt take it anymore, She always tried to be nice with Ragna, Everyone else treated him like he was still a criminal, But Noel knew other wise.

So instead of taking anymore cruel comments, she turned on her heels and fled. Ragna reached out to stop her but it was to late, the girl had already disappeared. "Damn.." He whispered to himslef.

Noel stopped when she reached the edge of town, Her muslces ached but she didnt care, it releived some of the pressure. Noel looked up into the sky, it was dark already... She must've run a long way. When suddenly she saw a weird looking object shoot across the sky above her, it was close to the ground and headed Norht - west. Noel felt curious so she decided to have a look.

After running 50 yards or so, she spotted a smoking crater in front of her, She moved towards it, taking caution. the smoke was slowly clearing and Noel could get a better look at what was down there. It was a weird looking pod. It was kind of scary... Bright glowing lights covered the object, lights that spiralled and twisted into unique patterns. Noel wondered for a minute wether she should report this to captain first, and maybe he should come look at it... But that made her sound like a coward, why couldnt she do it herself, wasnt she brave enough..? Then suddenly the pod let of a low hissing sound, like leaking gas, It made Noel jump back in shock. A small squel escaped her lips. Then she stood there gasping, eyes wide with fear, but the pod didnt do anything else. So Noel plucked up her courage and crept to the edge, then she turned around so she could back down the crater, her foot nearly slipping on loose mud.

Once she was at the bottom, she turned to face the pod, lights still flashing. She wondered what it was, though her immediet instinct was that it was dangerous, but she couldnt help and feel slightly curious of where this thing came from. She crept a little closer, not sure wether it was going to scare her again. So she decided to pick up a small pebble that had the misfortune of being the closest to her. Then using all her strength she hurled it at the pod and watched as it rebound of the metalic surface and back onto the floor. She waited fora reaction, but when nothing happened she continued her approach.

When it was right in front of her she could see the pod propely, the metal was a light shade of blue, almost like clear water. Noel circled the pod, on the back, (Or it could've been the front) Was one word. 'Feelings'. She had the urge to place her hand on the word, so she did. A sudden eletric shock burst up her arm, making her muscle's spazm.

"AGHHHH!" She screamed in pain. The electricity felt like it was worming its way up into her head, she couldnt remove her hand... It felt like it was glued to the metal. Her heart was pounding inside of her chest, She felt pain and fear. The the pain suddenly subsided and the world went white. She was left on her own, sat in this white space.

" T... me ... wh... y..u w...nt.." Came a crackled robotic voice. Noel jumped,
" W - what..?" She whispered, Her heart now beating ten times faster with horror, There was no one around.
" T... me ... wh... y..u w...nt?" It repeated.
" I..." She paused and swallowed. "I can't hear you..."
" Tell me what you want. " the voice came through crisp and clear.
Noel didnt know what to say, Her breathing became heavier and she felt light - headed.
" What I want?" She asked, a little shakily.
" What you want." It replied.
Noel knew what she wanted. " I want to be understood..."
"Understanding?" It asked.
" Yes!" She reapeated a little louder "... What?..."
"YES!" She screamed and her throat stung.
" L...e?"
" L...e?"
"I cant hear you again..." Noel said.
" Affirmative. Feelings Noted. Target located. Progress with implant." It ordered to itself. Then Noels eyes suddenly started go blurry, and the pain in her arm started searing again, she gripped it tightly.
"Wait! What!" She shouted.
"Goodbye. Noel Vermilion. Your Wish Has Been Accepted By V - 11..." The voice faded away to nothing and then the pain in her arm was so unbearable that Noel lost conciousness...