Okay guys! Last chapter! :(

I've had such a good time typing this all up.

To be honest, it's the first story I've ever really finished.

I hope you absolutely *love* it. Or just like it. Liking it is fine.

Read and review, my lovelies!

I came to the office the next day with my wrist in a cast. "Are you sure it'll be okay to be so late?" I looked up at Tim, whose arm was around me.

"Trust me," he grinned, "it'll be just fine."

"Where is everyone, anyways? Are they on a new case, or something?" Every single chair in their row was empty. Gibbs' coffee was sitting on his desk, though. It had to be either empty or cold. Otherwise, there was no reason why he'd just leave it there.

"Probably not just yet. They have to write a report. And believe me, it's going to be a hefty one," he explained. "C'mon. I'll walk you to Abby's lab." He walked me over to the elevators, where the director glanced at me and gave me a courteous wave. I waved back with my good hand with a smile. "Are you ready?"

"For what?" I asked, looking up at him. We walked into Abby's lab and immediately, buzzers went off and confetti was thrown. I gave a shriek of surprise.

"Julia!" Abby shouted, hugging me not a second after. "I was so worried. Gibbs called and told me what happened. I stayed up all night preparing this—they all helped of course, but..! Ohhh, I'm just glad that you're alright!" I wasn't exactly able to admit that I wasn't perfectly fine, much less "alright" but I put on a grin anyways. Hers was absolutely contagious.

Gibbs walked over and gave me a peck on the forehead. "You did a great job, Julia. I'm proud of you." He put a can of Pepsi in my left hand. "You seem like the kind of person who likes the metal taste."

I smiled at him, "I am that kind of person."

"Out of the way, out of the way, guys." Tony made his way in. It was surprising that he wasn't hit over the head. "Hey, Joules," he pulled me in for a hug. "I knew you could do it." He tousled my hair.

Ducky and Palmer made their way over next, giving me a group hug. Ducky got the most of the group hug and mumbled something like, "I'll have to tell you about something that reminds me of this case."

Ziva waited patiently for her turn after Tony made some obscure movie reference. "I'm glad you are alright, Julia." She, too, pulled me in for a hug. Honestly, she didn't seem like the hugging type. Apparently she was.

"Well, you saved my ass Ziva. I punched him just like how you told me to," I smiled yet again. It must be plastered on my face by now.

"I'm glad you're a good listener. Tony was a pretty good sparring partner too, was he not?"

I glanced over at Tony who now had a look of discomfort on his face. "We didn't really spar. It was a bit impossible to with you holding me down," he glared at Ziva. "I'm pretty glad you were more successful with Black than you were with me."

"Say…" I thought of Black after he mentioned the name. "What happened to him?"

"We interrogated him last night," Gibbs began. "He's probably sitting in jail right now. His court case has been filed. It shouldn't be too much longer before he's sentenced to life in prison. If anything, I think he deserved it."

"Me too," I found myself agreeing and remembering my criminal psychology professor. "Who cares about the psychology of it all?"

"Can we tell her now?" Abby piped up, waving her hand in the air furiously.

I looked up at Tim. "Tell me what?"

"You'll find out," he said, looking at Abby. I followed his eyes to her smiling face.

"Go ahead, Abs," Gibbs gave her permission.

"So!" She stated with her usual peppy tone of voice, stomping her (God knows how many inches those were) heels on the ground. "It turns out that today is the best day to do this. It is your last day as my lab partner for this program, and the day after your not death! However, we all have a proposition for you."

I gave her a curious look. "Which is…?"

"The director of NCIS gave us permission to offer you one of our internships. NCIS, annually, gives out about 150 internships to different places around the U.S.A. They range from forensics to counter computer terrorism to a homicide case squad. And, our director, has offered you one of those. So, if you'd like to return, it'd probably be on a different team, but that doesn't mean that you'd never see us. In fact, it'd mean that you can see us even more. You wouldn't work as long as you have now, considering you have school, but when the summer hits, you can work full time, if you want. It'll be a paid internship, so that there's no need for a second job."

It was a little much to take in. Was I being offered a job? She said it was an internship, but… My face broke into an even wider grin, if that was possible.

"What do you say, Julia?" Tim asked me.

"You have to even ask?" I laughed. "Of course I'll work here, of course I will." I put my hands over my mouth in disbelief.

Abby threw another hug on me, but relinquished me after Gibbs started speaking to me.

"You do realize, Julia, that because you'll be an intern and on a different team, that…" He paused for what seemed like dramatic effect. "I have no control over which rules you break or not." He glanced to Tim, and back to me. It turned out he really knew my feelings for Tim this whole time. It wasn't really all that surprising, I guess. I figured, since it was my last day here as a lab partner and I wouldn't see Gibbs again until my internship started, I may as well do it.

I grabbed Tim's hand, and pulled it down so that his body would follow. I stood up on my toes and gave him a kiss, right in front of everybody.

Abby jumped up and down and clapped, and others had an awkward grin. Especially Tony—I guess romantic comedies weren't his thing. Gibbs respectfully lifted up—what was that, another coffee cup?—his coffee and took a drink from it.

Nearly as soon as he set his coffee down, he picked his phone and placed it on his ear. He shut it not a moment later and said to the team, "Dead naval officer in the park," and then walked out. The team followed him and Abby left Tim and I for her office.

"You should probably go," I said, looking up at Tim.

"I probably should, you're right." He lingered for a bit. "You know, Julia, I'm always open for giving you rides during the summer. And if you ever need a place to stay…"

"I'm sure I'll need a place to stay every few nights or so," I smiled. "Go on, help save someone."

"I suppose I will."

Before he left, he pulled me in for another kiss.

Time to accept the fact that this all wasn't just a wonderful dream.


Slightly lame ending, but that's alright, I suppose.

I hope you all enjoyed the ride! It was great.

I don't really expect there to be a sequel unless you all barrage me with ideas.

But I do kindof have an idea for another Tim/OC story...no plot yet, but I'm sure it'll come to me.

If it *does* happen to come to me, I'll type it after my Harry Potter fanfiction (which you should totally check out) and after my Phantom of the Opera fanfiction (which is still an idea at the moment).

I'll miss you all

You're so beautiful. x
