Last time on The Infection

Kuwabara's heart has stopped! During the intense moments of sheer agony, Hiei finally says 'it'. Kazuma hears him and tells him not to worry, he's not gone yet!

Hiei paced in the waiting room back and forth nervously.

Today was the day.

The day he had been waiting for. After weeks of treatment and rest, Kazuma was finally well enough to receive visitors. He was no longer quarantined. He was still in the facility, but now he was in a regular room. He had been released from the plastic jail cell. Hiei would be able to see Kazuma, his Kazuma. He had not communicated with him since that day that he almost lost him. He wanted him to rest and get well. The odd feeling in his stomach was back. What was it? Butterflies, he believed Kurama had said; another thing that emotions did to him. Whenever he thought about seeing Kazuma he got the feeling in his stomach. Kurama said they could happen if you were nervous, excited, frightened, or anxious. Hiei was all of those things.

He had finally confessed his love to Kazuma, mentally that was. It wasn't as hard as he thought it was going to be, but communicating telepathically and verbalizing his emotions were two different matters. He had already made up his mind to take the chance, but was he ready? That question kept him up at night, the butterflies kept him from eating. It had all come down to this. Maybe it wouldn't have to happen today. Everyone else wanted to see his Kazuma too. But putting if off would only make him more nervous…

"Hiei? You alright there buddy? You're going to wear a hole in the carpet." Yusuke had been watching the little fire demon pace back and forth for the last half hour.

"Huh? What? Of course I'm alright, fool!"

"If you say so, well the doc said we can go in now, you coming?"

Hiei froze. It was time.

"Are you coming with us, Hiei?" Kurama asked.

"Of course!" But he still hadn't moved.

"We're going in; you come in when you're ready, OK?" Shizuru spoke to him.

Hiei nodded and watched as Shizuru, Yusuke and Kurama walked in the hospital room to see Kazuma. His Kazuma, but he still couldn't make a move to follow them.

What the hell is wrong with me? He asked himself. I have been waiting for this, now I can't even move!

"Hiei?" Nurse Aoi startled him out of his thoughts. "Is something the matter?"

"No," he replied embarrassed. "I just…" he trailed off.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes," he answered, confiding in her. Ever since they had rushed Kazuma here she had been there to help. She was the only one from this godforsaken hospital that was brave enough to care for him. He is sure she played an instrumental role in saving his life.

"I understand," she reassured him. He noticed she didn't dismiss his feelings, telling him that he had nothing to be nervous about. He was grateful. She seemed to understand, like Shizuru. "But Mr. Kuwabara really wants to see you. He talks of you incessantly."

"Really?" he asked, intrigued. "What does he say?"

"You will have to ask him yourself," she replied, gesturing towards the door to his room.

Hiei wasn't aware that his feet were moving until he was earshot of the room and heard voices. He heard Kazuma's voice. It was like music to his ears. All the voices ceased when he entered the room, stopping at the doorway. All eyes were on him.

"What the hell are you all staring at?" he demanded.

"Ah, that's the Hiei I know. Not the mushy romantic that has replaced him this past month."

Hiei glared at Yusuke. "Don't make me rip you throat out, detective."

"Hiei, be nice," Kuwabara admonished playfully.


"Is that all you have to say to me?" There was a sparkle in Kazuma's eye that he had never seen before.

"I am glad that you are…well."

"Thanks to you Hiei," he said, eying his unacknowledged companion intently.

"Hey, we all helped," Yusuke declared in mock indignation.

"Yes, your hysterics were of great service," Hiei replied.

"My hysterics? I wasn't the one who threatened to blow up the hospital-"

"Really? You did that?" Kuwabara was astonished.

"I did," he confirmed without remorse.

"He also offered Koenma some friendly advice," Kurama chuckled.

"What! No way!"

"Yes way, baby bro," Shizuru assured him. "Hiei can be quite…persuasive."

Kuwabara was grinning from ear to ear. "Aw that's so sw-"

"Don't even think about it," Hiei warned. "And wipe that damned silly grin off your face!"

"Ah, I missed that." Kuwabara sighed, sitting back. "You have no idea how much."

"Yeah, well now that you're better, I don't have to come over here every day," Yusuke said with relief. "And those damn showers made me itch!"

"Not to mention these orange scrubs," Kurama added. "Very flattering."

"I think they look cute," Kuwabara teased. "With matching shoes!"

"You're one to talk," Yusuke countered. "You're wearing a gown."

That earned him a ki blast from you-know-who.

"Ouch!" Yusuke exclaimed, rubbing his arm. "Jerk!"

"Serves you right."

"Anyway," Yusuke continued. "We gotta get you outta that gown and into a gym. You're so skinny!"

Kuwabara was indeed much thinner, his cheekbones jutted out more than usual. And his hair was extremely long, only adding to his spindly appearance. But Hiei didn't care; he was sill handsome in his eyes.

"Yeah, this liquid diet," but they said I could start eatin' regular food again. "And don't worry, I gonna train harder than ever! Gonna be stronger than you, Urameshi."

Yusuke snorted. "I see the medicine has you delusional."

"I will supervise his reconditioning," Hiei decided. "I will not go easy like last time."

Kuwabara gulped.

"Excuse me everyone," nurse Aoi entered the room. "We can only allow you a few more minutes. Mr. Kuwabara needs his rest."

"Yeah, get some rest baby bro," Shizuru leaned down and kissed his forehead. Hiei stiffened. Kuwabara turned three shades of red.

"Shizuru!" he exclaimed. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Well, I can't pound you, yet," she replied. Shizuru, Yusuke and Kurama said their goodbyes and filed out of the room. Hiei turned to leave, but felt something tugging at his shirt.


Hiei turned, alone with his beloved for the first time. "Yes, Kazuma."

Kuwabara grinned. "You said my name again."

"You told me I could."

"So you knew it was me?"

"At first I wasn't sure."


"Because you said…" he paused.

"I love you," Kuwabara finished for him. Hiei flinched.

He was holding Hiei's hand, stroking it gently with his thumb. It was the most wonderful feeling that Hiei had ever experienced.

"You said it to me too," Kuwabara reminded him.

"Did not."



"Don't worry; I won't make you say it again; until you're ready. But get used to it, because I will say it a lot."

A wave of elation washed over Hiei. Kuwabara's eyes widened. "Did you just smile?"


"Yes, you did."

"Did not."




They paused, taking a moment to enjoy their playful banter.


"What is it, koi?"

Hiei was trembling now. He wasn't used to so much affection.

"I don't know…what I'm doing."

"It's OK, love. I'll teach you." Hiei felt Kazuma pulling him towards him. He stopped when they were face to face, inches apart. Their eyes locked. Ruby red met soft gray. Kuwabara placed one hand behind Hiei's head and gently guided his head forward, until their lips met. It was a chaste kiss, lasting for only a moment, but it seemed like an eternity to Hiei. He felt light as a feather, dizzy with jubilation. His first kiss. Hiei didn't want to leave, he could stay like that forever, but he knew he had to. He pulled back, reluctantly.

"Get some rest. You're going to need it."

"I'm sure I will. But why do I get the feeling that you're not just talking about the training?"

"You are correct."

"Hiei, could you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"There's a red book in my room, with the word-"

"Your journal?" Hiei asked.

"Yes. Could you bring it to me, please?"

"Aren't you going to ask if I read it?"

"I know you didn't."

"How do you know?"

"I trust you." Those words made Hiei happy, almost happier than when Kuwabara told him that he loved him.


"Yes, Kazuma?"

"I love you."

Hiei turned around and walked back to his love. "I…love…you too." While Kuwabara reeled from the four words that he had not expected to hear his beloved say for some time, Hiei bent down and kissed him again. He turned and walked out of the hospital room, leaving Kuwabara tingling.

Six Months Later…

Kuwabara panted, he was sweating hard. It dripped down his face, his neck and rolled down his back. His hair tickled the back of his neck; it was tied back so as not to fall in his face during his run. He had planned on cutting it but yielded to his companion's request to keep it long. Hiei like to run his hands through his long, wavy tresses with Kuwabara's head in his lap while they talked after a long day of training.

He had just come from his evening run, ten miles. The same every day; ten miles in the morning, ten in the evening. Five hundred push-ups in the morning with a certain little demon on his back and five hundred more in the evening. Stretches, meditation exercises, and sparring with his love.

That's right, his love, not his lover. Over the six months they had been together their relationship had been chaste. They wanted to take it slow. Besides, Kuwabara had too much training to do as Hiei 'would not tolerate a weak companion', as he put it.

"I see you're not so tired," his trainer spoke up. "Perhaps we should go fifteen miles tomorrow?"

"Fifteen miles!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

"Shall we go twenty?"

"Fifteen it is," Kuwabara mumbled.

After his evening shower and dinner, they got ready for bed.

"We're invited to the temple this weekend."

"What for?"

"Well, Yukina wants to see us." Hiei stiffened at the mention of his sister. Kuwabara had finally figured it out but Hiei still refused to tell Yukina, although she had guessed by now too. She didn't ask and he wouldn't tell. It was an unspoken understanding with them. He had mixed feelings. It's not that he didn't want to go, but he would rather spend some time alone with his Kazuma. They had finally moved into their own place, and he was enjoying it. These past few months, everyone they knew had come to visit. It grated on Hiei's nerves to no end, but he forced himself to put up with it without much complaint.

"Botan will be there too and of course Urameshi and Kurama." Hiei growled in annoyance. Kuwabara continued. "And my sister with her new boyfriend," he finished with an ugly face.

"I take it you don't approve." Hiei raised an eyebrow.

"The punk rides around on a motorcycle and wears a black leather jacket. Nothing good can come outta that."

"I don't know how much time I can stand to be in the presence of a bunch of idiots."

"We will just drive up for the day."


"Good night Hiei."

"Good night, Kazuma."

After Kuwabara drifted off to sleep in the arms of his companion, Hiei untangled himself from his embrace and got up to pace the house. He was doing his best to take it slow like they agreed, but his libido was protesting, and now it was louder than ever. His body screamed out, aching to become one with Kuwabara. He had been trying to seek comfort with his hand, but to no avail. He was too close to the object of his desire, but he tried anyway. He stripped naked, his images filled with what he wanted to do with his lover as he stroked and stroked at his rock hard member, unable to find release. He found himself walking towards their bedroom. He opened the door.

Kuwabara stuck his head up. "Hiei?"

Kuwabara gasped. He drank in the sight of his love's naked body, glistening in the moonlight. He took notice of every muscle, ripple and curve on his body, finally landing on his cock; a long strong muscle, dripping with pre-cum and bobbing with anticipation.

"I couldn't sleep."

Kuwabara sat up "I couldn't eith-"

Hiei was on him before he could finish. "Kazuma," he breathed. "I want you. I want to make love to you Kazuma, and claim you as my own. Tell me, do you want me too?" Hiei knew he was taking a big risk. They had talked about what mating would entail. Kuwabara had many questions, but Hiei never officially 'asked' him.

"Y-yes, Hiei."

"Yes what? Tell me what you want, Kazuma."

"I want you, Hiei."

"Are you sure, because once I claim you there is no turning back. I will not let go."

Then Kuwabara cocked his head to one side and said the words that set Hiei's soul on fire to burn for eternity. "What're you waiting for shorty? Come claim me as you own."

It was over. Hiei pushed Kuwabara down and crashed his lips into his. Hiei slid his tongue into Kuwabara's mouth and swirled it around, finally sucking his tongue into his mouth. He ground his naked cock into Kuwabara's, still imprisoned in his boxers. Kuwabara ran his strong hands up and down Hiei's back, he cupped Hiei's ass and squeezed. Hiei let out a shameless wail of desire and was driven into a frenzy. He released Kuwabara's tongue and left a trail from his mouth to his ear. He licked around the earlobe and stuck his tongue teasingly inside. Kuwabara squealed like a girl.

"You like that, huh?"

"Yes, Hiei."

"Want me to do it again?"

"Yes, yes, Hiei."

"Say please."

"P-p-please, Hiei!"

Hiei obliged, this time nipping gently.

"Ohhh!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

Hiei, to satisfy his oral fixation, explored every inch of Kuwabara's upper body with his tongue. He planted gentle kisses on the scars left behind from the event that had opened his eyes and made him realize who he was meant to be with. He reduced Kuwabara to whimpering and begging to be taken. He slid down Kuwabara's boxers with his teeth. He was not prepared for what he saw.

He saw the most magnificent man-sword he had ever laid eyes on: eleven inches, long strong, and thick with a head as ripe as a cherry. It was encircled by soft red-orange hair and two magnificent jewels at the base. He couldn't stop himself from drooling. He stroked it up and down.

"You-you like it?" Kuwabara asked, in between moans.

To answer, Hiei licked his cock, swirling his rough tongue around the head. Kuwabara sucked in his breath and squeezed his eyes tight. Relaxing his throat muscles, he took all eleven inches of Kuwabara's manhood in, inch by inch. He began slowly bobbing his head up and down, pausing to squeeze the head with his mouth now and again. Kuwabara took one of his pillows to cover his face and moaned. Hiei snatched the pillow.

"I want to hear you," he growled. "I want to hear you tell me how good it is."

"Hhhhhhiei," Kuwabara moaned. "Ohhhhh, Hiei."

Hiei sped up. He used his hand to help him along. He wanted Kuwabara to come before he buried his cock inside his hot ass.

Kuwabara was panting "I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna –Oh! Hieeeeeeeeeei!" Kuwabara shouted, loud enough to shake the house. His legs quivered, his entire body tensed and let go. His whole body trembled as Hiei milked him of every drop of his creamy essence.

"Kazuma?" He asked, his voice full of concern.

"Y-yeah?" Kuwabara panted, trying to catch his breath.

"Are you a virgin?"

"No, but I've never-"

"Been on the bottom," Hiei finished for him.


"Are you ready for this? This might be painful, even after I prep you."

"Yeah, just use this." Hiei had not noticed the bottle on the nightstand.

"You had this out the whole time?"

"I knew you would come to me tonight."

"Is that so?" Hiei asked, rubbing some of the liquid between his thumb and forefinger. "Very nice," he complimented. "What is it?"

"Liquid satin."

"An appropriate title," he replied, coating three fingers on his left hand. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Hiei."

Hiei inserted one finger into his entrance, Kuwabara was so tight. After some resistance, his finger was pulled in, and he felt around for what he was looking for. He rubbed his prostate. Kuwabara gasped.

"You like that, Kazuma?"

"Yes, Hiei."

He added another finger, rubbing his prostate back and forth. Kuwabara was in ecstasy. He never imagined such pleasure. He barely noticed Hiei adding a third finger, and spreading his fingers, slowly as to widen him out. He pumped his fingers back and forth, stroking his spot over and over again. Kuwabara was reduced to whimpering and begging, yet again.

"Wh-what are you waiting for?" he moaned. "Take me, take me PLEASE!"

Hiei pierced his lover's entrance, with one quick, smooth stroke. Kuwabara sucked in his breath, more of surprise than pain. Hiei paused, not so much waiting for him to adjust, he was just taking it all in, letting Kuwabara's warm hilt surround his cock.

Kuwabara began wiggling impatiently under him. Hiei started out slowly. He was shaking, trying to hold back.

"C'mon shorty," Kuwabara taunted. "You can do better than that." He wrapped his long legs around Hiei, encircling him completely.

Hiei let go of any inhibitions. He stroked long and hard, rewarding his cock for waiting so long for release.

"Oh, oh, unhhhhh" he panted, speeding up his stroke. "I've waited…so…so long for this! Ohhhhh!"

"You like that Hiei, is it good? Say my name, shorty. What's my name?" Kuwabara squeezed his ass again.

"Ahhhh Kazumaaaa! Kazuma, Kazuma, Kazumaaaaaa!" He knew he was going to come any minute.

Kuwabara squeezed his ass even harder. He had Hiei right where he wanted him. Hiei squealed and pumped harder. "Who do you belong to, huh? Say it shorty! Who do you belong to?"

"I belong to you, Kazuma!" Hiei was lost in his own euphoria. If it were not for Kuwabara's firm grip on his little round ass he wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Your mine's huh? Well if you are, then come for me. Come for your Kazuma!" With that he gave his ass a final squeeze.

Hiei screamed Kuwabara's name and his body shook, his eyes squeezed shut but two tears rolled down his face. Without realizing it, he leaned down and bit into Kuwabara's shoulder, releasing the energy that would bond them together forever. If it were not meant to be, Kuwabara's body would have rejected his energy, but his spirit energy welcomed Hiei's ki and the dragon slid up his strong back and settled on his left side. Hiei was already deep in slumber, his body still glowing. Kuwabara smiled, and wrapped his arms tight around his lover, partner, and mate for life; 'til death do they part.

Sufficed to say, Kuwabara was allowed to skip his morning workout-just this once.

Two weeks later…

They all stood in Koenma's office. He had summoned them to make a final decision on Kuwabara's request for resignation.

"Kuwabara, I have weighed the decision carefully, and I cannot accept your resignation."

Kuwabara's mouth dropped open. "Huh? Why not?"

"Several reasons. One, you being almost killed is not a sufficient reason. Yusuke was killed in a mission, and you all came close to death at one time or another over these years. "

"OK, that's one," Hiei remarked. "Please continue." Hiei already knew the reasons. He had held a private audience with Koenma a few weeks ago, since Kuwabara had stubbornly insisted that he should not be allowed to continue to be a part of the team. He 'asked' him to deny the request.

"Another reason is you special abilities. You Jigen To is extremely rare, and quite useful. Also, with your psychic abilities being so strong-"

"Try telling that to the rest of 'em," Kuwabara muttered.

"Dude we said we're sorry man!" Yusuke spoke up, exasperated. "How many times do we have to say it?"

"Look, Urameshi-"

"Could you two idiots be quiet? I want to get his over with!" Hiei was ready to go home, to be with his lover. He was anxious to get home and finish what they started this morning.

"Hiei, you're awfully uptight," Yusuke teased. "What's the matter, is Kuwabara not-"

"Finish that statement and I'll kill you," Hiei threatened.

"As I was saying," Koenma interjected. "There is another far more important reason why I cannot allow you to quit."

"Why is that?"

"I received your bill this morning," Koenma said "from your sister. I'm afraid that this bill, along with the other two million yen I have already paid will have to be worked off.

"He's not your slave!" Hiei snapped.

"No, he isn't however; unless you all plan to pay it yourself I'm afraid that you are indebted to me."

Kurama chuckled, Yusuke snorted, Hiei made his customary "Hn." And Kuwabara's mouth dropped open.

"Two m-million yen? For me?"

"Yeah, they're all extortionists," Yusuke replied.

"Well, thanks man! I guess I do owe ya one."

"Yes, you do. Speaking of which…"

Aw, wasn't that romantic? But good luck guys, I'm sure you'll have to put in some overtime to work off the debt!

This chapter was dedicated to my most loyal readers…

Time on my hands



And last but not least… Ms. 3.68 GPA!

Thanks EVERYONE for all the support!