Author's Note: this is Cat...not to be confused with A cat...but i am nammed Cat. This is a story...obvious, right? haha...but, it's about Fitz and his sister (if he had one)

Disclamer: All I own is Millie...i do not own Degrassi or it's characters

Millie's POV:

You wouldn't be able to tell by the way he acts around me at school, but Fitz is my older brother. Yup, that's right. We're related. We share blood. We have the same parents. But from how he acts around me at school, it wouldn't seem like it.

Actually, more like the way he acts in general. I just started Degrassi today. He gave me a ride to school, but dropped me off a few blocks away, just to make sure no one saw us together. Then when I walked in a few minutes before him I was ushered into the principal's office.

"Good Morning. I'm Principal Simpson. You must be Millie Cooper."

I nod, though Mark and I may share blood relations, we don't share a last name—I took my mom's he took my dad's. "That's me."

"Welcome to Degrassi." he smiles and hands me a sheet of paper.


"If you have any questions don't be afraid to come to my office."

"I won't. Bye." I smile to him and walk out of his office. There I notice Mark and his friends—Owen and Bianca—standing by the doorway. I walk past them, trying to ignore them when my feet are pulled out from under me.

"Welcome to Degrassi." The guy scoffs.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" another voice—a girl's comes up. When I look up I'm met with a hand reaching down to me. I grab it and stand up thanking her under my breath. When I turn around I see Mark's face is completely solid. No emotion whatsoever. I wonder, in the back of my mind, what would happen if the people in Degrassi knew how he was at home.

"Ouch." I say quietly as I get a throbbing pain from my ankle.

"Fitz! Owen! What's your problem?" the girl asks.

"Our problem? She walked in my space." Own replies. I glare at him and he retorts with, "What are you looking at bitch?"

"Who are you calling a bitch?" I say.

"Who are you talking to like that?"

"Who does it look like?"

"Move bitch."

That time it wasn't Owen who spoke, but Mark, and when I met his gaze I saw for a moment the person who everyone here sees him as. The bully. My brother Mark was gone and in his place stood a tower-like copy of him. Identical in all but attitude.

"Fitz!" a male voice shouts from behind me. I turn and see a goth looking kid come up and stand next to the girl who helped me up.

"Got a problem Emo-Boy?" Mark spit.

"Yeah I do. You shouldn't talk to people like that."

Especially family, I thought.

"You're not the boss of me. Move freaks." he pushes past, his "friends" moving with him.

"Clare, are you okay? What happened?" the goth boy asked the girl—Clare?

She nodded, "Owen, being the jerk he is, tripped…I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

I shake my head, "Millie. Millie Cooper."

She holds out her hand for me to shake, "Nice to meet you Millie. I'm Clare and this is my boyfriend Eli."

I shake her hand and then smile to Eli, "Hey. Thanks for saving me."

"No problem." she smiles.

"Do you know where Ms. Dawes' 11th grade advanced English class is?" I ask.

They turn to each other, almost as if sharing a secret and then turn to me smiling.

Clare links arms with me, "Come with us."

And that's how I made my first friends.

During English I met their friend, Adam.

After school I met Mark in the parking lot. I got into his black truck and buckled up.

"Hey." he smiles. I don't look at him. "The cold shoulder, really?"

I scoff.

"Don't be mad, you know things are different at school."

"They don't have to be." I say.

He turns my face so that I'm facing him, his sandy eyes meeting my onyx-black ones, and says, "I'm sorry."

I sigh and push my strawberry curls behind my ears, "Just…just don't do it again. To me at least."

"I'll try, but you need to try not to mess with my friends."

I roll my eyes, "Sure."

"Did you make any friends?"

I nod, "Clare, Eli and Adam."

His eyes seem to widen for a moment.

For some reason I get the feeling they don't like each other.

Author's Note: Review if you think i should continue with this...

xoxoxo Cat