Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Old Navy.
"What is this?" Castiel asked for what Dean counted as the millionth time.
"I told you, Cas, it's Dr. Sexy MD now be quiet!" Dean was getting annoyed because Castiel had to talk whenever his show was on, which everyone knew was punishable by death but for some reason Dean put up with it.
Sam was sitting behind his laptop doing research for their next hunt when he heard Dean say he was going to the bathroom and if anyone even thought about changing the channel he'd make sure that not even dental records would help identify their body.
Sam laughed and shook his head thinking that only his brother could be so attached to a stupid show. He went back to his research when the new Old Navy commercial came on. Then a few seconds later he heard gun shots form a few feet away from him.
Dean burst out of the bathroom still zipping his pants up at the same time Sam shot up out of his seat.
"CAS, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Dean screamed when he saw Castiel standing with his gun a few feet from the TV and the TV screen in a million pieces. Sam could only stare and hope that the angel wasn't having a mental breakdown.
"I was watching the magical box when it started showing a demonic-"before Castiel could finish Sam busted out laughing and Dean shot him a look of shock and hope that Sam didn't just turn crazy also. Sam stopped laughing a few seconds later and turned to his brother.
"Dean, Castiel shot the TV because that new Old Navy commercial came on and he thought that Kim Kardashian singing was a demon." Sam had to contain himself when more laughter wanted to surface but from the look Dean gave him, he knew that if he laughed Dean would most likely kill him.
"So, you're telling me that Cas thought Kim Kardasian was a demon so… he shot the TV?" Dean asked with his head tilted and eyebrows raised like he didn't believe it.
"I didn't want the demon to get into the room." Castiel said bluntly.
At that both Winchesters cracked up laughing. "Cas, it's a TV, nothings coming out of it. That chick was just trying to sell us something", Dean said as best he could through his laughter, "but now I'm pissed 'cause I'm missing Dr. Sexy MD!"
Sam could see that Castiel felt bad and that Dean was starting to come out of his laughing fit so he only had seconds to react.
"Hey Castiel, lets go get a drink and let Dean watch his show on my laptop." He hoped this would work.
Castiel looked at Sam and agreed that he'd like to get a drink, so Sam handed his laptop to Dean and dragged Castiel out of the room as fast as he could before Castiel could decided to shoot anything else.
A/N: This idea came to me after seeing the commercial a billion times and wishing that it'd somehow disappear. Hope you enjoyed(: