For Jenny on her birthday – Happy Birthday and best wishes, dear!


in that empty space between us



she was always the girl with a smile

all cherry b l o s s o m s

and daisy crowns

a princess in her garden

(once upon a time)


but she's been hurt, since then

{every cruel laugh still haunts her dreams}

her smiles grow c o l d

w e a k

f r a i l


she is broken

{they've broken her}

a porcelain d o l l

transfixed smiles on a painted face

{and still the laughter haunts her}


he f a l l s for her

and she can't say no

a broken person needs their redemption

and maybe he can be hers

{it doesn't seem to matter that he is fragile as well}


they warn him

she is not as she seems

but he is sure that he knows her too well to be fooled


he l o v e s her

wouldn't he know if she is h u r t i n g?

but he doesn't wantto see

that she is





carefully constructed

destroyed by the pull of a string


he'd rather disregard her destruction

he can't face his picture of perfection


to him she is crystal light and


{doesn't he know that fire always burns out?}


ignore the danger, boy

the descent to darkness is far too close

she's trying to reach him

he can't hear her

the iron curtain has f a l l e n too far between them


he doesn't notice the little things

too bright eyes

r a r e smiles

the hidden pain

{they always said that love was blind}


she has finally b r o k e n

the nightmares have conquered her dreams of love and sunshine

it is all in the past, he says

but the war is the barrier between them

{they can't understand each other's side}


he was only doing his duty by his family

she was only doing what was right

maybe Slytherin and Gryffindor

are just too different to fall in love

{Romeo and Juliet aren't so perfect now, are they?}


he watches other broken people

and he sees her in their eyes

they become her

he longs to see her d.a.z.z.l.i.n.g smile again


she is q u i e t e r than before

her wide brown eyes are filled with unshed tears

she doesn't know how to stop

but when she sees him in the street

she is firefire Gryffindor

and the sparkle returns to her eyes

{there is a fine line between love and hate, after all}


he learns about her past

and his heart almost splits in two

his Parvati

in pain

innocence s t o l e n because he was too afraid to speak


she is whole again

he puts her together

piece by s h a t t e r e d piece

her eyes sparkle with laughter

her smiles are true

and the scars are gonegonegone


m a y b e they were once on different sides

but she will always love him

and he will always love her

{Romeo and Juliet have nothing on them}


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