It wuz an other hawt day at stricklank propene, joe jak wuz choking his chikin in the stormroom, donna was blowing enri-gay behind her desk. Good old buck stickman was yelling aboot tim landry when he said "time for closing old top."

hank took his hand off of mr. stickland's dick and spit. Hank got in his trick and drove home humming the works to the poopular song "feels soo gud" Hank arrived at home and nobody was home 2. Hank shotgunned 13 beer and just as he was about to go down to jugstore cosbys, he found peggy's purse. He instictively went thru it and found a naked injun photo in there hank took jon redkorns pic out of the purse and threw eet out the window. He wuz holding the vomit bak of his mouth and he failed after a while. "Dang it". Hank said ina chunkee tone.
"Well, time t go tro the megalo mart to get a tap and die and dubya dee 40. As hank sauntered over to his truck, he was met by his best friend lane pratley.
Where are you off to tdoay hank? inquired pratley. "I'm loookin 4 a tap and DIE and smo dubya dee forty!" hank murmured."solid, can i come too"? land asked "Hank told the marv suuure eet desnt hurt t o have help."

then the sun fell on texas and it died.