This is a work of fan fiction written purely for enjoyment and not for profit.

Commandstar Aurora

The Twelve Colonies

When the twelve tribes of man left Kobol, they settled in the Cyrannus star cluster. This was an open cluster, which consisted of slightly more then fifteen hundred stars. Many of these stars were less then one eighth of a light year apart and some even closer then that. The central star of this cluster was a main sequence G2V type star with two slightly smaller G type stars in close orbit, forming a rare triple star system. The two orbiting stars were just far enough away so as not to seriously affect planetary orbits but still close enough to form a firm gravitational bond between the three.

When scout ships from Kobol found the three stars, they were amazed to find twelve habitable planets. The scout ships also found a number of habitable moons. Word was quickly sent back and the Twelve Colonies were established.

The main star would comprise the center of Colonial life, while the two orbiting stars would become known as the Outer Colonies. While the Outer Colonies did have a lot of resources, the main center of population was in the Caprica system.

Author's note: I am aware that there is a new map out that shows the Colonies as being a four star system. However, in the original series the Colonies are reported to be in a three star system, this was also mentioned by one the scientific advisors of Battlestar Galactica 2003. There is no doubt that as this series has grown, with the Plan and later Caprica, that individuals involved with the show have put forth different ideas as to the makeup of the Cyrannus system. If the new show dealing with the original Cylon war is produced, the makeup of the Cyrannus system will continue to evolve. For my story, I am sticking with the original three star system.

Current Day

Caprica is located in the center system and is the third planet out from its sun. It is heavily industrialized and has a population of 11.5 billion. Also in the Caprica system are the inhabited planets of Gemenon, Aquaria, Aerilon and Tauron.

The planets Gemenon and Caprica share the same orbital path around the system's primary. They are twin planets, which orbit a common center of gravity. Many Colonial astronomers claim this could not be a natural occurrence. They point out that sometime in the far distant past; the three systems had to have been terra formed by an advanced race. Because there is no trace of such a race or any evidence of past occupation on any of the Colonies, this belief is currently held in low esteem and even scoffed at by most scientists and scholars. Alien life does not exist!

Tauron is the second planet out from the systems primary and possesses a very warm and arid climate.

The planets Aerilon and Aquaria are the fifth and seventh planets out from the sun orbiting in the Lagrange points of the gas giant Ragnar.

There are also a number of small asteroid fields in the system and a large number of moons orbiting the planets. Many of the larger asteroids and moons have small colonies or mining facilities located on them. There are also a large number of orbital stations and defense facilities scattered throughout the system as well. The Caprica system contains twelve planets and thirty four moons.

The star nearest the Cylon border, sometimes called the Red Line or Armistice Line has the following colonized planets. Leonis, Canceron, Libran, and Scorpia, there are four other planets in the system as well as numerous moons and several large asteroid fields. Since these Colonies are located close to the Cylon border, these planets also possess very powerful orbital defensive grids. The defensive grids consist of a series of powerfully armed satellites that can fire both offensive and defensive missiles.

The star fartherest from the Cylon border contains the colonized planets of Picon, Sagittaron, and Virgon. There are six other planets in the system as well as numerous moons and a huge asteroid field between the seventh and eighth planets. The asteroid field is heavily industrialized. The field is rich in minerals and supplies many of the raw materials for the massive shipyards orbiting Picon, Sagittaron, and Virgon. Picon also has a large moon with a viable atmosphere. The moon contains the largest Tylium deposits in the Colonies. Several large companies run major mining operations on the moon.

Many of these planets, not including Caprica and Gemenon, when first settled were very hostile to human life. While they did have an oxygen atmosphere, many of the plants and animals were highly dangerous to human life. The Colonies were gradually terra formed, with the colonists introducing human crops, plants, trees, and animals brought with them from Kobol. Over a period of centuries, the planets gradually become more hospitable to human life.

Total human population of the three star systems is 55.2 billion people spread out over twelve main planets, numerous moons, asteroids, and several nearby star systems.

Colonial Military

After the first Cylon war, the Colonial military went through a substantial increase in size. Because of the horrors and tremendous civilian casualties of the war, the public demanded that a large Colonial Fleet be constructed to protect the Colonies. They wanted to insure that nothing like the Cylon attack could ever occur again.

However, as the years passed and there was no sign of the Cylons, the huge expense of maintaining a massive military fleet began to weigh heavily upon the Colonies and the politicians who were their leaders. Money could be diverted, if military spending was drastically reduced, to many desirable civilian projects. As a result, the fleet began to be scaled back, even against dire warnings of future disaster by the senior fleet Admirals. Massive cuts in spending were quickly implemented much to the dismay of the protesting Admirals.

The politicians decided that the more versatile Gunstars and Escortstars were more practical to deal with pirates and to patrol Colonial space. As a result, construction of these lighter units was increased substantially and construction of Battlestars and new fleet bases was drastically reduced. This resulted in a thirty percent decrease in defense spending, which the politicians put enthusiastically into enormous civilian projects.

While Battlestars were still being constructed, the pace was much slower then in the past. Numerous and older heavier fleet units, which were expensive to maintain, were retired and decommissioned to make way for the new smaller multipurpose Gunstars and Escortstars. At the time of the Cylon attack upon the Colonies, the Colonial Fleet consisted of 123 Battlestars, 134 Gunstars, and nearly 172 Escortstars. While this was still an impressive fleet, it was a forty percent reduction in firepower from the fleet that had existed just ten years previously.

There were even rumors of plans for the Battlestar Fleet to eventually be reduced to 60 units of the newer Mercury class. Two specially designed Nova Class Commandstars, which were just beginning to be constructed, would share command of the fleet.

Many top Admirals feared that if the cuts continued and the Cylons did return, the fleet might not be able to stop them. When these concerns were voiced to the Colonial politicians, the majority only scoffed at the Admirals and pointed out that not a single Cylon had been seen in nearly forty years. The Cylons were gone and they were not coming back! The Admirals were told to go back to their jobs and the politicians continued to look enthusiastically for more defense cuts to pad their budgets. The happier they could make the civilian population, the easier it was for them to stay in office.

Commandstar Aurora







Admiral Robert Nagala made his way across the busy CIC to the operation's table where his Exec, Commander Owens, expectantly awaited. Around him, the CIC bustled with activity as the crew busily made their beginning of the shift status checks. They had just completed a minor refit at the shipyard and been resupplied.

"Good morning sir," Commander Owens said looking over at the Admiral. He had been on duty for over an hour to insure that he was up to date on the ship's status when the Admiral arrived in the CIC. Owens had been extremely busy finishing up last minute details so they could leave the shipyard on time.

"Morning Jason," Nagala replied with a friendly nod. "What's the status of the ship?"

"Refit is complete and all supplies are on board," Commander Owens reported promptly. "The last of the crew reported in early last night from leave on Picon. Our Escortstars and Gunstars are on standby and awaiting your orders."

"And the Battlestars?" Admiral Nagala asked glancing down at the operation's table which showed the Picon system in detail."

"Both the New Providence and Centrus are in position awaiting orders for our departure," Commander Owens replied checking a status screen next to the operation's table.

The New Providence and Centrus were powerful Jupiter Class Battlestars. They both contained the latest weapons and equipment and had recently gone through a full refit.

Nagala smiled. "You did an excellent job with the refit and resupply Jason."

"The station crew was very professional as always," Commander Owens replied. "The refit went very smoothly. How was your meeting with Admiral Corman?"

"Just routine Jason," Nagala replied carefully. He didn't want to worry Jason too much about Admiral Corman's concerns about all the strange Dradis readings being detected across the Armistice Line. They had a secret mission out to check Cylon space, but no word had been received from BSGS1 since its departure several months back. Security had been stepped up along the Armistice line but so far, other then the mysterious Dradis readings, nothing more had happened. Admiral Corman was afraid the Cylons were up to something, but what that might be neither Admiral Corman nor Admiral Nagala could figure out. Hopefully Admiral Reed's mission would answer that.

"Anything else?" Nagala asked as an ensign appeared and handed him a cup of strong steaming black coffee, which had almost become a morning ritual. Nagala took a cautious sip of the coffee, his eyes roaming knowingly across the CIC. Everyone was busy doing their assigned tasks, not only was the Atlantia the fleets most powerful ship, but Nagala knew she had the best crew!

"Just another officer was sent to Armistice Station this morning," Commander Owens replied with a frown appearing on his face. "They should have docked at Armistice Station about an hour ago. Fleet headquarters reports all is quiet and no sign of the Cylons. The same as it has been for the last forty years! We might as well dismantle the station and save the costs of maintaining it for all the good that it does. I'm surprised the politicians haven't suggested it already, considering the way they've been cutting everything else back!"

"I'd feel a lot better if the Cylons did show up at the station," Nagala replied with a dark look crossing his face at the mention of politicians. "I just wonder what we will do some day when they do? What have they been doing all these years back behind the Armistice Line? Patrol ships have reported numerous distant contacts recently on Dradis, possibly of new and more powerful Basestars. Someday we could be in for a very rude awakening Jason. That's why the fleet must always be vigilant. For someday the Cylons will return!"

Commander Owens didn't reply. He knew that this was a very real concern for the Admiral. It was also a matter that concerned him deeply also.



Peter Corman, Fleet Admiral and Commanding Officer of the Colonial Fleet paused briefly before walking into the immaculate Fleet Command Conference Room. These morning briefings were becoming too routine, he needed to find something to break the monotony. He feared his Command Staff was becoming too complacent. Nodding at the marine, who opened the door, Admiral Corman entered and walked to the head of the table still entranced in deep thought. He hardly noticed the men and women who rose as he entered the room. He sat down and then looking up at the others, he motioned for them to do the same.

As everyone sat down he opened the blue folder in front of him, it seemed that as Fleet Admiral the paperwork never ended. He quickly read the two pages inside the folder and then looked back up. "So what's the status today John?" He said looking over at Commander John Reinholt as he settled back into his chair looking at the assembled men and women. Commander Reinholt was responsible for the agenda for these daily meetings.

"The 12th and 15th Battlestar Groups are beginning a series of exercises in the outskirts of the Caprica system today," Commander Reinholt began. "Olympus Fleet Station will monitor the exercises with hourly status reports to Admiral Nagala. Admiral Nagala has suggested a few minor changes that he wants included in the war games. Admiral Reynolds reports that the exercises are ready to begin and they will initiate the first of them later this afternoon."

"These exercises should be interesting. I would very strongly recommend that all of you study the results of these exercises very thoroughly. Admiral Reynolds is an excellent tactician and not afraid to take a few calculated risks. I am curious to see what surprises he throws at the 12th," Corman commented. Admiral Kincaid, who was an older Admiral and preferred doing everything by the book, commanded the 12th Battlestar Group. "Keep me apprised of the exercises."

He knew that Admiral Nagala would also find these exercises interesting. He had known Admiral Nagala for many years and there was no more competent officer in the fleet as well as a trusted friend. Even though they had been at peace for forty years, the Admirals of the fleet took these occasional fleet exercises quite seriously. The exercises were used to insure the continued readiness of the Colonial Fleet. "What about the Pegasus refit, how is it going?"

"Admiral Cain is being her usual charming self," Commander Reinholt replied shaking his head. "I am sure the Commander of the shipyard will be extremely glad when the refit is completed."

"She is a very competent Admiral," Corman commented with a slight nod of his head. "However sometimes I wonder about her people skills and patience."

"The Pegasus refit is on schedule. The new heavier bow KEWs have been installed as well as the new computer network," Commander Reinholt said as he continued. "Admiral Cain reports that she is quite pleased with the results so far. She says the new bow KEWs should greatly enhance the Pegasus's offensive capability. She has allowed part of her crew, not involved with the refit, liberty while the refit progresses."

"Has our emissary arrived at Armistice Station?" Admiral Corman asked wondering what the odds were of the Cylons showing up. So far they hadn't in forty years, he doubted today would be any different. But all the Dradis contacts they had been picking up on the edge of their sensors still had him feeling ill at ease. He wished Admiral Reed would report back from his mission. Then perhaps they would have a better idea of just what the Cylons were doing. Admiral Nagala and he had discussed these Dradis readings in detail; neither was sure just what they meant. They couldn't imagine a Cylon attack on the Colonies; the Colonial Fleet even after all the reductions of the past few years was still too powerful. They were up to something else but they didn't know what.

"Our emissary arrived slightly over an hour ago," Commander Reinholt replied looking down at a short report laying in front of him. "We received confirmation from the Escortstar that took him to the station. There is no sign of the Cylons. They will stay docked for another twelve hours before returning."

Corman was quiet for a moment thinking about Armistice Station and what it signified. "Someday they are going to show up people," he said with a tinge of worry in his voice as he looked about the assembled group of Command Officers. He recalled the Valkyrie incident of a few years back, something that had been kept highly classified. He hoped that hadn't ticked the Cylons off. "I just hope we are not in for a surprise when they do. These fleet cuts of recent years will be very troubling if the Cylons ever do put in an appearance."

Reinholt nodded in agreement, as did several other officers. He too worried about the Cylons, these many years of no contact was troubling.

"Galactica's retirement ceremony is today," Reinholt continued.

"What official from the government is attending?" Corman asked curious to know if they would even acknowledge the Galactica and what she stood for.

"Just the Secretary of Education and a couple of other minor dignitaries," Reinholt replied looking down at another note on the table. He knew the Admiral wouldn't be happy about that.

"The Secretary of Education!" Admiral Corman spoke shaking his head sadly in disbelief. "The Galactica is the last of the active Columbia Class Battlestars from the Cylon war. You would think the Colonial Government could send a better representative then a school teacher!"

"The Galactica is being turned into a museum in memory of the Cylon war," Reinholt replied knowing how Corman felt about how the Grand Old Lady of the fleet was going to be used. "This Laura Roslyn supposedly will be involved in part of that."

Corman nodded, he was silent for a long moment as he thought. He had known Bill Adama for years. They had gone to the Academy together here on Picon. They had even served together for a few years aboard the Galactica toward the end of the first Cylon war. He had been a young ensign at the time. If not for a few screw ups in his career such as the Valkyrie incident, which Corman felt was not Adama's fault; Adama would have made Admiral easily. But the politicians had stood in the way. They felt they had to blame someone for the screw up and Commander Adama had been their chosen fall guy.

"The Galactica will dock at Olympus Fleet Station in four days," Reinholt continued after consulting his notes and finding the necessary information. She will stay there for one week and then a transfer crew will take her out to the Boneyards for final decommissioning. Once all of her weapons and military equipment have been removed, she will be returned to the Colonies as a traveling museum dedicated to the Cylon war. They will also be installing a new computer network on the Galactica for the museum."

"Adama won't like that; he has always been opposed to computer networks because of the Cylons," Corman replied with a slight grimace knowing how Adama must feel. "Well I guess since he won't be in command of the Galactica anymore it won't matter. Schedule a shuttle for me and inform Commander Adama that I will be meeting him at Olympus Station. Send a message to the Atlantia and inform Admiral Nagala that I will expect the Fleet Flagship to be there also," Corman ordered. At least the Fleet could give the Galactica the kind of send off she deserved!

"That's all the important items sir. The rest are just minor day to day operation schedules that need to be gone over with the Senior Staff, there is nothing more requiring your attention," Commander Reinholt said looking across the table at the Admiral.

"Very well," Corman replied as he stood and the rest of the officers rose.

With that, the meeting ended. Corman sighed as he left the conference room; even staff meetings had become extremely mundane. He worried that everyone was taking the current status quo for granted. Perhaps it was time he scheduled some extreme war games, which would include his Senior Staff out in the field. He would make a point of talking to Admiral Nagala and Admiral Clements about it.


In high orbit above Picon, the Atlantia vanished in a brief flash of white light as she jumped away to begin a round of routine inspections. Her two escorting Battlestars, four Gunstars, and four Escortstars jumped with her.

Admiral Nagala felt the Atlantia come out of jump. They had jumped just to the outskirts of the Picon system. There had been a few modifications made to the jump computer and he had wanted to confirm that everything was functioning properly. The new modifications should allow for better and more accurate computations, which would allow the Atlantia to make longer and more precise jumps. He knew that part of this new computation technology had come from Shadow Base and Admiral Kronus. Because of the star density in the Cyrannus cluster, it was difficult to plot long FTL jumps. Most jumps were limited to a maximum of five light years due to safety protocols.

"All ships in post jump position," the Dradis officer confirmed from his station.

"No deviation?" Commander Owens asked looking over at the Dradis officer.

"None what so ever sir," the Dradis officer replied rechecking ship positions quickly. "All ships are in their exact post jump positions as calculated by the jump computer."

"Plot our jump to Canceron," Nagala ordered looking over at Commander Owens. "We will begin our inspections with the small shipyard there."