Alright. So I am re-re-writing the chapters just to rebuff them and make them a little better. :) Hope you all don't mind?

Love: It is defined as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

Love, as described by me and my experiences would be the relationship between two couples.

My Father was a Veela and my mother was his mate. They loved each other more than I could ever imagine. My mother was my father's life, his everything. She was his love. My mother and father met at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At first they hadn't liked each other; at first they hated each other.

My father was James Potter's brother, his younger brother. He was a lot like James Potter, mischievous, outgoing, loud, and full of himself. My mother was best friends with Lily Evans. She was quiet, delicate and she normally kept to herself. She was smart, studious, caring and she wasn't full of herself. My parents didn't get along until the end of their sixth year. They had started to realize that they had ended up liking each other.

By the time seventh year came, my father had come become a Veela and my mother had come into inheritance; my mother was my father's mate.

My mother and my father got married, and then my mother had gotten pregnant with me. A month after her best friend, Lily Evans, had gotten pregnant. Life seemed to be going good for my parents and my Uncle James and Aunt Lily. But they weren't. I was only a year old when I lost my parents and my aunt and uncle. There was evil in the wizard world. An evil that was so dangerous, no one was truly safe.

When they were found, my mother was the first to die.I wish I could say that she died peacefully and quickly, but I would be lying. She didn't die peacefully or quickly. She was in pain and when she eventually stopped fighting, she was too weak to speak or even keep her eyes open. She faded away.

My father suffered more, as he was forced to watch his mate, his one true love, die before his very eyes. He was helpless. He couldn't save her, he couldn't do anything. His death was much quicker, but much more painful. I believe that once he saw the life die out of my mom's eyes, he just gave up. He was broken and he didn't fight back.

While love is defined as a personal attachment or deep affection, death is the end of one's life.

My parents end was nothing short of terrifying. Horrible. Vile. Unjust.

Chapter 1

I let out a loud yawn and stretched my arms above my head, feeling relaxed and safe, for once. I had just gotten back to the Weasley's, after having a horrible summer at the Dursley's.

All it took was one letter to Fred, and he had convinced his mum to let me spend the last 2 days of the summer there. I didn't protest, and was quite glad when I gotten the Weasley owl at the window sill of the house.

I had packed my things, put my beautiful owl in her cage, and waited until the Dursley's were gone. Once they were, I took the wood out of their fireplace, grabbed some floo powder and I was off to the Weasley's.

Once I had arrived, I had went straight up to the room I was sharing with Ginny, and unpacked. I was welcomed by Ginny and Hermione, who was there early, and I hugged them back as soon as they hugged me.

"Jessie! Are you up yet? There is breakfast downstairs!" I smiled and stood up, hearing Ginny's voice on the other side of the door. I must have slept longer than I thought because both Ginny's bed and Hermione's, were empty.

"I'll be right down. I just have to get dressed." I picked out some clothes from my suitcase and made my way to the bathroom, which was free, for once.

"Alright. Come down when you're ready." I heard Ginny's footsteps down the stairs and I smiled and flicked on the bathroom light.

"What the hell?!" I screamed and jumped away from the mirror, my eyes wide and my breathing uneven and panicked.

I had changed.

My eyes used to be dark, mixed colours of green, but now they were lighter and brighter, almost shining. My hair had grown out and it was now longer, thicker and a darker brunette than I had been. My face had thinned out and my skin looked softer and smoother.

"Jessie? Are you okay?" I heard multiple voices speaking but I was too focused on the fact that I had looked completely different from a few days ago.

Wondering what else had changed, I looked down, inspecting my body. I was still the same height, however I was a bit more toned than I used to be.

I bit my lip, and put my hands on my chest and frowned. I guess those also grew.

"Jessie?" I heard a knock on the door followed by Hermione's voice and I opened it slowly, just peeking my head out.

"Yes?" I asked Hermione, looking to see if anyone was behind her and was relieved that no one was there. Maybe she could help me.

"Are you okay?" She tried to look past me, to see what was wrong. If only she knew that I was what was wrong.

"Hermione..." I pulled the door back and watched as she gasped and pushed her way into the bathroom.

"Did you..." She trailed off as she looked me over, noticing my changes.

"It just happened. I just changed." I told her and crossed my arms over my chest feeling uncomfortable with the changes.

"Your parents were Veela and mate right?" I nodded and she took a breath before nodding.

"So that's it then. You're a Veela's mate. That's why you've changed. You came into your inheritance." Hermione looked at me and waited for me to react, and I reacted by fainting.