"Are you sure you want to do this?" Morgan asked as he and Reid walked past the hospital check-in.

Reid glanced over, crinkling his eyebrows. "I can't just…leave without saying goodbye."

"No, Kid," Morgan shook his head, stepping in front of Reid. "I meant…are you sure you want to say goodbye?"

Reid squinted, confused. "Don't I have to?"

Morgan flashed his signature half-smile. "You definitely should. Lord knows this job is hard enough without any relationships." He chuckled, looking over his shoulder at Lorelei's room door. "But sometimes…it's worth it."

Reid swallowed, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks. "I'll decide," he nodded, walking past Morgan and pulling open Lorelei's door.

She looked up when she heard the handle. "Hey," she greeted him, folding the book she was reading and laying it across her lap. She had fresh gauze on her wrists and medicated bandages wrapped around her head. The cuts on her face were healing and the dozen or so get-well cards were arranged in a rainbow on the windowsill next to her bed.

"You come to say goodbye?" he asked sadly as she approached.

"H—how you feeling?" he asked, ignoring her question.

She exhaled, glancing over at the get-well cards. "I don't think I'm going to get used to being bald, if that's what you mean."

He laughed nervously. "It, uh…you could get a lot of really nice hats."

She nodded. "That's true."

He stopped at the foot of her bed. "I, I came here to…"

"To leave," she finished. "To say goodbye."

"No," he raised his hands, "no, I wanted to…"

"You shouldn't even be here," she gazed out the window, "there's important stuff you should be doing."

This is important," he insisted, stepping closer to her. "I know what I should do," his voice rose, "but I will decide what I will or won't do."

He grasped one of her hands. "And I won't," he paused, closing his eyes. "I won't forget you."

"Then don't," she said, grabbing the end of his tie. She pulled him in until his face was inches from her own. He stared into her eyes, a mirror image of his own. He leaned forward, awkwardly pursing his lips for a kiss.

"Hand me that pen," she said abruptly, turning away. She took his palm and gently wrote something on it.

"A phone number?" he asked, staring at the black scrawl on his glistening palm.

"Some genius you are," she laughed.

He laughed nervously again. "So…are we—"

"I don't really know what we are," she shook her head. "I was hoping you'd keep talking to me long enough to…to find out."

He bit his lip, sucking in a breath. "I'd like that."

She gave a small smile, leaning back against the pillows. "You still have to leave."

He licked his lip, his copper eyes darting around her face. "Yes…yes I do." He suddenly remembered, reaching into his bag and pulling out the Spirit of Naz t-shirt. "I have your—"

"Keep it," she said, raising a hand. "You could…remember me with it, if you wanted."

He turned it over in his hands. "Oh—okay." He stuffed it back into the bag. "I also brought, uh, something…f—for you to remember me." His hand dove into his pants pocket, retrieving a small photograph and holding it out to her. "You could…keep it."

"Thank you," she said, accepting it. "It's not a bad picture of you." She looked up at him. "I will."

A knock on the door preceded Morgan's voice. "Reid?" he asked, sticking his head in the doorway. "It's time."

Reid nodded. "How're you feeling?" Morgan asked, looking at Lorelei.

She shrugged, answering sarcastically, "I've been better."

Morgan nodded. "Get some rest," he said, adding to Reid, "couple more minutes," and pulling the door closed.

"I'll, uh," Reid scratched the back of his neck. "I'll give you a call…s—sometime."

"Sounds good," she said, uncovering her legs. Seeing his started expression, she added, "Oh, relax—I've been lying in this bed for two days. I can at least give you a proper hug goodbye."

His muscles tensed involuntarily as she stood up. "It's not really goodbye, though," she said, gripping his upper arms. "It's really more of a See-you-later."

He smiled, gently kissing her forehead. "See you later," he said softly.

She released him and he strode to the door. He wanted to leave quickly, before the burning in his throat and the sinking feeling in his chest overcame him.

"Spencer," he heard her say. She was right behind him when he turned around.

He almost fell over when she threw her arms around him. He found her mouth with his own, wrapping his slender arms around her waist.

Morgan knocked again. "Reid?"

He did not stop when he heard the door open, didn't let her go.

"Good decision, Pretty Boy."

"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 5:10