I hope you all like this new story! The next chapter of Beth:Her Story will be up very soon!

Audrey Hudson woke up in her large pink bedroom not nervous but excited for her audition to play Maria in her schools production of 'West Side Story'. As the fourteen year old sprung out of bed and started doing vocal exercises. Being the daughter of a three time tony award winning actress came with perks. Audrey went to the pest private school in New York City. She also got a lot of things she asked for, but she didn't take advantage of it.

As she finished getting dressed she headed towards the kitchen. "Morning Audrey," said her mother flipping pancakes. She loved hearing the sweet sound of her mom's voice in the morning. "Morning! Pancakes? That's rare." "Well I wanted to make your favorite breakfast food. Something for good luck for your audition today." Rachel said to her daughter as Audrey sat on the stool at the kitchen island. She looked out the large glass window to see her New York. She loved the city she grew up in. Audrey knew where everything was. She could walk around New York City blind folded and find her way around.

"Do you have a show tonight?' Audrey asked her mom hoping she would say no. When Audrey was younger she would miss her mom so much. Some nights she would cry herself to sleep because she missed her mom. But, she loved seeing her mom on stage, doing what she loved. Audrey hoped to be on Broadway doing the same thing. "Actually I do. I'm sorry sweetie."

Rachel played Fanny Brice, the lead role in 'Funny Girl'. "No, it's fine," said Audrey with doubt. She loved how her mom reached her dream in becoming a Broadway star. Audrey knew she worked hard to get where she is now in her career. "But I will be home by 5," said Rachel handing her a plate of pancakes. "Really?" "Yes," Audrey smiled with joy as she began to eat her pancakes. "Needs some syrup," Audrey grabbed the syrup bottle and started to squeeze. "Not too much!" said Rachel. Rachel then grabbed the bottle from Audrey's hand, "Hey!" Audrey said. "I don't like you having too much sugar, you know that," said Rachel. "Sorry. I just like a lot of syrup on my pancakes."

After taking a few bites she felt someone rustle her wavy brown hair, "Morning," said Finn. "Morning Daddy," Audrey responded. He sat down next to his daughter, "Hey! Get your own!" said Audrey to her Dad, who was trying to steal one of her pancakes. Rachel laughed. "Hey its 6:30. You better get going!" Audrey finished her pancakes, she felt her chest, "Shoot where is it?"

Audrey began searching the apartment. She then found her necklace in her bathroom. "Found it! I swear I can't go a day without wearing this," she said aloud. It was a gold necklace with a music note on it. Finn and Rachel had given it to her when she was very little. She quickly put on the necklace. Audrey gave both her parents a kiss goodbye. "Bye Mom, bye Dad, love you!" she shouted on her way out. "Good luck!" Finn and Rachel responded in unison.

"How are you feeling?" Finn asked Rachel. "Good, actually." Finn got up from his stool and started walking towards his wife. "When should we tell her?" she asked him. "Tonight," he said. "She's going to be heartbroken. Maybe I should make her favorite dinner or something." "Yeah. Let's just expect the unexpected," he said giving her a kiss on the head.

Please review! I love hearing your opinions! Next chapter will be up soon! :D