A Dangerous Dawn Chapter 8:

Deathly was not angry; she was freakin' pissed off. What right did those morons have to barge into her place and start messing with her stuff? This was why she never let people in her cave. Deathlys glare darkened as she argued her bike to speed up until the scenery around her was just a blur of orange and brown. She knew exactly what gave them the right; she freakin' let them in. They were staying with her because they all had to stick together until they dropped off B/Lind's radar.

With this thought Deathly knew she had overacted back in the cave. It may have only been a small slip in herself control but it could have cost Ghoul his life is Party hadn't brought her back to her senses. She really had no right to flip out at them even if they knocked her stuff around a little; they were just being themselves, no matter how annoying and crazy that might be. She couldn't be angry with them for that, that was what being a Killjoy was all about.

With a sigh she slowed her speed and pulled her motorbike to a stop in the middle of the empty desert. She was still in the heart of zone 6 and she had completely driven off the known roads in her anger. She wasn't lost but this just meant there would be less of a chance that she would run into Dracs she could use for target practice to blow off steam. But thankfully it looked like the Killjoy gods where looking down on her today. A group of Drac cars could be seen on the sunset burnt horizon as they followed her obvious tracs through the desert sand.

Deathly's smile could only be described as evil as she slipped her mask down over her face and tied her neon yellow handkerchief around the lower half of her face. In a flourish she pulled her jacket off and pulled the modified ray gun strapped to her back from its holster. She was in no mood to go easy on these losers and she hadn't had a chance to play with her rapid fire ray gun on a long time.

Deathly got off her bike and walked a few paces away from it so it wouldn't be caught in the cross fire before taking carful aim and letting go of an explosive round, taking the front tires out of the car and causing it to slide in the sand before rolling twice. The car crash wouldn't have killed any of the annoying Dracs but it was enough to cause them some confusion. The car wasn't too badly damaged and the five Dracs crawled from the overturned vehicle without much trouble. As the driver got to his feat Deathly let him find his balance before opening fire and sending him straight back down to the ground. She did the same for the next two Dracs and was about to move closer for some close combat before a loud series of high beeps could be heard over the cars radio. The two remaining Dracs immediately turned on their heels and ran back the way they had come with as much panic as a Drac could manage.

Deathly was left there standing stunned as the Dracs ran away from her. She quickly raised her ray gun before shotting both Dracs in their steps; still completely confused as to why an emotionless creature such as a Drac would suddenly turn and run from a fight with a wanted Killjoy.

Deathly had a feeling that her question was going to be answered as a loud groaning sound of metal on metal rung out in the quite of the desert twilight. The sun had disappeared over the edge of the sunburnt horizon and the sky was rapidly becoming dark. Deathly cursed herself for her ignorance and picked her ray gun up again and spun around to meet her new opponent. All killjoys knew that it was dangerous to be out in the desert at night but here she was.

Deathly turned and faced the enormous hunk of metal that was emerging from the desert sand only a few meters from her bike. Its shape vaguely resembled that of a person and the warn black paint covering its surface made it hard to tell where it ended and the dark sky started. Two bright dots of light flickered on where its eyes would be as it fully emerged from the sand, its full form standing a good meter and a half over Deathly's head.

"Scarecrow." Deathly cursed and made a quick dash for her bike before the enormous robot had time to full turn on. Scarecrows where extremely dangerous machines B/Lind had distributed out into the zones to try and control the Killjoy problem but they had found that because they were made completely of metal they had a tendency to overheat under the desert sun so they only operated at night. Deathly had actually been so stupid as to wander out into the open desert of zone 6 at sunset.

She was within grasp of her bike when a large metal arm swang through the air beside her and sent her flying to the side. The impact knocked the air from her lungs and a sharp pain shot up the left side of her body. She landed in a heap in the sand gasping for oxygen but every time she sucked in a breath her head swam as the pain threatened to knock her out. The blow obviously broke a few of her ribs and possibly her arm as well. She heard and felt the vibrations as the mass of metal moved across the ground to where she was lying; struggling to keep the darkness at the edges of her vision at bay but the fight was futile as the cold grips of unctuousness took her.

-Party Poison Point of View-

Party was worried for the homicidal female killjoy; she had failed to return to the cave the night before. They had opted to leave her last night due to her boiling temper and obvious want to be alone. Even though she was young she was still a true Killjoy and had proven time and time again that she could fend for herself and had been doing so for quite some time. But now that it was morning and they had yet so see any sign of her, Party had woken his fellow Killjoys up and they were making plans to leave the cave and look for her. He just hoped she hadn't got'n herself into any serious trouble and was just majorly pissed at them and was refusing to go back to the cave.