The Con Is On

You can't con an honest man - Michael "Mickey Bricks" Stone

Chapter 1: Jack fell down

Deep breaths that's what he needed.

His legs were burning as he went round the corner.

"Keep running Harry" came the desperate shout from behind him.

Pelting through the streets of Norwich with two thousand pounds in his shirt and a very angry pair of farmers on his tail Harry had very little reason to stop.

Multiple cons were the worst as the risks of getting caught were so much higher. Most greedy people weren't idiots and would spot a badly constructed plan, that's why running a con on more than one target needed a team rather than a single grifter.

But when Jonathan "Rubber Johnny" Stevens had called in desperate need of help Albert had agreed to come and help, something to do with Albert owing Johnny for bailing him out of his first con on British soil.

The shout had come from Johnny, the nine stone weakling was being dragged down an alley by three other farmers, his shout was unnecessary though. Harry had no intention of stopping and the tall, burly men were getting closer every second. He needed a crowd and a distraction.

The market.

Coming to a crossways he ran left instead of right. Taking him further away from his rendezvous with Albert. His natural litheness working to his advantage as he slipped round people to escape the grasping hands.

Just one street to cross, then into the market, might have to sacrifice one of the bundles of twenty's as the distraction. His safety was going to cost him five hundred pounds but you couldn't put a price on your wellbeing.

Harry crossed the edge of the pavement in a second and was bolting across the black road.

He would later remark to his friends how little it actually hurt. His perspective just changed.

There were the stalls in front of him.

And suddenly there's the cloudy sky.

And there's the road.

And there's the sky again.

Road again.

Sky again.

Road again.




Oh no more road.

But it seems to be raining money.

Oh it's our money.

Albert won't like that.

Maybe he will, he does laugh at the oddest things.

It's funny I feel cold and wet. Bit odd when it's not raining.

Can't seem to move. Well that doesn't matter ill just stay here, might have a doze, yeah that sounds good maybe when I wake up everything won't be so grey.

Yes just a lit… a li… al…



Just a little chapter to help me get back into the swing of things.

Don't worry this story will continue, just thought I'd brake back into it and brake someone.

Let me know what you think what you want to see and hopefully the next update is longer and for this and weapon of the cross.

Be seeing you