A/n- I don't own anything Twilight or Vampire Diaries

Bella's P.O.V.

It had been hours since the phone call from Victoria. Everyone tried to talk to me but I wouldn't budge.

I would not talk to Damon because he was friends with Victoria, I don't want to choose his friends. I would not talk to Katherine because she is evil, not as evil as well Victoria, but she is Evil. Elena, I could talk to but she wouldn't get it. Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline, I wouldn't talk to them because I barely knew them. That leaves Stefan. I always tell him everything. Not this time. I will tell him when the time is right.

Tomorrow I am going to go to my father's grave and talk to him. Maybe that will help.

We will see. Then I fell into a peaceful sleep or so I thought.

~A few hours later~

I had just woken up and went down stairs to get some milk. Ever since I was little milk always made me feel better (blood makes feel good too!)

I poured it into a mug and went outside and went for a walk, to get my head clear. While walking, I heard it. Someone was around. Oh well maybe it is someone just walking. I looked down at my watch. Who is up and 2 in the morning?

Ok maybe you woke someone up after you left and saw you weren't there and came to look for you, I thought. Or someone is just here randomly. So I just kept walking because it was less suspicious.

All of a sudden I feel a cold arm go around me and I hear a voice I was not expecting to hear, "Bella I thought you promised me not to be reckless." His velvety voice said.

I turned around and saw him, Edward, right there. I couldn't stop my own reaction as I threw my arms around him and started to cry into his chest. I missed him. I still love him. I know he doesn't love me anymore, but I just felt comforted to be in his arms. I missed him so much.

"Shh, Bella its OK you're alright. You're OK. I'm here. It's OK. Come on let's get you into my car, It's getting cold out here, OK?" I couldn't help but nod as he picked me up in his arms and started taking me to his car. I missed his Volvo, which was by the boarding house. Then he sat me down in the front seat. His car smelled just like him. I missed his car.

"Edward, I know you don't love me anymore, but-," I started saying but got caught off by Edward as he got in next to me, in the driver's seat. I was going to tell him I was a vampire of the Dracula kind.

"Bella I lied in the forest. I love you so much. I was a wreck. The only reason I left was because I thought you would be safe." He told me. What? Why would he leave me? While I was asking these questions in my head, Edward kissed me passionately.

"I love you so much Isabella. You can tell me why you are here and all that in a little bit. But I need you to go to sleep and I will tell you in the morning everything and don't tell me you aren't tiered because that yawn says other whys. So go to sleep ok?" He asked. I believed that he does love me too. He was also right I was tired. He Edward started to hum my lullaby. I fell asleep though thinking 3 important things.

Number 1: Where was Edward taking me?

Number 2: How will Damon and Stefan going to feel when I am not there in the morning?

Most importantly Number 3: Will Edward still have the same feelings tomorrow after I tell him?

Edward's P.O.V.



I kept hearing it as I followed Victoria to Mystic Falls. I looked at the caller ID on my phone, Alice. I answered:

"What Alice?"

"Well hello to you to Edward," I sighed I left them after I left her. I know I hurt her. I love her but this is for her protection. Bella can't be near us. We are vampires. I miss her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to see Bella? Without, telling us?" Alice growled. I heard a few gasps, which meant the family is there too. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about? I am falling Victoria to some place called Mystic Falls," I told her.

"Well I guess Bella is in Mystic Falls then because I see you going into a house, after Victoria, where Bella is." Alice told me. Why would Bella be in Mystic Falls? Why would Victoria be going to Mystic Falls? I have to get her out of there before Victoria even gets close to her.

"What? Alice do you see her going to be anywhere, anytime soon, alone?" I asked. I have to get Bella out of there!

"Umm… yeah tomorrow, at a cemetery. Why?" Why would Bella be at a cemetery? I don't know but I will ask her when I see her!

"I'm going to run straight to Mystic Falls. OK? Then I'm going to tell Bella I love her and lied to her in the forest and get Bella out of there! I will call you when I have her and I will get her to you." I told her while running to this place called Mystic Falls. She said ok and we hung up.

~A few hours later~

I pulled into town. It was 1:00 am so I was going to find out where Bella was I mean I love her and if Victoria gets here sooner there will be a fight if she goes near Bella.

I caught onto her sent and found her at about 1:25. Bella wasn't asleep she was getting milk. She was at a boarding house getting milk? I was wandering what was going on. I mean the boarding house was closed It even says so. I got that their where other people in the boarding house. There were, exactly, 7 other people besides Bella which I found out that the some of other people were not human.

They were vampires (A/n- Edward can see Damon dreaming about Andy's blood and about Victoria coming to town, Katherine is dreaming of killing Elena, Caroline and Stefan are dreaming of going hunting the next day, possibly with Bella but Edward thinks they are going to hunt Bella. He also sees Bonnie but her dream is about her and Jeremy. So he doesn't know she is a witch. Also, clearly he doesn't know about Bella because well he can't read her mind. Also Elena is dreaming of Stefan and him being a vampire and all. Ok that's all. Sorry for the interrupt. Back to the story…= )). I mean they were the Dracula vampire's. (We didn't know what to call them until Dracula was written.). They burn in the sun. They weren't venomous. I have no clue how they get changed. They can eat food. They can compel people. I know horrible rite? Or they were with their dreams. Bella is clearly in danger. I will grab her and take her to my family and find out why she was here, I had thought.

Suddenly Bella was walking out side and down a path. I followed her. This was the perfect time to get her. So I ran up to her next and put my arm around her and said, "Bella I thought you promised me not to be reckless."

She turned around and when she saw me she threw her arms around me and started crying into my shirt. I didn't know what to do. I knew I needed to get her far away from Forks, but she was so upset that it tore me to part. If any of those vampires hurt her they are going to pay.

"Shh, Bella its OK you're alright. You're OK. I'm here. It's OK. Come on let's get you into my car, It's getting cold out here, OK?" I told her. I just wanted to make her feel better. So I picked her up and took her to my car, which was by the boarding house. I sat down next to her in the driver's seat.

She was tired but then she started to say something, "Edward, I know you don't love me anymore, but-," that lie needed to stop right now. I had to tell her the truth and the truth was that I loved her and was still madly in love with her.

"Bella I lied in the forest. I love you so much. I was a wreck. The only reason I left was because I thought you would be safe." I told her. I saw the confusion and I saw a hint of her not believing me so I kissed her passionately and I knew that she believed me by the look in her eyes. I saw her yawn and told her, "I love you so much Isabella. You can tell me why you are here and all that in a little bit. But I need you to go to sleep and I will tell you in the morning everything and don't tell me you aren't tiered because that yawn says other whys. So go to sleep ok?" I then started to hum her lullaby and she was out in seconds.

I then started to drive. Then I called Alice.

"Hey Edward," Alice said on the first ring, "That was fast."

"I saw her walking from a boarding house and so I grabbed her and took my chance." I told her

"So what is the plan? Bro?" she asked.

"I'm going to drive to where you guys are and we will keep her safe. We'll see what she says tomorrow and Alice can you look for Victoria's future?" I asked.

"Yeah see you tomorrow Edward." She sighed

"See you tomorrow." I hung up knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long day.

A/n- I know too soon for Edward to be there but I have my resons so ok. The next chapter should be up by next weekend. Also I am working on another story can you guys read i? It is on my profile so please read if you want to.