Just a little one-shot to add a little more Chlerek in our lives.


He is the most amazing guy in the world. He is also the most logical guy in the world. But he TOTALLY doesn't understand the concept of venting! I just had one of the most frustrating days, and he just happened to be in the room when I got home. So instead of venting to Tori like I normally would have done, I turned to him. Maybe this was a mistake, I don't know…

"Derek! Quit looking at me like that!" I yelled. My voice rose higher than I was aware it could...

"Like what? Chloe I'm just sitting here!" Derek's deep voice rumbled.

"Like what?" I yelled, completely dumbfounded that he didn't know EXACTLY how he was looking at me!

"DEREK! Quit looking at me like you want to be anywhere else but here!" I threw my hands up in the air and turned my back on him.

Why couldn't he understand and just listen! Whenever I had a nightmare or some other problem, he was there! He understood and helped! But today! When I just needed someone to vent to, he looks scared! And I mean scared! Like Derek could ever be scared…ughh!

"Chloe…please calm down and just…" He began, andI turned back towards him…

"Calm down? Seriously?" my voice lowered menacingly.

He automatically began to back up... "I just mean that…you're acting like…everyone has bad days Chloe, and spilling your coffee on your white shirt and getting a speeding ticket…that's really not all that bad…" He stopped speaking and hung his head in his hands. "I am so digging my own grave aren't I?" He mumbled and looked back up at me.

I stood there starring at him for a moment before I answered, "Yes. You are."

"Well, at least you can raise me from it, right?" he attempted to joke but immediately knew that wasn't a good tactic either. "Not funny huh?" He asked but when all he got was a stern look, he answered his own question. "Nope, not funny…"

"Derek all I asked was for you to listen. You've been able to do it before, why not now?" I was becoming even more frustrated than I was this entire horrible day.

"Chloe, I'm trying, but I don't see your logic! You just came home and started ranting and raving and I'm supposed to do what? Just sit here?" He questioned.

"This is called venting Derek! There is no use for logic here! I don't want your advice and I don't want your pity! I just want you to hug me and tell me that everything is okay!" I tossed my head back and covered my face with my hands.

Great. Now the tears kick in. What was wrong with me and why was I making such a big deal about something so stupid? I should have just called Tori like we always do when we have crappy days and need to vent. Maybe it was a girl thing and guys just couldn't understand…

"Chloe…" Derek was suddenly standing right in front of me. He pulled my hands away from my face and held them in his large hands.

"I'm sorry." He rumbled, "Can we start over?" His bright green eyes were staring into mine.

I nodded, not sure if I could choke out any words. I was still frustrated, but it quickly melted away when Derek smiled his wonderful smile that's reserved just for me.

"Tell me about your day." He asked as he led me over to the couch and pulled me down beside him, his arms wrapping securely around me. I melted into his touch and wrapped my arms around his waist, my head tucked against his chest.

I let out a small laugh as he reached up and wiped away my tears.

"Your day?" He asked again.

I tilted my head up to look into his eyes. "It just got a whole lot better." I smiled. A grin spread across Derek's face as he leaned down a pressed his lips against mine.