Disclaimer: I do not. AND I repeat. Do not own any body except the people non afflicted with the Fosters show. I own my characters. And that is all. I own nothing else. Only my parents do. Please comment on your own will.

Mac walked to his favorite spot. It was a huge tree. It's branches and leaves provided shade no matter what time of the day. Also there was a giant hole in the tree. Unless you were looking strait at it then you would miss it. That gave him protection from Terreance and his gang of bullies. Mac sighed. He sat down and looked at his watch. 10 minutes till school started. Then 8 hours till he could see Bloo. Suddenly Mac heard a scream. He peaked out of his hiding place. From there he could see thatTerrence and his gang were gathered around a kid. Typical Mac thought. Why else would somebody scream. Careful not to reveal his hiding place Mac edged closer.

"You thought you could get away with that?" Tarrence said. He took a step closer to the kid and shoved him. "Huh? Did you think I was born yesterday."

"N... N... No." The kid said. He took a step back. Looking left to right for an escape route. "I... I was just..." The kid kneed Terrence in a mans special place and bolted. "Well!" shouted Terrence. "What are you waiting for. Get the little twerp." The kid ran around trees and in between groups of kids. Then he ran straight in Mac's direction.

"No" Mac whispered. He hesitated. If he helped the kid than someone would know his hiding place, and Terrence might find him. If he didn't than the kid might end up with a concussion for a week. He made his decision. As the kid ran past his hiding place he reached out cupped one hand over the kids mouth, and one around his waste. Then he dragged him in to his hiding place. Inside the tree hole the kid struggled and kicked, but Mac was stronger and waited till Terrence and his gang left. He let the kid go after he punched him in the eye and bit his hand.

"What did you do that for" Mac hissed. "I was trying to save you."

The kid had scrambled up and was about to run out when he turned. "You were trying to what?" he questioned.

Mac paused. It was the first time he got a good look at the kid. Even though it was the middle of winter and it had snowed last week the kid was wearing khaki cargo shorts and skater shoes. He had an oversized black and white tee-shirt on. On top of his head was a Sherpa Beanie. "I was trying to help you. If I didn't grab you than Terrence and them would probaly put you into a concussion. And they don't know about my hiding place so I saved you."

They kid paused. "Oh" he said. He stuck out his hand. "Then I thank you." Mac took it. "So what is your name" The kid asked. "Mac." Mac said. What about you?"

"Oh. It's Rory." The kid stood up and ran to the school.