Disclaimer: I'm tired today, so Patricia's volunteered to do it. Take it away!

Patricia: Sorry folks, this author doesn't own House of Anubis. This author OBVIOUSLY doesn't own me- nobody does- and any other characters. This was purely for fun.

A/N: JSYK (just so you know) Trudy was out shopping and Victor was at a meeting who-knows-where. Now to the story!

"Okay, Alfie. Operation: I want my mummy is a go." Alfie clapped his hands in glee. "Step one: open sarcophagus. Would you do the honor, my partner-in-crime?"

"With pleasure!" Alfie announced, with much relish. He wiggled his fingers 'mysteriously' and unlocked the sarcophagus. Then he paused for dramatic effect. If Alfie was looking inside as he drew back the lid, I might have been able to work in a really girlish, high-pitched, blood-curling scream. Instead Alfie had his eyes on Jerome, whose eyes grew as round as saucers, as he sunk to the floor in a dead faint.

"Hey, Jerome, buddy. That's enough." He chuckled nervously. "We're supposed to be pranking the others, not me." Jerome didn't stir. Alfie took a deep breath and peeked inside. What he saw made him jump back and dash into the common room, dragging Jerome behind him. His heart was beating as if he had run a marathon.

The sarcophagus was occupied.

A/N: *thunder rumbles* Who's in it? Find out next update- which I promise will be soon. Be nice when you review. Shorter chaps = quicker updates.