I had avoided the Cullens in the hall all morning and even skipped lunch, but now it was time to go to biology where I had to sit next to one for in entire hour. It was unavoidable.
I stepped into the B building and started the long walk to the end of the hall where my class was. I had been looking at the floor while walking, hoping that for some reason he wasn't here today, but when I looked up my steps faltered. Edward Cullen was only a few feet in front of me. My heart immediately started accelerating from how nervous I was. As if hearing it, Edward turned around and spotted me immobile in the middle of the hall. I slowly started walking again, acting like there was nothing wrong and trying to calm my nerves. Maggie had told me to just stay calm, I had to control how I reacted, making sure I didn't give anything away.
Edward stayed where he was until I reached him, he then walked beside me without saying a word. I could tell that he wanted to say something, but I was glad that he didn't. I wouldn't know what to do if he did.
He still hadn't said anything by the time we reached the classroom or when we reached our table, but when we were both finally seated in our chairs, he finally broke the silence. "Hello. I'm Edward Cullen." I slowly looked at him and slightly tilted by head in a greeting. "You're Bella Swan." he stated. I nodded, not sure what else to do.
The teacher walked in before Edward could start the questioning and I let out a silent breath of air in relief. We were going to do a lab tomorrow, so all we had to do today was listen to him explain what we had to do. I tried to listen, but the force of his stare was unnerving.
I really wanted to say something, but then Maggie would kill me. For some reason that I didn't completely understand, she wanted me to stay quit, so I couldn't be the one to start the questioning just to 'get it over with' as Maggie had put it this morning. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have ever come back to school. She said that if I didn't come back, it would look to them that I was hiding something, which I was, and they would try harder to find out what it was. So here I was, sitting beside him, trying my best not to say anything.
"How are you liking Forks?" Edward asked. I could tell with the way he asked that he was forcing the conversation.
I smiled at him, but kept my lips sealed. "So it is true, you are mute." he muttered under his breath. I continued to smile, acting like I hadn't heard him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, I guess frustrated with me.
I reached into my bag and pulled out a blank notebook and flipped it to the first page. 'Different than what I'm use to.' I wrote and slide it across the desk until it touched his elbow.
His eyes snapped open and he looked down, then he looked at me out of the corner of his eye and back down at the notebook. "How so?" he asked, pushing the notebook back to me.
I looked at him for a second longer before looking down to reply. 'The weather. It rains here often.' Where I was from, the weather normally stayed warm, it depended who you were in the presence of.
"Do you not like the rain?" Edward asked.
'Not really.' I smiled as I angled it for him to see. Maggie told me to keep it short.
"Then why did you move here if you don't like the rain?"
Maggie hadn't told me why we were here, so I didn't know how to answer him. He was looking at me, waiting for me to write something, but I decided to shrug my shoulders and look back at the table.
Edward didn't ask me any other questions for awhile and I didn't know how to ask any of my own. I knew he wasn't human but I couldn't just ask him what he was, because I knew that if he just came out and asked what I was, I would probably kill him, so I'm pretty sure he would do the same.
The rest of the class period, Edward didn't say another word, but I could feel still feel his stare on the side of my face. I refused to acknowledge him, waiting for him to continue the questioning, but he never did. The bell rang and I expected Edward to rush out of the class room as he had my first day, but instead he stood up with his things and waited until I finally looked at him. "It was niceā¦ talking to you." He said awkwardly.
I slowly smiled at him, but he turned around and did what I had expected him to do in the first place and rushed out of the room.
I walked out of gym class with a sigh of relief. It wasn't that I wasn't good at active games, I just had to hide my skills and not stand out, it was all very tiring holding back when I was use to letting it all go. I walked over to the car to wait for Maggie. I was about to get into the car, out of the slight snow fall, when I heard a gasp come from across the parking lot. My curiosity got the best of me and I turned my head in the direction it came but an ear screeching sound drew my attention in the other direction.
Immediately I knew I was in danger, not from being killed, but from being found out. A blue van was out of control, and it was headed straight toward me. I could have easily dodged it, but a normal person would not have had time to get out of the way, and if I was hit I wouldn't die. I turned my head, hearing Maggie call my name in my mind, and saw her standing by the entrance to the office, worry in her eyes. She knows just as I do that there is no way out of this without exposing what I am.
Only a couple of seconds had pasted as I thought all this, and I was running out of time of making it out of this unhurt. I was turning back to the van when I caught sight of the Cullen's on the opposite side of the parking lot. Alice was shaking her head at Edward, but Edward was staring at me in horror.
The screeching of the vans tires brought me back to the matter at hand. I took a step back, bracing myself for the right moment to act, but my back hit the hood of the car, not giving me much room. It would take awhile, but anyone who saw, Maggie would erase their minds.
I bent my knees, ready to jump over the van, but before I could, I was hit and knocked to the ground. My head hit the pavement, but I've had far worse then a simple head wound to worry about it. The sound of the van's tires still screeching had me trying to get up before it hit me again. Before I could sit completely up, I was pushed back down. I knew it was the van this time.
Everything happened in slow motion as I looked down to see a pale white hand wrapped around my waist holding me in place. I followed the hand up to a slightly muscular arm then to a beautifully sculptured neck. A firm jaw went up from there and a chiseled nose. Lastly were the dark eyes that had an underlying hint of gold.
Lost in his eyes, I didn't register the danger until I heard metal hit stone. My head snapped to the right to see Edward's hand embedded into the side of the van. The front end of the van stopped a foot from my head. Before I could try to sit up again, I was dragged around to where my legs hit the tire of Maggie's car. Edward's hand moved from the dent in the car door to grip the bottom of the van. I watched as he lifted it a few inches off the ground before he pushed it slightly away from.
Once I knew that the danger was over, I looked back to Edward. He slowly turned his head and the first thing that I noticed were that his eyes no longer had any trace of gold in them. "Are you alright?"
I knew I shouldn't answer, but I really wanted to reassure him that even if the van had hit me, I would have been fine. Keeping to Maggie's rules, I kept my lips sealed and nodded my head.
"Don't move to fast." Edward told me. "You hit your head pretty hard."
We stared at each other for a few seconds until he became aware that he was holding me tightly to his chest. He stiffly let go of me and stood up and jumped over the car right before the students stormed over to see if I was alright. Before the students could swarm me to where I couldn't get up, I jumped to my feet, ignoring Edward's warning about taking it slow. I looked in the direction that he had went, but didn't see. I turned my head left and right and twirled around but still I couldn't find him.
The students crammed into the small space between the vehicles, all asking me the same questions, but one stated had caught my attention. "I called 911." I didn't now much of this world, but I knew what those numbers meant.
I was complementing of leaving before the emergency vehicle got here, but it was already to late. I could already see the lights around the corner. I guess from this being a small town, it didn't take long for people to get to places.
The ambulance parked a little ways away from where I was and the emergency medical workers quickly ran over to me. Finally, after they had gotten the students away from me, they took both my arms and carefully led me to the back of the ambulance.
As they were trying to put something around my next, ignoring my silent protest, Maggie was finally able to get to me. One of the medical people turned to tell her to stand back, but Maggie locked eyes with him and he instantly became quiet. Maggie lightly touched his hand, needing skin contact to be able to erase his mind more quickly. When she was done with him, she did the same thing to the one still trying the put the thing around my neck. He turned at her touch and within a minute, they had completely forgotten about the accident and went to get back into the ambulance to leave.
Maggie leaned toward me and whispered into my ear. "I told them to drop you off at the house, I'll be right behind you. If they had left and you weren't with them, people would start to wonder things." I nodded to her that I understood and pulled my legs into the ambulance so Maggie could close the door.
Before the ambulance pulled out of the parking lot, I looked through the window and finally found him, my savior. Edward was back to standing with the rest of his family. His eyebrows were drawn together in confusion and he was looking between the ambulance and Maggie's retreating form. After watching Maggie get into her car, he looked back to the ambulance and caught me in the back staring at him. With the look in his eyes, I knew that he knew that something wasn't right, that he somehow knew what Maggie had just done.