My reader, I love the book Alice and Wonderland, I love the movies (cartoon and real) I love the whole idea!

Chapter One- Down the Same Stupid Rabbit Hole


We walked into the forest, totally lost. I mean, when you have Jerome and Alfie read a map for you well...

Don't let Jerome and Alfie read a map for you.

"We're lost!" Amber said sitting down, "We are totally and completely lost and it is hopeless."

I sighed and walked around the big oak tree, I mean, hello? I might find the path again.

"I'll come with you!" Patricia said, jumping up and running after me, "They rest of you just stay there."

Dang it, I was hoping Fa- Never mind.

Patricia and I walked along till I saw...

"Is it just me or does that white bunny have a watch?" Patricia asked, stopping.

I didn't look in her direction and said, "Just you."

"And it has a little coat, Nina look!"

"Patricia," I said, turning towards the place and gasping. There was a white bunny with a coat and a watch, how weird.

"I think it's a rabbit though." Patricia said, eyeing the thing.

Yes, white rabbit. Where have I heard that before? The rabbit started hopping off.

"Come on," I said, starting to run after it, "Let's go see where it's headed." Patricia nodded, I knew she would because she was just as curios about the rabbit as I was.

We sprinted down the forest and soon it dove into a rabbit's hole.

"Dang it," Patricia said, slumping up near the hole, "We lost it."

I wasn't giving up, so easy. I put my water bottle down and got onto my hands and knees and started crawling down the tunnel.

I mean, it was pretty big for a rabbit hole, but then again, the rabbit did have a pocket watch and a coat.

"Nina!" Patricia said, as I army crawled farther down.

"It's not that far Patricia-a-a-a –AAAAAHHH!"

The hole gave a sudden drop and I fell, down the most twisted and weirdest hole that I've ever fallen down.


Oh no, oh no! I ran back to the others, screaming my head off.

I mean, if a girl just fell down a rabbit hole; and the rabbit had a coat and a watch, you'd scream too.

I ran right into Jerome, who caught me.

"Patricia what's wrong?" He asked.

I, well, besides being totally embarrassed because I was in Jerome's arms, I pulled away and said, "Nina fell down a rabbit hole."

"How she manage to do that?" Alfie asked, which was my question since rabbit holes are an only a foot deep, maybe two.

"Well, first we saw a rabbit with a watch."

"Are you ok?" Mara asked, putting her hand to my forehead.

I smack it away, "I'm fine!"

"You are a little warm." Mara said, sighing.

"Have you had enough water?" Mick asked.

"Guys, quiet!" Fabian said, "Nina is missing."

"Right, we can comment on Patricia's madness later." Amber added.

"Thanks," I said sais, sarcastically and continued, "So than we noticed it had a coat."

"Patr-" Alfie started.

"Shut up, I'm talking!" I snapped.

"Okay, we know Patricia is fine." Amber said, under her breath. I rolled my eyes, to keep myself from hitting her.

"And so we followed it and it went through a rabbit hole. And Nina decided to follow it. She crawled in than started screaming, and it sounded like she was falling."

"Show us this hole." Fabian said, believe the whole thing.

"You believe her?" Everyone practically yelled at him.

"Yeah," He shrugged, "We all have seen weirder."

Couldn't argue with him on that one, so I started running back to the tree. Nina's water bottle was still there, so when I saw it I stopped, picked it up and pointed to the hole.


"Are you sure that's a rabbit hole? It's huge!" Jerome said.

"Yes I'm sure, I saw the thing do through." I practically screeched.

Fabian got on his hands and knees and army-crawled through the hole. "I don't see where this is going to lead-dddd!" Fabian started yelling.

"WHAT THE HECK!" Jerome yelled.

"Fabian?" Amber said, trying to see where he went. "I don't see how he could have fallen."

"See?" I said, smiking to myself, that's what happens when you don't listen to Patricia Williamson.

"I suggest we grab on to each other's leg and make a chain and so if one person falls we can save him or her." Mara said, we all nodded, it wasn't a bad idea.

So I went first, than Jerome, Alfie, Mara, Mick, Amber. I crawled, trying to feel where they fell. All of the sudden the tunnel ground disappeared and Jerome was holding me by my ankle, falling himself.

"AHHH!" I screamed, looking wildly around.

Then I fell a good 4 feet forward and Jerome was over the edge as well. We started sinking.

"AHHH!" We screamed, not wanting to fall.

"AHHH!" Amber shrieked the loudest of us all. There was a sickening lurch and we all went falling down this twist rabbit's hole. As we fell, we stopped screaming, I mean we were falling in slow motion.

Well, I mean, we were falling at regular speed, but it felt slow motion. There were the weirdest things sticking out of the walls, like chairs, and desks. Books on bookshelves and pictures hanging on the wall of the tunnel, who in their right mind would do such a thing?

As we fell, we became bored. I grabbed a book while we fell and started reading.

Mara and Mick found a pen and a piece of paper and were playing a game of tick-tack-toe.

Amber was looking around, confused.

Jerome and Alfie were thinking, wow, that one is a shocker.

Soon we hit should floor.

"OW!" Amber shrieked, getting up slowly from the floor. We all did.

We looked around for any sign of Fabian, the Rabbit, or Nina. None were to be found.

"This looks really familiar." Mara said, I was thinking the same thing. I've read this in a book somewhere. Then it hit me.

"I know where we are!' I said, getting a sickening feeling, "We're in Wonderland."

"You mean like Alice and Wonderland?" Amber asked.

"Yep, and I beat that was the rabbit hole." I said, looking on how we could get out.

Amber looked around and screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN A CRAZY TOWN!"

oo, bet your wondering where I put Nina and Fabian and the White Rabbit (who in which, always causes problems) COMMENT!