Chapter 1:

It had been a while since he lost a fight.

When Degrassi became abandoned, they tore it down to make it a warehouse for goods. That was where his fights in the underground league took place. His name was Fitz and was the only out-of-the-closet gay guy in the league. He is aiming to be the best of all of the fighters.

Of course he needs to get serious, he never goes there other than the days he has to so he could fight. He knows nothing about his opponents. Fitz may love a good fight, but the whole thing just disgusts him. He only took the job so he could pay rent since he was kicked out of his parents' house. Maybe it was because he was gay, maybe it was because he had been to jail too much. Either way, he lived with his friend Bianca, barely making it check to check; trying to make ends meet with fighting and trying to keep Bianca safe.

Because ever since Bianca got kicked out, he felt it was his job to take care of her. That's how they got here today, with Fitz on the ground knocked out because he just lost to the reigning champ: Spinner Mason.

This would go terribly for him and he knew it. He only fought for the pay and when you lose, there's no "you tried your best" consolation prize; no, you go home empty handed! He tried to get other jobs, however this was the only one he managed to keep. Without the money, he'd need to try to get another part time job to make ends meet.

However, just as he starts to wallow in self pity, he hears the champion start to make an announcement

"Hey, let's hear a round of applause for this guy here! He lasted long and had a good left hook too!" Spinner said loudly since there was no microphone.

Fitz thinks that it's amazing how it's hard to be mad at this guy even though he just whooped his ass!

"Anyway, I have to quit the league," he said, and there was a big rush if complaints and boos from the audience. "Only because I'm getting married!" And half off the crowd cheered when he said this, but the other half was still disappointed until he said "And she's hot!" Everyone burst into loud cheers, even Fitz chuckled a little. His thoughts were that the guy was cute! Then he realized at the same time Spinner said:" Which means my titles up for grabs there will be a tournament before the month ends for it." The crowd—already on their feet, since there were no chairs in the arena—started cheering louder than before.

Fitz made his way to the table, grabbed a pen and signed up for the event. He could do this; he was the best fighter in this league. After all, the easiest way to become the best fighter is to defeat everyone else. And that was exactly what he planned on doing.