So. This needed to be written. Badly.

Let me start by saying that this is AU. This means that I will be changing things to fit into how this series – some minor, some major. Some Glee characters might not make the cut, some will. You have been forewarned. This is also a crossover, meaning that while it will focus on the Glee characters, the Supernatural crew will also get some of the spotlight.

This story is going to be EPIC. I mean more than my fic North epic. So be prepared for a long, long haul that I hope you find will be entirely worth the wait. The Supernatural mythology is just ripe for the picking.

If you want to chat about this story or any of my other fics, or non fan fic related goodies, I'm on Twitter (aswordsworth) and LJ (aswordsworth).

Now on with the story.

Lima, Ohio - 1983

Puck looked into the crib, his fingers gingerly extended through a gap in the wooden slats. The baby inside gurgled happily, reaching for the mobile Matthew Puckerman had spent months working on before Rebekah had come into the world.

Puck still didn't understand what the big deal was. So far, all his new sister had done was just lie there. Sometimes she would wave her chubby fists in the air, most times she would puke, poop and sleep. It kind of sucked that his mother was so focused on Bek, Puck thought, because he missed having her all to himself.

'Noah. You should be in bed young man,' Abigail Puckerman clucked her tongue. Puck turned to face her, plastering an innocent expression on his face just as Bek fisted one of his fingers and shoved it into her tiny mouth.

'Was just checking up on the little monster,' Puck shrugged, knowing he had said the right thing when his mother's face softened around the edges. His finger felt wet and slimy now. Wrinkling his nose, Puck gently extricated his finger away from his sister, who looked slightly upset her chew toy was missing.

'Come on. You need to sleep,' Abigail said, ushering Puck towards the door. Poking Bek affectionately, Puck dutifully followed Abigail down the hall. 'Matthew! Could you feed Bekah please?'

His father's footsteps sounded heavy behind them and Puck noticed that despite the tired look on his face, Matthew smiled when he caught sight of his son. Puck heard his father trudge down the stairs as his mother closed his bedroom door behind her, heard her hum as she turned down his bed. Grabbing the worn copy of Ronald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories his father had given him last year, Puck quickly changed into his pyjamas and launched himself into bed.

'Noah!' Abigail chastened, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her tone. Catching sight of the book in his hands, her smile dimmed. 'Really Noah, don't you have any other books I can read to you?'

Puck looked at her as if she were insane. 'Mum, this book is awesome.'

Muttering something about taking the job home with him, which Puck didn't understand, her settled down into the covers as his mother started reading. He liked it when his mother read to him. She always did the different voices and her face got really funny when she did impressions.

Puck was just beginning to drift off when Abigail's voice shouted for him to get up. Blinking his eyes, he allowed his mother to grasp his shoulders. It was the pungent smell that crept up his nostrils, and the searing heat coming from Bekah's room, that had Puck running. Abigail screamed but Puck could only see small, defenseless Rebekah curled up in that wooden cage, unable to get out.

What he saw was his father on the ceiling, a red patch that seemed to be swelling in size spreading through his stomach.

'Daddy?' Puck whispered, his voice broken. Why was his father up there? Why wasn't he coming down?

'Matthew!' Abigail shouted as she scooped Rebakah into her arms, placing the little girl into Puck's arms. 'Noah, take Bekah and run out the front door-'

'No! I want to help Dad-'

'Noah, listen to me. You need to take your sister and go! Go!'

Puck cradled Rebakah securely in his hands, made sure her small face didn't breathe in the smoke as he clumsily ran towards the front door. He didn't see the shadowy figure positioned just beside his bedroom door.

There was a fire truck outside and Puck told the first fireman he saw that his mother and father was still in there, that they both needed to come out right now.

Mrs Hudson, their neighbour, grasped onto Puck and Bekah tightly when she saw them. Finn, her son, hovered awkwardly at her shoulder.

'Are you okay?' Mrs Hudson asked and Puck nodded, moving away when she tried to take Rebekah away from him.

Abigail came out a few minutes later, covered in smoke and soot, her body wracked with sobs. Puck wanted to hug his mother but Bekah was still with him.

Why isn't Dad coming out? He said we were gonna fix up the truck this weekend…

'Mum? Is Dad gonna be okay? Where is he?'

His question made his mother cry harder and Puck flinched back as if someone had struck him. Finn patted his shoulder, as if he understood. Bekah fidgeted and started squalling in his arms.

'It's okay Monster,' Puck mumbled, not knowing who the words were meant for. 'It's gonna be okay.'

Lawrence, Kansas

John Winchester brought Dean closer into his side, Sam tucked firmly in the crook of Dean's neck as their house burned in front of them.

Cleveland, Ohio

'Tony,' Leroy Berry choked out to his husband, hand covering his mouth as the flames licked at the window of their bedroom.

'We have her,' Tony Berry replied, the little girl with a thick down of brown hair staring back at him quietly. 'We have Rachel and that's all that matters.'

His abdomen protested from the wound carved across it. The paramedics had wrapped it up in guaze for now, but were insisting he take a ride to the ER with them.

'Who was that man?' Leroy asked and Tony remembered the flash of yellow before the pain had overtaken him. He wasn't sure how he had survived but he was thankful.

'I have no idea,' Tony murmured. Rachel looked as if she were studying him.

I swear…it's almost like she can read my mind.