The young gargoyle panted heavily as he finally pulled himself over the ledge of the Xanatose castle roof. He collapsed onto the stone ground, gasping heavily in the thin air. His green eyes were hidden behind golden yellow eyelids. The gargoyle's long raven black hair spread out, half way form under his tiny body, long tail, which would drag if he didn't lift it up while walking, twitched at it's slender tip.

'Damn, I'm never climbing up this building again,' The young gargoyle thought to himself, exhaustedly. It took him a few moments to recover his breath, but when he did, he sat up gracefully and slowly got to his slenderly shaped feet.

'I hope they take me,' He thought again, taking a long sniff of his surroundings. He picked up the sent of the prankster that lived in the castle, and from the sent, he seemed to be a magically strong prankster as well. He shuddered at the sent, he prayed to Odin he wasn't to late to be mated to him.

"I wonder if they know I'm here," He said aloud, following the scents to the main courtyard when a pair of giant double doors opened with a slam. A giant lavender gargoyle with glowing white eyes, and full of threat charged out growling loudly. His clan, a human female cop and one David Xanatose were right behind him. Bright lights flooded the darkened area, momentarily blinding the young gargoyle. Slender hands came up to shield his eyes, all ten fingers cupping for a better shield. The clan stopped its threat when they realized it was another gargoyle.

"Who are you?" The giant lavender male gargoyle asked, standing up from his crouch. The one in question cautiously put his hands down.

"I don't have name yet, but I came to not only to possibly, possibly, join your clan, but to help you as well," Was his reply. Goliath's eye ridges rose in cautious curiosity, taking in the petite gargoyle. The one speaking was yellow with long black hair, long tail swishing behind him, slender legs and arms. Five clawed fingers, five toes that tapered up into atypical gargoyle feet. No elbow or knee spurs were on this delicate creator, and his wings were folded very curiously on his back. His moss green eyes seemed to cover half his face. All in all, this gargoyle didn't look like he fought a day in his life, a none worrier type, which was odd for a gargoyle.

"Help us?" Goliath asked, deep voice level and calm.

"Yes," The small gargoyle replied.

"How can you help us?" Brooklyn asked, voice testy.

"I"m an unclaimed sentinel mother," Was his automatic reply.