Keeton and Ratcliff pulled up outside the camper van, with their original surfboard in their possession. They stepped inside to see Nancy still unconscious from the knock-out drops she had unwittingly taken, she had not moved at all. 'I see Miss schoolgirl sleuth is still out' said Ann, then placed the surfboard on the table.

'Get a knife' she said to Keeton, who passed her one from the drawer.

She hacked away at the board until a small bag was revealed.

It was full of jewels. 'At last' exclaimed Ann.

At that moment, Nancy began to stir.

'Get her into a chair' said Ann.

Keeton dragged the barely conscious Nancy from the floor and placed her in a chair.

Nancy felt dreadful, she could hardly open her eyes as she vaguely racked her brain trying to remember the circumstances that lead to her being kidnapped.

The drink, recalled Nancy, it had knock-out drops in, how stupid of me. It must have been a large dose, can't shake off the effects. Nancy began to faint, when suddenly someone shook her shoulder, it was Ann.

'Time to wake up, Nancy Drew, you sleepy sleuth' she mocked.

Nancy looked on the table and saw the damaged surfboard and then saw the bag of jewels in Ann's hand.

'You were getting far too close to the truth' said Ann.

'You hid the jewels in a surfboard, then swapped the board for one of Ned's, I assume you are selling to the highest bidder', said Nancy.

'Brilliant', said Ann 'our luggage could easily have been searched, but who would search anything belonging to the All American couple, Nancy Drew and Ned Nickerson'

'It was a gift when we found you were on our flight, although I did not believe it would take so long to get it back'.

Ann turned away, telling Keeton she was going to complete the deal.

'If she even looks as though she is going to cause trouble, give her another dose of this' she passed a tube of fainting gas to Keeton.

'Oooh, I feel terrible' said Nancy 'my heads pounding, I feel sick, I think I am going to faint' she mumbled. Then Nancy collapsed from the chair back to the floor, gave a low moan, then blacked-out! 'I don't think she will bother you' said Ann. Keeton however, was having plans of his own.

Meanwhile, back at the park, Georgie Fayne was beginning to regain consciousness.

'Georgie' gasped Bess, 'thank goodness you are waking up'.

George rubbed her throat and was still in pain from the stomach jab.

She explained to her friends what had happened.

'Just before I fainted, she said something about joining Nancy in dreamland, I am afraid Nancy is in terrible danger'.

'Keeton must be involved in what ever is going on' said Ned 'we have to find Nancy'

Meanwhile, back in the camper van, Keeton gazed longingly at the unconscious teen sleuth. He had been infatuated with her from the moment he saw her. He also had an unhealthy obsession with seeing Nancy's panties and this was his chance.

He knelt down beside her and undid the button of her jeans and then lowered her zip, just enough to see Nancy was wearing white panties, the style where back and front were joined be a thin strip of material that snaked over Nancy's hips.

'When I have my half of the money, maybe she will give upon Nickerson and go with me' Keeton spoke out loud.

He never knew what happened next. The supposedly unconscious teen sleuth was suddenly wide awake, her leg shot up, her knee catching Keeton squarely on the chin. He fell backwards, knocked out by Nancy's attack. Nancy zipped up and fastened her jeans, what a creep, she thought to herself. At least she knew while he was gazing at her underwear, she would catch him completely of guard.

She pulled out her mobile, dialling Bess.

'It's Nancy' cried Bess exitedly. Nancy quickly explained what had happened and then asked Bess to phone the police.

'I am in Ann's camper on some cliffs overlooking the sea and can see into Newquay from here, please hurry' said Nancy.

However, before the police arrived, Nancy saw Ann's car pulling up. The girl entered and saw Keeton laid out on the floor.

Nancy was stood at the back of the van.

'I should have known better than leave him with you, Nancy Drew, but you have done me a favour, I will just take all the money I have got for the jewels and leave you here to hand him over to the police'.

'Where do you think you are going' said Nancy, standing in her way.

'Don't be stupid, Drew, I took you out when you were fully conscious, you don't stand a chance with all those drugs still in your system, you must still be feeling weak'.

'You are right, of course' said Nancy 'those knock-out drops in my drink certainly have a lasting effect, I do feel totally drained, no strength, please don't knock me out any more' Nancy pleaded then began to sway.

'I don't think I will need to' said Ann 'it looks at though you are going to faint, Miss Drew'

'Yes I think you are right, taking Keeton out has exhausted me completely' said Nancy 'I feel so weak…dizzy….I am going to faint again'. Nancy sagged against the side of the van.

Suddenly, the sound of alarms could be heard in the distance, the police were on their way. 'Sorry, Miss Drew, but I have to leave, let me bring your fainting spell on a little more quickly'. The fingers on Ann's right hand stiffened as she prepared to deliver the same blow to Nancy as she had used when knocking Georgie Fayne out. Nancy's eyes were barely open as Ann approached.

Her left hand fell on Nancy's shoulder as she prepared to deliver the blow to Nancy's stomach. 'This is too easy' she said. Suddenly, Nancy's right leg raised, catching Ann squarely in the stomach.

Ann fell and reeled with pain on the floor and Nancy fell on her, pinning her arms to the floor.

Seconds later, the police arrived and took Ann and Keeton away.

Later, they confessed everything and the jewel gang were also arrested.

Back in their caravan, Nancy explained the story in detail.

'So they smuggled the jewels into the country in a board they exchanged for one of Ned's' said Carson. 'That's right dad'

'Nancy, can't you even have a break without being involved in a mystery' smiled Carson. Nancy just shrugged her shoulders.

When Nancy heard George had been knocked out, she was upset, but George said 'I guess being one of your friends means there is a chance of being knocked-out once in a while but, lets face it, there is never a dull moment'.

Nancy smiled and the three girls had a group hug. Then Nancy turned to Ned.

'I think we have some unfinished business' she said. Ned's heart raced as the two fell into an embrace and their lips finally met in their first ever kiss!