Off the radar again for 5 months. I have no excuse :(

But I'm UBER UBER happy I went to see the kpop concert at MGM Grand over Thanksgiving break! (Although it's a little late to say this haha) Anyone else went? :D

Oh, and please excuse the non-creative chapter title. I've had a tiring day and don't feel like thinking of something else X)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. If I did, there would be no need for me to call Veronica an OC. Duh.

Veronica POV

"Veronica!" I heard my sister scream out, loud enough to drown out even the music blasting in my ears.

I sighed, turning down the volume to my headphones, and walked over to her room. I leaned against the door frame. "Yes?"

Victoria turned her head to me and I almost shuddered at the disgusting sight. Her hair was unnaturally sticking out in different directions from her constant pulling at it, her eyes bloodshot, and she smelled oddly of garlic, which I didn't understand at all. And all because of a poor mouse that didn't know where else to go. "There's a mouse in my room!"

"...a mouse?"

She nodded her head wearily. "And it's been a squeaking bitch for the past two hours."

"Okay, what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Argh, for crying out loud, I expect you to GET RID OF THE DAMN THING!"

I giggled. It took way less for that poor creature to tick off my sister than it ever did for me. But before I could respond, a wave of the garlic smell hit me. I crinkled my nose at the odor. "Ew. Victoria, there's an extremely excessive smell of garlic. What, is it your new perfume gone rotten?"

She groaned. "No. Actually, my first reaction to the mouse's squeaking was that it was a bat."

"Which...what? Led you to conclude that it's some vampire?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not exactly easy to think straight when I can't see the source of the sudden sound." She rebutted. Even with her horrendous outlook, she still somehow managed to keep her cutting sarcasm.

"Just wait for Mom and Dad to come back and get them to kill it then."

Victoria flinched and went silent, turning away from my sight. "I...can't. They gave me the message that they're not coming home today."

"Oh...tomorrow?" I asked hopefully in vain.

She hesitantly shook her head.

"O-oh." I wanted to slap myself for stuttering. Why should this be a surprise? "Then just go to my room for now. I'll sleep in yours tonight since you obviously can't handle it."

She didn't need to be told twice and ran out.

Honestly I think I'm starting to understand why Victoria was going crazy. The noise is driving me nuts. That bastard vermin makes me want to cut my ears off, then its own ears and tail. And then make it the first animal in my possible new taxidermy collection.

I tossed and turned in her bed-not nearly as comfy as mine. I cursed at her silently. Leave me in the same room as this mouse for another minute and I swear I'll go Godzilla on the world.

Alright, Veronica. Calm down; stop being immature. This is a tiny little mammal you're cussing out here. I chuckled at myself and slowly closed my eyes.


My eyes snapped open again. "That's it," I snarled. "Where is this damned rodent?" I threw off the bed covers and flicked on the light switch, circling around the room and creeping through every corner imaginable.


"If you don't want a messer down your throat then I suggest you come out of your hiding place within the next minute." Mm, I never really mentioned before, but I'm a history freak. So if you don't know what a messer is, I suggest you look it up. I'm a little preoccupied at the moment to find this mouse to define it for you, sorry.


And just as I was about to lose it, I heard a rustle coming from under Victoria's desk. Turning my head in the direction of the sound, I spotted the animal scuttle out until it reached me.

"Darnit. You're cute."

And he-or she-was. All of the furiously violent things I was previously considering to do simply left my mind once I laid my eyes on him (or she, still not sure). Lucky for the mouse that I'm such a kind person and actually a sucker for cute things-but don't tell anyone that.

"You're name is Belbi." I have no idea where that name came from, but oh well, works just as good as any. I scooped the animal up in my hands, not bothering to wonder about all the nasty diseases it could have that might very well potentially kill me. "Now let's go back to Victoria's bed. I have four hours of sleep to catch up on thanks to you."

"Listen, all I'm asking you to do is keep an eye on May and Drew. Their boneheaded friends were talking about how they were going to be the lead singers for their performance in the show. I need you to follow their activities. Do whatever you can to make sure they're not as good as us.

"So spy and sabotage any possible minuscule chance they might have so that we have the upper hand."

"Well yes. But it sounds ugly when you say it like that."


"Oh come on Veronica. Don't be such a pansy."

Veronica bristled, but didn't say a word.

Victoria took her silence as a yes. "Good. I knew I could count on you. Now go get me a smoothie," she ordered and went back to her nails.

Veronica rolled her eyes and walked downstairs to the kitchen. As she tossed the mangoes and strawberries into the blender, she couldn't help but think back to how the old Victoria used to be. The one who wasn't so obsessed with being the head of their friends, who didn't nearly care as much about beating Brianna at everything-what kind of friendship was that anyway?-and wanting to look as skimpy as possible.

But most importantly, the old Victoria...would have come down to help her sister make a smoothie, the way they always did as kids. That is, before they accidentally set the blender shedding smoothie all over the wall. It was a simple mistake really-although why they managed to make the same mistake still makes her wonder-and they would always laugh about it afterwards and rush to clean it before their parents came home, whenever that was.

She sighed. But of course, none of that's ever going to happen anymore.

So now she'll just go back and give her sister her smoothie, blast music in her ears like always, and act like everything's fine in her life.

Veronica has a new pet mouse. Yay. I know, I know. A whole bunch of cliched plots in here. Mm, this was more of a bonus chapter if anything, seeing as there wasn't really much going on here. I wish I could've made this chapter noncliched, but alas, not possible haha. And because it's my first story, I kind of have to make it cliche. With this story I'm really just trying to see how far I can get with my writing as it is. But trust me, this just the beginning ;) (And I promise not to put an OC in my next story)

And guess what? Next chapter, TURKEYS! (Actually I was really hoping to post the next chapter by the actual Thanksgiving day but obviously due to certain circumstances that's no longer possible)

CHECK MY PROFILE EVERY NOW AND THEN FOR UPDATES ON HOW THINGS ARE GOING. I can't say this enough. It would put me more at ease if I know people are waiting for updates and checking my profile.

Another thing, updates for this story is definitely going to be really slow. I only was able to give you guys this one because I wanted to make sure people haven't given up on this story yet. I'm already working on other stories though to make myself feel less guilty about the slower updates aha...but I don't want to give this story up just yet. I really do want to see it to the very end when I mark this story as complete :)