Well hello there, everyone! It's already here. The first chapter of the threequel. And let me tell you guys something. I have done a thorough search through in search of a wedding fic involving Shadow and Tikal. And let me tell ya, I could not find a single one. So I think I might be writing the very first Shadikal wedding. Which is AWESOME!

But if anyone out there knows of another story that involves a wedding with Shadikal as the main couple, please let me know and correct me.

Alright. So I'm fresh off Don't Stop Believin' and I still got plenty of skill to use. So I hope you guys enjoy this. I love Shadikal to death and I'm giving this one all I got. But it's gonna be a bit shorter than How is it Possible and Don't Stop. But still…enjoy. Oh yeah. I only own the plot of this story and none of the characters.

Together Forever

Chapter 1: Making Arrangements

(Shadow's POV)

"So I take it you've all been keeping up with us ever since the beginning. But if you haven't, listen up. Cause I'm only gonna go through this once. I've been seeing this echidna girl, Tikal, for quite some time now. And in that time, I've been asking myself whether I'm ready to go all the way with her. And I don't mean sex you perverts. I mean I've been wondering if I was ready to pop the question to her. And I did. I asked Tikal to marry me. And she said yes. That made me very happy. I know Maria would be happy too if she was still here. But we got one month to go before the wedding. We've already set a date, but that's pretty much all we've done. There's still a lot more to do. And with Faker's crazy girlfriend as the wedding planner, things have gotten…a little crazy."

Alright. So here we are. It's been one month ever since Shadow and Tikal went from boyfriend and girlfriend to fiancé and fiancée. And yes. There's a difference with those two words. The one with one "e" is the guy and the one with two is the girl. But that has nothing to do with this.

Ever since Shadow and Tikal got engaged, they have been chest deep in a heap of wedding arrangements. And Amy wasn't making things any better. Being the romantic she is, she was an expert in creating weddings. Granted she had never done an official one before but she had made up plenty of imaginary ones involving her and Sonic to be the only one out of all them to be the most qualified. And she was doing it for free. That was one of the main reasons Shadow suggested her to be the planner.

But all the things they had to do, it was a lot. All they had planned out was the day they wanted to have the wedding on. As for where, they couldn't decide. But Amy was throwing out a whole bunch of suggestions. Church, jungle, romantic hilltop, stuff like that. But Shadow and Tikal just couldn't decide. And this was one of the negatives of Amy being the planner. She had gotten a bit too carried away and was taking the job a bit too seriously. She was trying to be patient with the future weds, but her patience always runs thin sooner or later, sometimes that happens more than once in the same day.

It was getting to be really stressful for Shadow and Tikal to have to deal with this kind of pressure. Speaking of the two, maybe it should become clear where they are. Right now, our favorite angst-ridden black hedgehog was sitting at home looking over choices of location. And Tikal was out with Amy and the rest of the girls to try on wedding dresses. Shadow had already been fitted for a tux, even though he despised clothes more than he despised gun control laws. Okay…maybe not THAT much. If there was still one thing in this world Shadow the Hedgehog hated, it was those stupid gun control laws. The ironic thing is, he's dreamed of shooting the laws in the face. How does that even make sense? How does one go about shooting a law in the face?

So while Shadow put away the papers and decided to relax on his couch, Tikal came through the door of their gorgeous two story Victorian style house and kicked off her shoes. And then she collapsed on the same couch right next to her fiancé. And then her blues eyes locked on to his red ones.

"Hello." She quickly said before she pecked him on his lips.

"So how was the fitting?" Shadow asked surprisingly interested.

"It was alright. There are so many dresses. I can't decide which one to choose."

"Yeah. Same rule goes with the whole location thing. I'm not sure where to pick."

"Maybe we should just narrow it down. Where are those papers?"

Shadow got up and retrieved the papers from a drawer where he was currently keeping every scrap of paper that had to do with this wedding. He brought out the location choices and then he sat back down and handed them to Tikal who slowly went through them.

"Okay. We can rule out the jungle. I used to live near one and there's too much noise for a wedding."

Shadow nodded as Tikal put one of the papers aside.

"A church sounds good. We'll hold on to this one." She looked at another one. "Hilltop, sounds romantic, Mystic Ruins, I like, the beach, I love it there." Then she turned to Shadow. "How do you feel about getting married on Angel Island?"

Shadow took some time to think about that. This was Tikal the Echidna. Angel Island was technically her home even before it became a floating island. And that was where the Master Emerald resides. And it would mean a lot to her if they got married there. But there were still some of his own thoughts he had that made him restrain from saying yes right away.

"It sounds good. But how about we just look things over a few more times and see if we can come up with a place even better?"

Tikal smiled at her future husband.

"I can do that."

Shadow smiled and then he gently ran his hand through her dreadlocks.

"It doesn't matter where we get married." He said. "As long as you end up becoming my wife by the end of it, I wouldn't care if our wedding was at the bottom of the ocean."

And that meant a lot coming from him seeing as he couldn't swim. The thing about these two, they were both ageless. Meaning that the two of them could live forever. And they looked forwards to spending years and years together in happiness. And the two of them had changed a lot ever since they began to see each other. And they changed for the better. Shadow had become much less of a jerk, and Tikal had found a new home in this time. It was quite interesting how the universe put them together like this. Well….actually Amy put them together due to that whole bet with Sonic. But that's all in the past now and the future was a wedding with Shadow as the groom and Tikal as the bride.

But they had no idea what kind of crazy they were in store for in the next upcoming month. This day was March 15th. And the wedding was on April 15th. That's exactly one month to wait. And with Amy Rose as the wedding planner, the crazy would only grow from how much has already been passed.


Alright. So there's the first chapter. I know it's really REALLY short for me. But that's just how I am. All my introduction chapters are short. Anyone who knows me will confirm that.

And just before I leave here, I have officially started up my contest. If you wanna see how it goes, just go to my profile page and read the bold section at the top. I hope a lot of people join in. A couple of people I know already have.

So there's the start. And it will only get better. But until the next chapter, peace bitches.