A Ranma 1 / 2 Alternate Histories Company Presents:
Cologne for Teens
By Felix Webster ( Felix Warstar )
[[email protected]]
Disclaimer: All original Ranma ½ Characters and Back story Copyright
Rumiko Takahashi. This is written for fun and not for any profit so
please don't sue as I'm a poor writer who one day hopes to write
something original and become a so-called professional writer. . .
this is just practice.
Chapter 5
- Other's First Day -
Akane was not happy to see the school gates as she, Ranma, and
Cologne approached the grounds. She was so small and weak compared to
what she was before, not that she was so large to begin with, and it
made her nervous. She was technically a year younger than everyone
else in her class and her growth spurt hadn't originally started
until she was thirteen last time.
As they passed through the gates she quickly informed her travelling
companions that she had to find her own classroom before she walked
off in a different direction. She knew this school's layout fairly
well so it wasn't hard to get there in little time. She walked in and
immediately looked to the front blackboard knowing that in the first
year the seating was set for the first term as the younger students
weren't use to high school yet. Her desk was farther to the back then
she ever really liked, the bad students usually tried hiding in the
back as they were often ignored there. Looking for the corresponding
desk she saw a group people gathered in the area, and another girl
already sitting in her desk.
Walking up to the group a little nervously, as the others were all
boys who looked too old for the first year, Akane stopped in front of
her desk and stated to the girl who was blatantly ignoring her,
"Excuse me but the board says that this is my desk."
"Bug off little girl," the girl waved off Akane without even looking
at her causing the several of the boys to try not to laugh and
Akane's anger to start to rise.
The oldest, and strongest looking, boy looked at her for a moment
straight faced not seemingly joining his friends attempts not to
laugh then turned his attention back to the group.
"I don't know where your desk is but it's not this one," Akane
stated firmly as she narrowed her eyes at the brown haired girl's
"Listen, baby cunt, this is now my desk so find another!" the girl
turned and glared threateningly at Akane barely causing her short
spiky hair move.
Akane was taken slightly back by the language from the other girl
but it made her anger rise farther and stand with her fists clenched
at her sides. The girl looked at the site and gave a short laugh as
she mockingly rubbed her eyes with her own fists, "Awww, baby cunt
gonna cry."
The girl barely had time to reacted as she noticed a fist coming
straight for her face but she nothing to really worry about as it was
easily caught by the oldest boy. The boy grabbed the hand as if it
was so very slow then wrenched Akane's arm up behind her back,
"Little girls should know better then to throw tantrums."
"Let go of me!" Akane shouted louder then she planned to as the boy
made sure her arm really hurt, and was basically useless at the
"What are we going to do with the baby cunt?" the girl smirked
evilly as she ran her hand over Akane's cheeks causing Akane to
flinch back at the perverted action.
"Guri we both know what happens to little girls who are bad don't
we," the boy replied not giving any emotion with his face although it
was clearly in his voice. Giving Akane's arm another sharp twist he
made her lean over the desk using her other arm to try to stop him
forcing her completely on the desk.
"Bad girls get spanked!" Guri answered loudly with a broad evil
smile as she whipped her hand up and laid it down with all her might
on Akane's exposed panty clad ass causing a loud smack to echo
throughout the classroom.
Akane tried to force herself up and scream something at the girl
when another boy repeated what the girl, Guri, had done causing Akane
to let out a burst of air in shock and do what came naturally, "Stop
"Not until you have learned your lesson baby cunt," Guri replied as
she brought her face in front of the somewhat prone Akane and smiled
at the her stroking Akane's face again as another boy continued the
spanking. "You don't mess with us. . . not unless you like to be
spanked in front all your other classmates."
Akane's anger flared to it's highest levels as the girl accused her
of being some kind of pervert. How dare such a bitch like this girl
get off calling her a pervert! Akane started to glow red with anger
then focussed it into her strength to finally pull away from the
older boy before he could have his, and the final, chance at her
backside. Standing upright quickly she turned the energy out like
Ryoga had taught her to and focussed it at the girl making a ball of
pure anger streak out and hit Guri full force. The girl went flying
into the far wall and then slumped down to lay unconscious on the
floor, two of the boys went to check on the her.
"What did you do to her!" the older boy demanded finally showing
emotion on his face as he grabbed Akane's up raise hand. Akane felt
the grip on her wrist again then spun around being prepared this time
and threw a punch at the boy's face. The boy seemed surprise by the
attack and it hit him in the right eye before he could stop it. Being
unprepared for the contact with a fist from an unusually strong small
girl the boy went flying to the other side of the room but he had
enough sense left to flip back onto his feet before landing. The boy
spun and prepared to get into a real fight with the girl but the
teacher finally walked in and put a stop to that by simply asking
what was going on. After a few minutes of trying to explain that
nothing happened, and one of the boys getting Guri to the school
nurse, they all were in their proper desks and the teacher started
the class.
- - - -
Nodoka wasn't so sure about going to school again. She may look and
like she was sixteen again, including her oversized bust she would
have to grow back into again, but she was an adult woman. . . with a
son who should be this age. But as she knew she would have to live
with this for a time, and if there was anything she did well it was
to strive and survive. If only they would have allowed her to bring
her sword. . .
"Now Auntie there is a few things I need to warn you about. . ."
Nabiki started cautiously but gave the girl a small evil smile as
she, the young Nodoka, and Shampoo walked towards the school.
"Nabiki, dear, I told you to call me Nodoka for the time being.
Calling me Auntie will just confuse people," Nodoka softly scolded as
she straightened her school jumper.
"I still say you should go with the truth on this," Nabiki smirked.
"Trust me, no one at Furinkin would blink twice at Ranma's mother
having become a teenager again and being forced by Principal Kuno to
attend classes."
"Mercenary girl right, Furinkin people crazy," Shampoo huffed as she
walked behind the two a bit as she was not at all happy about being
in the horrible looking jumper like the others.
"People at Furinkin as pretty sane compared to some people I know,"
Nabiki countered snidely then gritted her teeth and added, "It would
help if learned some better Japanese while you're in class, my name
is Nabiki not 'Mercenary girl'."
Shampoo stuck her tongue out at the older girl.
"The only real problem I can see is that you look a lot like Ranma's
girl form. . . with slightly less red hair and no pigtail," Nabiki
got back to her original conversation ignoring Shampoo.
"Just remember the story, I'm Ranma's younger sister," Nodoka
frowned as she didn't like the dishonesty but she didn't want to
embarrass the family name too much with the truth.
Nabiki rolled her eyes but continued on without much more comment
about the subject.
- - - -
The trio of girls approached the school gates and Nabiki stopped
then and frowned about something and putting her hand out to halt the
other two.
"Why Mercen. . . Why Nabiki stop Shampoo?" Shampoo looked crossly at
the hand on her breast it was obvious that it was an accident. . .
but Shampoo could never really be sure about that with Nabiki.
"Yes, why are suddenly looking so worried?" Nodoka asked looking
"Look at the gates," Nabiki replied as she pointed at the boy who
was obviously waiting for someone as he wasn't staring out to the
streets and not moving to get into the school yard.
"Hi Ya! That stick boy!" Shampoo exclaimed as she realized what the
problem was and looked at Nodoka with concern. "Not good, Mother-in-
law no know how to fight!"
"Shampoo!" Nodoka scolded loudly. "First, I am not you Mother-in-
law! Akane is engaged to Ranma. Second, even though I am not on my
husband's level of skill I am not defenceless! Genma did his best to
teach me to at least defend myself."
"So you are good with that sword you're always carrying around?"
Nabiki raised an eyebrow seeming to be impressed. Shampoo seemed
happy about the news too.
"No, I know nothing of how to use that sword except which end to
hold," Nodoka replied mater of factually.
Both girls suddenly dropped in shock then Nabiki asked as she
started to get up, "Then why do you always carry it!?!"
"It scares Genma," Nodoka smirked evilly. "He doesn't know that I'm
unskilled with it."
Shampoo and Nabiki gave each other confused and then Shampoo leaned
over to whisper into Nabiki's ear, "Shampoo think something not
right, Panda-man know enough to read skill with sword so how Nodoka
fool him?"
Nabiki shrugged and vowed to confront the man when she could about
that very matter.
"Now, if it is the Kuno boy you are worried about then I suggest we
deal with him quickly or we will be late for class," Nodoka stated
then started to walk towards the gates again. Shampoo and Nabiki
shrugged and moved to catch up with the other girl.
Kuno was waiting for signs of Akane Tendo, any sign of Akane Tendo.
He had read the resister and was related to see that the name of that
accursed Ranma Saotome was missing from the list but he had little
time to be happy as he couldn't find his beloved's name either. It
had to be a mistake! After almost an hour of waiting, he got there
very early, he spied someone who could clear things up. Preparing his
wallet he imposed himself in the path of Nabiki Tendo and her two
travelling companions, "Nabiki Tendo, I wish to know what heinous
event has caused my beloved, Akane Tendo, to be missing from the
school register and my noble presence?"
Nabiki cringed as both girls gave her hard looks, "Kuno baby,
couldn't we talk about this later?"
"Nabiki Tendo I will not be brushed off! Truth be known I was made
happy by the absence of that black sorcerer, Saotome, but. . but the
lack of my sweet Akane's name is unacceptable!" Kuno ranted in near
"My so. . brother is not a black sorcerer!" Nodoka corrected in
anger, she nearly slipped but she couldn't allow this lout to say
such things.
Kuno looked at the girl and blinked then blinked again until it
finally clicked as to who was with Nabiki, "Pigtailed girl? I. . I
did not recognize you as I rarely have seen you in a dress. . . have
you changed your hair? It seems a little less fiery and lacks it's.
. . pigtail."
"I am not you 'Pigtailed girl'! I am Ranma's moth. . sister, Nodoka
Saotome, and I will thank you not to dishonour my family's name with
such baseless accusations!" Nodoka's eyes flared at the boy, he wore
the clothes of a samurai but obviously lacked honour, and people
wondered why the old system started to break down.
"I. . I meant no dis. . I apologise but that peasant, Ranma Saotome,
has wronged me and the noble house of Kuno too many times for me not
to say his name with his crimes attached," Kuno started out a little
confused as the girl looked so much like his Pigtailed goddess but
the voice was a touch more. . . a touch more mature, and the way she
acted was more. . . dignified. He remembered running into a couple of
girls that looked like his two beloveds who were too young the other
day and now again he was faced with another.
"Ranma is NOT a peasant! The Saotome family is a noble house!"
Nodoka was in Kuno's face and very very angry. Nabiki gave the girl
who was her aunt a little shocked glance as even she didn't know
that. . . although it did explain the fact that there was a Saotome
family katana.
"Surely you jest? I've met the vile boy's father and there is nae
anything noble about the man," Kuno backed up slightly, shocked that
the girl would confront him so. . . maybe his handsome visage had
enchanted another.
"The Saotome name comes from my. . my mother's side of the family!"
Nodoka really really wanted the family sword at the moment but then
noticed that Kuno was carrying a well used bokken and she was glad
she didn't have it, she might end up on her young tush if he had any
skill with the wooden blade. "Genma was a Ronin that I. . Mother
married to annoy her parents. Ranma is the heir to the family."
"I. . I see," Kuno said as she started to process what he was told.
He may be a little thick headed, and blind to most things, but he
wasn't the idiot everyone thought he was, after all he was in the top
of his class. . . without cheating or paying off the teachers. "I
will have to think about this. . ."
Nodoka looked proud of herself as she and the other girls moved
around Kuno and started to walk into the schoolyard. Nabiki was about
to ask her aunt about what was said about noble houses when Kuno
interrupted them again, "Wait, I have another question of you."
Nodoka sighed with her head down before turning to face him again,
"What is it now? We have to get to class."
"I find myself now very confused. I know you are not my red-haired
pigtailed goddess, even though you are the very split image of her,"
Kuno started with a very odd frown on his face looking like he was
trying to work things out for a change. "If you are Ranma Saotome's
sister. . . then what relation is she to him?"
"A girl about my height with fiery red hair and wears her hair and
clothes like my so. . brother?" Nodoka tried to clarify and received
a nod from Kuno. "That IS Ranma."
"Nay. I don't understand what you mean," Kuno replied as confused as
he sounded. "She has at times called herself Ranma. . . and Nabiki
Tendo once said that they are of one mind and one body. . but that
was due to his dark control of the girl!"
"Have you not seen his. . our father change into a panda? Or the
Chinese boy change into a duck?" Nodoka asked through gritted teeth.
"Those are results of a curse gained in China, and Ranma is
unfortunately cursed as well. . . to become a girl against his
"A curse. . ." Kuno repeated dumbstruck as Nodoka spun on her heals
and walked away.
"I doubt that worked, we've been trying to tell him that for a year
now," Nabiki smirked at the bizarre reaction from Kuno.
"No you haven't," Nodoka stated sounding angry again. "You have been
purposely misleading that boy to make a profit off my son. . brother.
You have gone out of your way to make Ranma's life a living hell in
the past year."
"Mother-in. . . Nodoka tell truth," Shampoo agreed correcting
herself when Nodoka frowned at the girl.
Nabiki stopped in shock, she had only done what was necessary to
make sure the household survived.
- - - -
The classes went relatively smoothly for Nodoka as she was a year
behind were Ranma should have been and her fellow students were in
Junior High the year before. She did realize that she would have to
readjust herself to the girls her now current age as she was lost in
the several conversations she tried joining around her.
Shampoo's classes weren't as smooth. Her classmates knew her.
Most were surprised that she was going to the school at all, and the
only ones brave enough to talk to her just wanted to know where Ranma
and Akane were. Sayuri and Yuka wouldn't let up on her, both
believing Shampoo had done something fowl with Akane regardless of
Shampoo's protests.
Nabiki's day started off bad. She couldn't find anything to lay bets
on, or at least nothing anyone would bother betting on. She spent
most of the morning suffering the glares from Kuno, who sat behind
her this year, because their stupid Home room teacher wanted to
'jive' things up this year. She had watched Kuno confront Ranma's old
friends as they had come through the gates, he didn't seem to like
what the answers to the questions he asked but he let them go
unharmed. Kuno had also stopped Akane's friends with what she
expected were the same questions, and he seemed to get nearly the
same answers.
It was during the break before the class before lunch that Kuno no
longer held his tongue.
"Nabiki Tendo. . . is it true?" Kuno asked neither sounding angry
nor crazed as he put a thousand yen note on Nabiki's shoulder.
Nabiki took the offered yen but didn't turn around, "You had better
explain what you want to know is true or not so I can answer the
question properly."
"That may have been a big part of the problem before. . ." Kuno
sounded very depressed. . . and very sane.
That did cause Nabiki to turn around and raise an eyebrow at the
Kendoist, "You're not yourself today, what gives?"
"I'm not sure I know what you mean," Kuno said calmly never breaking
his stare into Nabiki's eyes. "What I want to know is. . . is it true
that my 'Pigtailed girl' is only a cursed form of Ranma Saotome?"
Nabiki didn't want to give up on finding out what had changed the
clueless to the clued but Kuno had finally asked his question and he
had paid for an answer. She sighed before looking back at him, "Sorry
Kuno, the answer is yes. It's not something he's comfortable with
Kuno's expression never changed but something died in his eyes, only
to spark again with something new. Nabiki too another large yen note
as he asked a slightly unexpected question, "His younger sister. . .
Nodoka I believe is her name, is she currently attached in any way?
Did her family engage her like they did her brother?"
"She isn't attached. . . although she just broke off a long standing
relationship," Nabiki replied noting he gave her enough yen for two
questions. "She has no outstanding engagements that I know of. . .
but knowing her *Father* there might be one or two that haven't shown
up yet."
"She isn't similarly cursed as the Pigtailed. . as Ranma is?" Kuno
passed another yen note.
Nabiki took this one almost reluctantly before replying, "She
doesn't have a curse. . . but she has been effected by magic
recently. I don't think you have a chance there Kuno baby."
Nothing continued between the two for several minutes before Nabiki
finally realized something and felt stupid that it took her so long.
Turning around she put a concerned face on, "I noticed you haven't
asked where either Ranma or Akane is since this morning when Nodoka
distracted you. . . something wrong?"
"Akane Tendo. . ." Kuno started looking like he was about to return
to his old self but then his eyes cleared. "I was only looking for
her to. . to apologize. I know she held no affection for me and I
kept pushing without seeing it. I suspect that since both she and
Saotome are missing that they are off celebrating a wedding. . . or
celebrating avoiding another wedding attempt by their fathers."
Nabiki had to fight off a burst of laughter before giving the story
that was worked out, "Ranma went back to China to find a cure for his
curse and Daddy wouldn't let him go without taking Akane with him. .
. to keep the girls off him. They convinced both Daddy and Uncle
Saotome not to force them to marry before they left."
"I see," Kuno said calmly as the next teacher came into the room and
made it difficult to continue the discussion.
- - - -
"I'm telling you that Kuno's got a thing for you," Nabiki repeated
to Nodoka as she sat down in the school cafeteria, a place neither
Akane nor Ranma really like as it was too confining to fight in. "And
he doesn't take 'no' well."
"Stick boy not understand no at all," Shampoo added with a frown
directed at the food she had bought out of curiosity about what the
school served.
"I'm sure you are both exaggerating. . . but Ranma, and Akane,
warned me about him. I don't plan to lead him on," Nodoka said calmly
as she opened her bento instead of getting any of the school food.
"You don't have to, he'll lead himself on," Nabiki warned then
frowned as she spotted the person in question walk into the
cafeteria. "Although he's been acting a little more like a normal
person today. . . and that is strange for him."
"Nabiki Tendo, Xain Pu of the Joketsuzoku tribe, I would like to
talk to Miss Saotome alone for a few minutes," Kuno stated as she
came to the table. He didn't have his normal level of arrogance in
voice and Nabiki really really wanted to know why.
Nabiki gave Nodoka a questioning look then motioned to Shampoo when
Nodoka nodded, "We'll be nearby if you need us."
Shampoo picked up her tray and followed Nabiki to another table,
"Did not know Stick boy knew Shampoo's name. . ."
"And he said it right, including where you come from. I really need
to know how," Nabiki's eyes furrowed as she started eating.
"What do you want to talk about Kuno-sempai?" Nodoka asked finally
acknowledging the older boy.
Kuno sat down across from the girl that looked so much like the girl
he cared for and set himself for what he had to say. Straightening he
looked at Nodoka in all seriousness, "First I should apologize to
your family, if your brother were here I would do it to him directly.
It seems that everyone I have talked to seems to know about the
curse, and his dislike of it, and I accused him of things that he had
no control over."
"That's very noble of you Kuno-sempai," Nodoka said slightly
shocked. "To tell the truth I was warned about you and your
obsessions. . . especially since I look so much like my so. . brother
when he is in his cursed form, but I don't see what they are talking
"You were not lied to Miss Saotome. . . I have until late suffered
from a. . a curse of my own, a family curse that I have seen fit to
finally deal with," Kuno looked unhappy about what he was explaining.
"I'll never be completely free of it. . but it is manageable if I
work at it."
"But to other matters, your brother's curse form struck a cord in me
that I still feel. . . and your so close visage. . ." Kuno dropped
his head for a moment and rubbed his forehead before looking
apologetically at Nodoka again. "I am sorry again, I am making a fool
of myself in front of you again. What I wish to offer is my
friendship, and then latter if matters permit maybe more."
Nodoka was very shocked at this, it was a very tactful way to start
a relationship and it was coming from someone who made Genma seem
enlightened in matters regarding women, "That's. . that's very kind
of you Kuno-sempai, but I'll need time to think about things."
"I guess that is the best I can hope for at this time," Kuno stood
and gave the girl a small bow before walking off.
Nabiki and Shampoo moved back quickly having watched Kuno leave
under his own power. Shampoo gave Nodoka an uncomfortable look,
"Mother-in. . Nodoka have Stick boy bad."
"I haven't seen him this rational since. . ." Nabiki started then
threw her hands over her mouth when she remembered his last rational
"What is it dear? Since when?" Nodoka asked with the patience of a
parent after giving Shampoo a nasty glare.
"It was during our first year here. Kuno got hurt badly during a
kendo match and had an. . episode in the hospital. The doctors gave
him some medicine and he acted very sane for several days before it
wore off," Nabiki explained looking very sad. "He was very charming
at the time. . . He just wouldn't take the damn medicine afterwards,
no matter how much he was asked too. He just couldn't accept he had a
problem. . ."
"So he's been slipped the medicine again?" Nodoka didn't sound too
happy about the idea. "It'll mean he will flip back to his old self
soon and he'll be as bad as I was warned he was. . . but with a
fixation on me. . ."
"I don't think anyone slipped it to him. He had a medical order
issued after the last time that no drugs were to be used again, he
claimed he wanted nothing but herbal remedies," Nabiki replied then
seemed to think about something. After a moment she gave the group
and annoyed look and simply said, "Sasuke!"
"Yes, Miss Nabiki?" came a reply that caused Shampoo and Nodoka to
jump slightly. Nabiki simply turned and looked at the small man. "Of
what can I do for you?"
"You can explain the 'new' Kuno," Nabiki requested severely crossing
her arms, "and don't try to hide behind it being family business, I
have a few photos you don't what your master seeing."
Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the girl but chose to reply not sounding
worried about the threat, "Master Kuno has chosen to start taking the
medicine of his own free will."
"Why?" Nabiki's eyes widened, Kuno wasn't like that as it meant that
he wasn't perfect in his own eyes.
"Master Kuno started taking the medicine after Mistress Kodachi was
arrested during the break for attacking a fellow classmate," Sasuke
sat down on the table after jumping up easily. "It was the only way
she would agree to take her own prescribed medicine that she was
ordered to by the courts.
"Kodachi was arrested? I didn't know. . ." Nabiki couldn't believe
she had missed something so big. . . especially since it pertained to
her family.
"Psycho girl go jail? Shampoo not know either," Shampoo blinked then
smirked. "She no problem now."
"Mistress Kodachi is not in jail! As long as she takes her
medication she is allowed to stay at home," Sasuke corrected
forcibly. "Although it has left her as not much more then a zombie
when she is even awake. . ."
"That is unfortunate to hear, she was such a. . . a spirited girl
when I met her," Nodoka said trying to find the best word for things.
- - - -
Ranma, Akane, Nodoka, and Nabiki sat around the dinning table having
gotten home a bit earlier and changed into regular clothing. The most
that they could find in the house was some trays of snacks and a note
saying to come to the Nekohanten for dinner later from Kasumi.
"I can't believe Kuno was so controlled," Akane said as she finished
her little bun. "He wasn't like that a week ago."
"No but he was a little more controlled at the time," Ranma replied
thankful that Kasumi had left individual trays and his had a lot more
on it. "Last time he found a younger me he went overboard but a week
ago he didn't get that bad."
"I guess," Akane grudgingly agreed.
"He offered me friendship until I was ready to date him," Nodoka bit
into her meat bun with a bit of wonder as things seemed to taste
better to her at this age.
"You're not seriously thinking. . .!?!" Ranma exclaimed in wide eyed
panic but he was cut off by his mother.
"Ranma Kuno. . . has an odd ring to it," Nabiki joked and couldn't
stop herself from laughing all the way to the ground at the nasty
glare she received.
"Ranma could not take the Kuno name as he is the only heir to the
Saotome clan," Nodoka corrected trying not to smirk at the boggled
look she received.
"Great! Have your little fun, I'm going to go practice," Ranma
stated as he suddenly bolted up and stormed out in anger.
"What caused that?" Nodoka asked bewildered as she watched her son
"He's had a problem since Kuno declared his love for the 'Pigtailed
girl'," Nabiki explained as she calmed herself down. "I think it hurt
his manhood that the first person to tell him they loved him was
another guy."
"I see," Nodoka said quietly as she continued to look at the walkway
that lead to the Dojo.
- - - -
Ranma finished his ninth kata still not calm. He hated Kuno, not in
the holding a grudge 'prepare to die' way, but in the way that made
him never to want to be willingly around the guy. Now the bastard was
hitting on his now young mother. . . and there was nothing he could
really do about it. He was too young to show up as himself so Kuno
knew his advances on Ranma's 'sister' wasn't welcomed.
"I see something's on your mind, what to talk about it?" Cologne
cocked her head to one side at the boy as she stood in the doorway to
the Dojo.
"It's Kuno," Ranma said in distaste as he set up to do another kata.
"I heard. Shampoo was quite vocal about it when she got to the
restaurant. It seems as if the boy has finally gotten help for one of
his problems," Cologne walked up beside Ranma and slowly started
copying his moves.
"Yeah right! Then why make a pass at my mother!?!" Ranma stopped
with his fists clenched at his sides.
"She looks like you, and you look incredible in either sex," Cologne
gave him a small smile then she turned a little more serious. "He's
just doing what a regular boy his age would do. . . and he was very
tactful from what I hear, and that says a lot."
"Yeah, I know. . . but I can't even tell him what I think of it!"
Ranma replied in anger as he pointed out his younger features. "He
isn't going to believe this, and if he did he'd just start causing
trouble that neither me or Akane need at the new school."
"Give the boy a chance, he might surprise both of us," Cologne
stopped her own version of the kata Ranma was doing. "You could
always phone him, your voice hasn't changed all that much."
"Call him. . ." Ranma said in a distant sort of way then grinned. "I
can keep my distance and still keep track of him. . . and let him
know it."
Cologne was slightly shocked when Ranma suddenly bolted out of the
Dojo then shook it off as she should have expected it, "He really
needs to learn patience."
"Oh well," Cologne shrugged and walked towards the living room to
gather up the girls to head to Nekohanten for dinner.
Cologne for Teens
By Felix Webster ( Felix Warstar )
[[email protected]]
Disclaimer: All original Ranma ½ Characters and Back story Copyright
Rumiko Takahashi. This is written for fun and not for any profit so
please don't sue as I'm a poor writer who one day hopes to write
something original and become a so-called professional writer. . .
this is just practice.
Chapter 5
- Other's First Day -
Akane was not happy to see the school gates as she, Ranma, and
Cologne approached the grounds. She was so small and weak compared to
what she was before, not that she was so large to begin with, and it
made her nervous. She was technically a year younger than everyone
else in her class and her growth spurt hadn't originally started
until she was thirteen last time.
As they passed through the gates she quickly informed her travelling
companions that she had to find her own classroom before she walked
off in a different direction. She knew this school's layout fairly
well so it wasn't hard to get there in little time. She walked in and
immediately looked to the front blackboard knowing that in the first
year the seating was set for the first term as the younger students
weren't use to high school yet. Her desk was farther to the back then
she ever really liked, the bad students usually tried hiding in the
back as they were often ignored there. Looking for the corresponding
desk she saw a group people gathered in the area, and another girl
already sitting in her desk.
Walking up to the group a little nervously, as the others were all
boys who looked too old for the first year, Akane stopped in front of
her desk and stated to the girl who was blatantly ignoring her,
"Excuse me but the board says that this is my desk."
"Bug off little girl," the girl waved off Akane without even looking
at her causing the several of the boys to try not to laugh and
Akane's anger to start to rise.
The oldest, and strongest looking, boy looked at her for a moment
straight faced not seemingly joining his friends attempts not to
laugh then turned his attention back to the group.
"I don't know where your desk is but it's not this one," Akane
stated firmly as she narrowed her eyes at the brown haired girl's
"Listen, baby cunt, this is now my desk so find another!" the girl
turned and glared threateningly at Akane barely causing her short
spiky hair move.
Akane was taken slightly back by the language from the other girl
but it made her anger rise farther and stand with her fists clenched
at her sides. The girl looked at the site and gave a short laugh as
she mockingly rubbed her eyes with her own fists, "Awww, baby cunt
gonna cry."
The girl barely had time to reacted as she noticed a fist coming
straight for her face but she nothing to really worry about as it was
easily caught by the oldest boy. The boy grabbed the hand as if it
was so very slow then wrenched Akane's arm up behind her back,
"Little girls should know better then to throw tantrums."
"Let go of me!" Akane shouted louder then she planned to as the boy
made sure her arm really hurt, and was basically useless at the
"What are we going to do with the baby cunt?" the girl smirked
evilly as she ran her hand over Akane's cheeks causing Akane to
flinch back at the perverted action.
"Guri we both know what happens to little girls who are bad don't
we," the boy replied not giving any emotion with his face although it
was clearly in his voice. Giving Akane's arm another sharp twist he
made her lean over the desk using her other arm to try to stop him
forcing her completely on the desk.
"Bad girls get spanked!" Guri answered loudly with a broad evil
smile as she whipped her hand up and laid it down with all her might
on Akane's exposed panty clad ass causing a loud smack to echo
throughout the classroom.
Akane tried to force herself up and scream something at the girl
when another boy repeated what the girl, Guri, had done causing Akane
to let out a burst of air in shock and do what came naturally, "Stop
"Not until you have learned your lesson baby cunt," Guri replied as
she brought her face in front of the somewhat prone Akane and smiled
at the her stroking Akane's face again as another boy continued the
spanking. "You don't mess with us. . . not unless you like to be
spanked in front all your other classmates."
Akane's anger flared to it's highest levels as the girl accused her
of being some kind of pervert. How dare such a bitch like this girl
get off calling her a pervert! Akane started to glow red with anger
then focussed it into her strength to finally pull away from the
older boy before he could have his, and the final, chance at her
backside. Standing upright quickly she turned the energy out like
Ryoga had taught her to and focussed it at the girl making a ball of
pure anger streak out and hit Guri full force. The girl went flying
into the far wall and then slumped down to lay unconscious on the
floor, two of the boys went to check on the her.
"What did you do to her!" the older boy demanded finally showing
emotion on his face as he grabbed Akane's up raise hand. Akane felt
the grip on her wrist again then spun around being prepared this time
and threw a punch at the boy's face. The boy seemed surprise by the
attack and it hit him in the right eye before he could stop it. Being
unprepared for the contact with a fist from an unusually strong small
girl the boy went flying to the other side of the room but he had
enough sense left to flip back onto his feet before landing. The boy
spun and prepared to get into a real fight with the girl but the
teacher finally walked in and put a stop to that by simply asking
what was going on. After a few minutes of trying to explain that
nothing happened, and one of the boys getting Guri to the school
nurse, they all were in their proper desks and the teacher started
the class.
- - - -
Nodoka wasn't so sure about going to school again. She may look and
like she was sixteen again, including her oversized bust she would
have to grow back into again, but she was an adult woman. . . with a
son who should be this age. But as she knew she would have to live
with this for a time, and if there was anything she did well it was
to strive and survive. If only they would have allowed her to bring
her sword. . .
"Now Auntie there is a few things I need to warn you about. . ."
Nabiki started cautiously but gave the girl a small evil smile as
she, the young Nodoka, and Shampoo walked towards the school.
"Nabiki, dear, I told you to call me Nodoka for the time being.
Calling me Auntie will just confuse people," Nodoka softly scolded as
she straightened her school jumper.
"I still say you should go with the truth on this," Nabiki smirked.
"Trust me, no one at Furinkin would blink twice at Ranma's mother
having become a teenager again and being forced by Principal Kuno to
attend classes."
"Mercenary girl right, Furinkin people crazy," Shampoo huffed as she
walked behind the two a bit as she was not at all happy about being
in the horrible looking jumper like the others.
"People at Furinkin as pretty sane compared to some people I know,"
Nabiki countered snidely then gritted her teeth and added, "It would
help if learned some better Japanese while you're in class, my name
is Nabiki not 'Mercenary girl'."
Shampoo stuck her tongue out at the older girl.
"The only real problem I can see is that you look a lot like Ranma's
girl form. . . with slightly less red hair and no pigtail," Nabiki
got back to her original conversation ignoring Shampoo.
"Just remember the story, I'm Ranma's younger sister," Nodoka
frowned as she didn't like the dishonesty but she didn't want to
embarrass the family name too much with the truth.
Nabiki rolled her eyes but continued on without much more comment
about the subject.
- - - -
The trio of girls approached the school gates and Nabiki stopped
then and frowned about something and putting her hand out to halt the
other two.
"Why Mercen. . . Why Nabiki stop Shampoo?" Shampoo looked crossly at
the hand on her breast it was obvious that it was an accident. . .
but Shampoo could never really be sure about that with Nabiki.
"Yes, why are suddenly looking so worried?" Nodoka asked looking
"Look at the gates," Nabiki replied as she pointed at the boy who
was obviously waiting for someone as he wasn't staring out to the
streets and not moving to get into the school yard.
"Hi Ya! That stick boy!" Shampoo exclaimed as she realized what the
problem was and looked at Nodoka with concern. "Not good, Mother-in-
law no know how to fight!"
"Shampoo!" Nodoka scolded loudly. "First, I am not you Mother-in-
law! Akane is engaged to Ranma. Second, even though I am not on my
husband's level of skill I am not defenceless! Genma did his best to
teach me to at least defend myself."
"So you are good with that sword you're always carrying around?"
Nabiki raised an eyebrow seeming to be impressed. Shampoo seemed
happy about the news too.
"No, I know nothing of how to use that sword except which end to
hold," Nodoka replied mater of factually.
Both girls suddenly dropped in shock then Nabiki asked as she
started to get up, "Then why do you always carry it!?!"
"It scares Genma," Nodoka smirked evilly. "He doesn't know that I'm
unskilled with it."
Shampoo and Nabiki gave each other confused and then Shampoo leaned
over to whisper into Nabiki's ear, "Shampoo think something not
right, Panda-man know enough to read skill with sword so how Nodoka
fool him?"
Nabiki shrugged and vowed to confront the man when she could about
that very matter.
"Now, if it is the Kuno boy you are worried about then I suggest we
deal with him quickly or we will be late for class," Nodoka stated
then started to walk towards the gates again. Shampoo and Nabiki
shrugged and moved to catch up with the other girl.
Kuno was waiting for signs of Akane Tendo, any sign of Akane Tendo.
He had read the resister and was related to see that the name of that
accursed Ranma Saotome was missing from the list but he had little
time to be happy as he couldn't find his beloved's name either. It
had to be a mistake! After almost an hour of waiting, he got there
very early, he spied someone who could clear things up. Preparing his
wallet he imposed himself in the path of Nabiki Tendo and her two
travelling companions, "Nabiki Tendo, I wish to know what heinous
event has caused my beloved, Akane Tendo, to be missing from the
school register and my noble presence?"
Nabiki cringed as both girls gave her hard looks, "Kuno baby,
couldn't we talk about this later?"
"Nabiki Tendo I will not be brushed off! Truth be known I was made
happy by the absence of that black sorcerer, Saotome, but. . but the
lack of my sweet Akane's name is unacceptable!" Kuno ranted in near
"My so. . brother is not a black sorcerer!" Nodoka corrected in
anger, she nearly slipped but she couldn't allow this lout to say
such things.
Kuno looked at the girl and blinked then blinked again until it
finally clicked as to who was with Nabiki, "Pigtailed girl? I. . I
did not recognize you as I rarely have seen you in a dress. . . have
you changed your hair? It seems a little less fiery and lacks it's.
. . pigtail."
"I am not you 'Pigtailed girl'! I am Ranma's moth. . sister, Nodoka
Saotome, and I will thank you not to dishonour my family's name with
such baseless accusations!" Nodoka's eyes flared at the boy, he wore
the clothes of a samurai but obviously lacked honour, and people
wondered why the old system started to break down.
"I. . I meant no dis. . I apologise but that peasant, Ranma Saotome,
has wronged me and the noble house of Kuno too many times for me not
to say his name with his crimes attached," Kuno started out a little
confused as the girl looked so much like his Pigtailed goddess but
the voice was a touch more. . . a touch more mature, and the way she
acted was more. . . dignified. He remembered running into a couple of
girls that looked like his two beloveds who were too young the other
day and now again he was faced with another.
"Ranma is NOT a peasant! The Saotome family is a noble house!"
Nodoka was in Kuno's face and very very angry. Nabiki gave the girl
who was her aunt a little shocked glance as even she didn't know
that. . . although it did explain the fact that there was a Saotome
family katana.
"Surely you jest? I've met the vile boy's father and there is nae
anything noble about the man," Kuno backed up slightly, shocked that
the girl would confront him so. . . maybe his handsome visage had
enchanted another.
"The Saotome name comes from my. . my mother's side of the family!"
Nodoka really really wanted the family sword at the moment but then
noticed that Kuno was carrying a well used bokken and she was glad
she didn't have it, she might end up on her young tush if he had any
skill with the wooden blade. "Genma was a Ronin that I. . Mother
married to annoy her parents. Ranma is the heir to the family."
"I. . I see," Kuno said as she started to process what he was told.
He may be a little thick headed, and blind to most things, but he
wasn't the idiot everyone thought he was, after all he was in the top
of his class. . . without cheating or paying off the teachers. "I
will have to think about this. . ."
Nodoka looked proud of herself as she and the other girls moved
around Kuno and started to walk into the schoolyard. Nabiki was about
to ask her aunt about what was said about noble houses when Kuno
interrupted them again, "Wait, I have another question of you."
Nodoka sighed with her head down before turning to face him again,
"What is it now? We have to get to class."
"I find myself now very confused. I know you are not my red-haired
pigtailed goddess, even though you are the very split image of her,"
Kuno started with a very odd frown on his face looking like he was
trying to work things out for a change. "If you are Ranma Saotome's
sister. . . then what relation is she to him?"
"A girl about my height with fiery red hair and wears her hair and
clothes like my so. . brother?" Nodoka tried to clarify and received
a nod from Kuno. "That IS Ranma."
"Nay. I don't understand what you mean," Kuno replied as confused as
he sounded. "She has at times called herself Ranma. . . and Nabiki
Tendo once said that they are of one mind and one body. . but that
was due to his dark control of the girl!"
"Have you not seen his. . our father change into a panda? Or the
Chinese boy change into a duck?" Nodoka asked through gritted teeth.
"Those are results of a curse gained in China, and Ranma is
unfortunately cursed as well. . . to become a girl against his
"A curse. . ." Kuno repeated dumbstruck as Nodoka spun on her heals
and walked away.
"I doubt that worked, we've been trying to tell him that for a year
now," Nabiki smirked at the bizarre reaction from Kuno.
"No you haven't," Nodoka stated sounding angry again. "You have been
purposely misleading that boy to make a profit off my son. . brother.
You have gone out of your way to make Ranma's life a living hell in
the past year."
"Mother-in. . . Nodoka tell truth," Shampoo agreed correcting
herself when Nodoka frowned at the girl.
Nabiki stopped in shock, she had only done what was necessary to
make sure the household survived.
- - - -
The classes went relatively smoothly for Nodoka as she was a year
behind were Ranma should have been and her fellow students were in
Junior High the year before. She did realize that she would have to
readjust herself to the girls her now current age as she was lost in
the several conversations she tried joining around her.
Shampoo's classes weren't as smooth. Her classmates knew her.
Most were surprised that she was going to the school at all, and the
only ones brave enough to talk to her just wanted to know where Ranma
and Akane were. Sayuri and Yuka wouldn't let up on her, both
believing Shampoo had done something fowl with Akane regardless of
Shampoo's protests.
Nabiki's day started off bad. She couldn't find anything to lay bets
on, or at least nothing anyone would bother betting on. She spent
most of the morning suffering the glares from Kuno, who sat behind
her this year, because their stupid Home room teacher wanted to
'jive' things up this year. She had watched Kuno confront Ranma's old
friends as they had come through the gates, he didn't seem to like
what the answers to the questions he asked but he let them go
unharmed. Kuno had also stopped Akane's friends with what she
expected were the same questions, and he seemed to get nearly the
same answers.
It was during the break before the class before lunch that Kuno no
longer held his tongue.
"Nabiki Tendo. . . is it true?" Kuno asked neither sounding angry
nor crazed as he put a thousand yen note on Nabiki's shoulder.
Nabiki took the offered yen but didn't turn around, "You had better
explain what you want to know is true or not so I can answer the
question properly."
"That may have been a big part of the problem before. . ." Kuno
sounded very depressed. . . and very sane.
That did cause Nabiki to turn around and raise an eyebrow at the
Kendoist, "You're not yourself today, what gives?"
"I'm not sure I know what you mean," Kuno said calmly never breaking
his stare into Nabiki's eyes. "What I want to know is. . . is it true
that my 'Pigtailed girl' is only a cursed form of Ranma Saotome?"
Nabiki didn't want to give up on finding out what had changed the
clueless to the clued but Kuno had finally asked his question and he
had paid for an answer. She sighed before looking back at him, "Sorry
Kuno, the answer is yes. It's not something he's comfortable with
Kuno's expression never changed but something died in his eyes, only
to spark again with something new. Nabiki too another large yen note
as he asked a slightly unexpected question, "His younger sister. . .
Nodoka I believe is her name, is she currently attached in any way?
Did her family engage her like they did her brother?"
"She isn't attached. . . although she just broke off a long standing
relationship," Nabiki replied noting he gave her enough yen for two
questions. "She has no outstanding engagements that I know of. . .
but knowing her *Father* there might be one or two that haven't shown
up yet."
"She isn't similarly cursed as the Pigtailed. . as Ranma is?" Kuno
passed another yen note.
Nabiki took this one almost reluctantly before replying, "She
doesn't have a curse. . . but she has been effected by magic
recently. I don't think you have a chance there Kuno baby."
Nothing continued between the two for several minutes before Nabiki
finally realized something and felt stupid that it took her so long.
Turning around she put a concerned face on, "I noticed you haven't
asked where either Ranma or Akane is since this morning when Nodoka
distracted you. . . something wrong?"
"Akane Tendo. . ." Kuno started looking like he was about to return
to his old self but then his eyes cleared. "I was only looking for
her to. . to apologize. I know she held no affection for me and I
kept pushing without seeing it. I suspect that since both she and
Saotome are missing that they are off celebrating a wedding. . . or
celebrating avoiding another wedding attempt by their fathers."
Nabiki had to fight off a burst of laughter before giving the story
that was worked out, "Ranma went back to China to find a cure for his
curse and Daddy wouldn't let him go without taking Akane with him. .
. to keep the girls off him. They convinced both Daddy and Uncle
Saotome not to force them to marry before they left."
"I see," Kuno said calmly as the next teacher came into the room and
made it difficult to continue the discussion.
- - - -
"I'm telling you that Kuno's got a thing for you," Nabiki repeated
to Nodoka as she sat down in the school cafeteria, a place neither
Akane nor Ranma really like as it was too confining to fight in. "And
he doesn't take 'no' well."
"Stick boy not understand no at all," Shampoo added with a frown
directed at the food she had bought out of curiosity about what the
school served.
"I'm sure you are both exaggerating. . . but Ranma, and Akane,
warned me about him. I don't plan to lead him on," Nodoka said calmly
as she opened her bento instead of getting any of the school food.
"You don't have to, he'll lead himself on," Nabiki warned then
frowned as she spotted the person in question walk into the
cafeteria. "Although he's been acting a little more like a normal
person today. . . and that is strange for him."
"Nabiki Tendo, Xain Pu of the Joketsuzoku tribe, I would like to
talk to Miss Saotome alone for a few minutes," Kuno stated as she
came to the table. He didn't have his normal level of arrogance in
voice and Nabiki really really wanted to know why.
Nabiki gave Nodoka a questioning look then motioned to Shampoo when
Nodoka nodded, "We'll be nearby if you need us."
Shampoo picked up her tray and followed Nabiki to another table,
"Did not know Stick boy knew Shampoo's name. . ."
"And he said it right, including where you come from. I really need
to know how," Nabiki's eyes furrowed as she started eating.
"What do you want to talk about Kuno-sempai?" Nodoka asked finally
acknowledging the older boy.
Kuno sat down across from the girl that looked so much like the girl
he cared for and set himself for what he had to say. Straightening he
looked at Nodoka in all seriousness, "First I should apologize to
your family, if your brother were here I would do it to him directly.
It seems that everyone I have talked to seems to know about the
curse, and his dislike of it, and I accused him of things that he had
no control over."
"That's very noble of you Kuno-sempai," Nodoka said slightly
shocked. "To tell the truth I was warned about you and your
obsessions. . . especially since I look so much like my so. . brother
when he is in his cursed form, but I don't see what they are talking
"You were not lied to Miss Saotome. . . I have until late suffered
from a. . a curse of my own, a family curse that I have seen fit to
finally deal with," Kuno looked unhappy about what he was explaining.
"I'll never be completely free of it. . but it is manageable if I
work at it."
"But to other matters, your brother's curse form struck a cord in me
that I still feel. . . and your so close visage. . ." Kuno dropped
his head for a moment and rubbed his forehead before looking
apologetically at Nodoka again. "I am sorry again, I am making a fool
of myself in front of you again. What I wish to offer is my
friendship, and then latter if matters permit maybe more."
Nodoka was very shocked at this, it was a very tactful way to start
a relationship and it was coming from someone who made Genma seem
enlightened in matters regarding women, "That's. . that's very kind
of you Kuno-sempai, but I'll need time to think about things."
"I guess that is the best I can hope for at this time," Kuno stood
and gave the girl a small bow before walking off.
Nabiki and Shampoo moved back quickly having watched Kuno leave
under his own power. Shampoo gave Nodoka an uncomfortable look,
"Mother-in. . Nodoka have Stick boy bad."
"I haven't seen him this rational since. . ." Nabiki started then
threw her hands over her mouth when she remembered his last rational
"What is it dear? Since when?" Nodoka asked with the patience of a
parent after giving Shampoo a nasty glare.
"It was during our first year here. Kuno got hurt badly during a
kendo match and had an. . episode in the hospital. The doctors gave
him some medicine and he acted very sane for several days before it
wore off," Nabiki explained looking very sad. "He was very charming
at the time. . . He just wouldn't take the damn medicine afterwards,
no matter how much he was asked too. He just couldn't accept he had a
problem. . ."
"So he's been slipped the medicine again?" Nodoka didn't sound too
happy about the idea. "It'll mean he will flip back to his old self
soon and he'll be as bad as I was warned he was. . . but with a
fixation on me. . ."
"I don't think anyone slipped it to him. He had a medical order
issued after the last time that no drugs were to be used again, he
claimed he wanted nothing but herbal remedies," Nabiki replied then
seemed to think about something. After a moment she gave the group
and annoyed look and simply said, "Sasuke!"
"Yes, Miss Nabiki?" came a reply that caused Shampoo and Nodoka to
jump slightly. Nabiki simply turned and looked at the small man. "Of
what can I do for you?"
"You can explain the 'new' Kuno," Nabiki requested severely crossing
her arms, "and don't try to hide behind it being family business, I
have a few photos you don't what your master seeing."
Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the girl but chose to reply not sounding
worried about the threat, "Master Kuno has chosen to start taking the
medicine of his own free will."
"Why?" Nabiki's eyes widened, Kuno wasn't like that as it meant that
he wasn't perfect in his own eyes.
"Master Kuno started taking the medicine after Mistress Kodachi was
arrested during the break for attacking a fellow classmate," Sasuke
sat down on the table after jumping up easily. "It was the only way
she would agree to take her own prescribed medicine that she was
ordered to by the courts.
"Kodachi was arrested? I didn't know. . ." Nabiki couldn't believe
she had missed something so big. . . especially since it pertained to
her family.
"Psycho girl go jail? Shampoo not know either," Shampoo blinked then
smirked. "She no problem now."
"Mistress Kodachi is not in jail! As long as she takes her
medication she is allowed to stay at home," Sasuke corrected
forcibly. "Although it has left her as not much more then a zombie
when she is even awake. . ."
"That is unfortunate to hear, she was such a. . . a spirited girl
when I met her," Nodoka said trying to find the best word for things.
- - - -
Ranma, Akane, Nodoka, and Nabiki sat around the dinning table having
gotten home a bit earlier and changed into regular clothing. The most
that they could find in the house was some trays of snacks and a note
saying to come to the Nekohanten for dinner later from Kasumi.
"I can't believe Kuno was so controlled," Akane said as she finished
her little bun. "He wasn't like that a week ago."
"No but he was a little more controlled at the time," Ranma replied
thankful that Kasumi had left individual trays and his had a lot more
on it. "Last time he found a younger me he went overboard but a week
ago he didn't get that bad."
"I guess," Akane grudgingly agreed.
"He offered me friendship until I was ready to date him," Nodoka bit
into her meat bun with a bit of wonder as things seemed to taste
better to her at this age.
"You're not seriously thinking. . .!?!" Ranma exclaimed in wide eyed
panic but he was cut off by his mother.
"Ranma Kuno. . . has an odd ring to it," Nabiki joked and couldn't
stop herself from laughing all the way to the ground at the nasty
glare she received.
"Ranma could not take the Kuno name as he is the only heir to the
Saotome clan," Nodoka corrected trying not to smirk at the boggled
look she received.
"Great! Have your little fun, I'm going to go practice," Ranma
stated as he suddenly bolted up and stormed out in anger.
"What caused that?" Nodoka asked bewildered as she watched her son
"He's had a problem since Kuno declared his love for the 'Pigtailed
girl'," Nabiki explained as she calmed herself down. "I think it hurt
his manhood that the first person to tell him they loved him was
another guy."
"I see," Nodoka said quietly as she continued to look at the walkway
that lead to the Dojo.
- - - -
Ranma finished his ninth kata still not calm. He hated Kuno, not in
the holding a grudge 'prepare to die' way, but in the way that made
him never to want to be willingly around the guy. Now the bastard was
hitting on his now young mother. . . and there was nothing he could
really do about it. He was too young to show up as himself so Kuno
knew his advances on Ranma's 'sister' wasn't welcomed.
"I see something's on your mind, what to talk about it?" Cologne
cocked her head to one side at the boy as she stood in the doorway to
the Dojo.
"It's Kuno," Ranma said in distaste as he set up to do another kata.
"I heard. Shampoo was quite vocal about it when she got to the
restaurant. It seems as if the boy has finally gotten help for one of
his problems," Cologne walked up beside Ranma and slowly started
copying his moves.
"Yeah right! Then why make a pass at my mother!?!" Ranma stopped
with his fists clenched at his sides.
"She looks like you, and you look incredible in either sex," Cologne
gave him a small smile then she turned a little more serious. "He's
just doing what a regular boy his age would do. . . and he was very
tactful from what I hear, and that says a lot."
"Yeah, I know. . . but I can't even tell him what I think of it!"
Ranma replied in anger as he pointed out his younger features. "He
isn't going to believe this, and if he did he'd just start causing
trouble that neither me or Akane need at the new school."
"Give the boy a chance, he might surprise both of us," Cologne
stopped her own version of the kata Ranma was doing. "You could
always phone him, your voice hasn't changed all that much."
"Call him. . ." Ranma said in a distant sort of way then grinned. "I
can keep my distance and still keep track of him. . . and let him
know it."
Cologne was slightly shocked when Ranma suddenly bolted out of the
Dojo then shook it off as she should have expected it, "He really
needs to learn patience."
"Oh well," Cologne shrugged and walked towards the living room to
gather up the girls to head to Nekohanten for dinner.