Wanna Play?

Summary: Every cat is a kitten at heart. Icecat needs help remembering that. Nekotalia.

Characters: Icecat and Liechtencat

The white kitten quietly watched the little white and brown splotched kitten as she chased a butterfly around in the meadow. He cocked his head to the side in confusion as she hopped up and tried to catch the butterfly in between her paws, only to fall a little short. She hissed in annoyance before trying again.

He had never chased butterflies before… His brother had always said that the only ones who did that were kittens. And he wasn't a kitten… At least, not in his mind. He may have been the smallest and youngest of the cats he lived with but that meant nothing.

"Are you coming to play?" The white and brown kitten chirped as she trotted over.

He quickly shook his head, looking at the ground.

"Why not?" She giggled. "Come on! Let's play!" She bounced around in front of him. She was acting like a kitten. He wasn't going to act like that.


"Please? Brother won't play with me!" She told him, continuing to bounce around him. He moved his head to follow her movements while curling his tail around his paws. She grabbed onto that bow that his human put around his neck and pulled lightly. He was half tempted to yank on that ribbon tied on the side of her head to show her how annoying it was.

"No," he repeated.

Her whiskers twitched as she took a step back. Her tail tip flicked back and forth in annoyance. But then she purred and started bouncing up and down again.

"Let's play! It'll be fun! I promise!" She encouraged, crouching in front of him as if she was about to pounce on him, shaking her rump lightly in the air.

"No, thank you," he insisted. His fur was white – except for that one gray patch over his right eye – and it would take forever to clean if he got dirty; his human wouldn't be happy.

"Tag!" She said, poking his shoulder lightly and quickly backing up. He sat still, watching her through narrowed amethyst eyes. "Tag? Y'know… I run and you try to catch me?"

He cocked his head to the side. He had heard of that game before… he had never played it though. There were no other cats his age living in the house. The one closest in age to him was nothing but a little brat. Maybe just one game wouldn't hurt…

He quickly shook his head. He wasn't playing any games. No matter what this she-cat said.

She suddenly gave a mock hiss, crouching down and stalking around him. He watched her curiously.

"If you don't want to play games let's play fight!" She chirped, her tail swishing back and forth across the ground.

He cautiously glanced around. Well… If no one was watching…

In a matter of seconds she was running away from him, purring in delight that she finally had a playmate. He was just happy to be a kitten again.

A/N: Icecat has got to be one of the cutest things ever~! He's just adorable. Liechtenstein's cat doesn't have an official design yet (as far as I know) so I decided to make her a white cat with brown splotches. I think cats with splotches are cute and Liechtenstein's pretty cute. I never called them by name because I didn't know what to call them XD Should I call them by nation names, or human names, or give them new names all together? After all, Italy's cat is named Gino and Japan's is named Tama…