Jealous Monster :: Chapter 4
by mikeyboixD
Pairing: Robin (Dick G.) / Kid Flash (Wally W.)

Posted on: February 26, 2011
Version: Original, Unedited, Unrevised

Robin gets jealous because KF keeps flirting with the female members of the team.

Author's Notes:
Here's the final part of my fill. I just died somewhere along the way while writing this. o.o.


"I-I…s-sorry…" Dick couldn't look his friend in the eye and just squirmed. Of course, with the compromising position they were currently in, Dick's actions didn't help the situation at all. Upon realizing this, Dick finally stopped but averted his gaze to something other than Wally's piercing emerald eyes.

"So now that I know that you were…are…lying to me, for sure, why don't you actually tell me what's going on in your head?" Dick noticed Wally didn't move from his spot nor did he make any effort to conceal what was proudly poking at his thigh.

The Boy Wonder still couldn't look at the older teen, especially since his heart was beating at an insane rate. "Iwasmadandjealous." The elder furrowed his brow.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that." This only frustrated Dick causing him to exert incredible force to get the other off of him. As soon as he'd freed himself, he made a dash for the door but Wally beat him. "Nuh-uh uh. You're not getting out of this room until you explain to me what's got you in such a tense mood." Dick's eyes widened and he let out a great big sigh. Finally, after a defeated look adorned his face he walked back to his bed and took a seat with Wally right behind him.

"I was mad and jealous, okay?" KF noticed his friend still refused to look him in the eye which only confused him more.

"Mad and jealous about what?" Silence. "Well?"

"I was…get mad every time you flirt with the girls okay Wally? You know what sucks even more? The fact that they don't even give a damn whether or not you do what you do. You're just an asset to the team like everyone else, friends at best. But you know what really sucks, the fact that you flirt with the girls right in front of the guy who lo-" Dick stopped himself from finishing the sentence, something that hadn't gone unnoticed by Wally.

"In front of the guy who what?"

"I can't…Wally…you'd hate me."

"Dick. We've known each other since we were practically toddlers; I would never hate you for any reason in the world." An uncomfortable silence follows soon after so Wally decides to take the lead in the conversation.

"Listen Dick," Wally gently grabs Dick's chin and makes him look at him, "You know that I'm the kind of the guy who's touchy-feely, especially with girls. But the only reason why I do it is so I don't have to admit to feeling these feelings I have." This catches Dick's attention. "It's all an act. To be honest, I wish I could…"

"Could what?" Dick asked.

"…I wish I could…uhm…flirt with…uhm…" Robin's heartrate was probably faster than The Flash's super speed at this point. "Flirt with you." This time, Wally averts his gaze onto something else. Anything but his friend's reaction which, undoubtedly, be disgust.

Dick takes a moment to let the words sink in before he takes Wally's hand. "KF…look at me…please?" Wally shifts his head just slightly to see his friend's face but turned his whole head when he'd seen those puppy-dog eyes on Robin.

"That's not fair dude!" Robin just chuckles for a bit until getting all serious again.

"Sorry. How come you've never done those things with me? I mean, there was the whole cupcake incident but it's not like I minded."

"You liar! You were all tense and what not right after." Wally pouts and Dick just sniggers again.

"How would you react if your friend just sucked on your fingers like they were pro?" Both didn't fail to notice the other's blush.

Finally, after several moments pass, Wally speaks up one more time. "So does this mean I can uhm…flirt with you…and stuff?" Robin just smiles and hugs his friend.

"Any time you want bud." Wally returns the hug and brings Dick's ear closer to his mouth where begins to whisper.

"You know what I really want to do with you Rob? I wanna pin you on your bed and blow you all nice and slow." Dick tenses up for a second before a full blown blush hits him. "I'll have you begging and screaming my name." Dick buries his head into Wally's neck trying to fight the blush that was just spreading out across his body. "Is that what you want Boy Wonder? For someone to have you begging and moaning like a whore?"

Dick's pajamas were becoming a little uncomfortable at this point but his mind was rendered useless with all the perverse things coming out of his friend's mouth. All he could manage was a nod. After approval from Dick, Wally's mouth twists in a way like how a predator is looking at its prey right before said prey is devoured.

Wally carefully and slow lifts Robin's shirt over his head and attacks the boy's nipples slowly caressing one between his thumb and index finger while the other is teased with his skillful tongue.

Robin has fought numerous villains and often placed in compromising situations. Never has he ever had to feel what he was feeling now so he couldn't help but moan with every flick of Wally's tongue across his overly sensitive nipples.

"You like that baby boy?" Dick ignored the pet name and nodded his head furiously. Wally abandoned Dick's right nipple deciding to torture the other one.

The licks and kisses Wally left all over Robin's body had the other boy tingling and feeling sensitive everywhere. Wally then makes his way over to what he's really wanted for a long time.

Slowly but surely, he tugs Dick's pajamas down. Wally couldn't help but smirked at what he noticed.

"Don't tell me, you go commando all the time?" Robin looks at Wally with an embarrassed look on his face. "Aw, Rob, how am I gonna keep my hands off of you now when were on missions?" Robin could only shrug.

After leaving a couple of more kisses and licks around his thigh, Wally eyes Robin's throbbing manhood before engulfing it. Robin could only throw his head back in an attempt to relieve all the sensitivity he was susceptible to at the moment.

A little over ten minutes later…

Superboy's ears perked up when they picked up something he wasn't all too familiar with.

"Hey guys, Wally went into Robin's room, right?" The others look at him with curious looks before nodding.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Superboy tried to describe what he was hearing and everyone but him started blushing.

"Damn, they move fast, don't they?" Artemis doubled on the floor laughing. Superboy had a scowl on his face. He really didn't like it when he didn't know what was going on.

"R-R-Rob!" Wally's seed came gushing out all over both teens' tight abs followed by Wally collapsing on Robin's chest. "Fuck! That was amazing!" Robin smiled and nodded.

It takes a couple of minutes for the two to regain their composure but with Wally's fast metabolism, he beat Robin at getting a towel to clean themselves up. Robin's heart swells at Wally's act of kindness.

Wally then gets on the bed behind Robin and starts spooning the younger of the two.

"Why do you get to be the big spoon?" Robin asks.

"Cause I'm older." Wally argues and Robin just chuckles. I definitely feel better and safe now. Robin slowly begins to surrender to his exhaustion.

"Hey Dick," Robin opens his eyes for a second and makes a sound allowing Wally to continue.

"You still feeling whelmed?"


I couldn't do it (the whole full blown scene where I could envision Wally pinning Dick up against the wall doing a lot of more interesting things ;]), :[. Was this satisfactory? I feel like I really failed this prompt. -_-.

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