A/N: I had this idea a long time ago, and started writing it. But then I forgot about it. I found it, finished it, and posted it. This is during their sixth year.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry….or Draco… or Hermione….

Hermione walked slowly to the Great Hall. She was not in the mood to answer to her friend's questions, especially Ron's, about why she hadn't been seen all day. To think, nine months ago, everything had been perfect. Then he came along and made everything difficult. But then again he was perfect, no one else saw it, but she did. Hermione sighed, and pushed open the Great Hall doors.

Nine Months ago

"Hey, Granger!" Malfoy called behind her. Hermione pointedly kept walking, hoping that he would give up. Unfortunately, because he had longer legs than her, he caught up with her.

"What?" Hermione growled, turning to look at him. Draco faltered one moment, before saying everything in one breath.

"I really need to talk to you."

When he didn't say anything, Hermione said, "And?" Draco winced and grabbed her arm. He led her up to the Owlery. Once at the top of the stairs, he started explaining.

"You-Know-Who has assigned me a job. I have to kill Dumbledore. I absolutely can't do it. I need your help. You're smart. You can figure out how to get me out of this." He said quickly. Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"And, why should I help you?"

"Because you don't want the house-elves my family owns to be harmed. You-Know-Who said that he would set fire to Malfoy Manor. The house-elves would be killed." Hermione considered this.

"Fine. But I will only help you if you set the elves free." She said reluctantly. Draco agreed rather quickly. They shook hands on it, and it was a done deal.


Hermione slid onto the bench next to Ginny. Her whole life had changed that night that she had agreed to help Draco.

A/N: Please review. I definitely need to know if I should continue this story or not.