Awesome: *folds arms* *stamps foot* :-(

Wicked: *glares evilly* :-(

Lemony: *cowers in fear* ok… I was kinda threatened with death if I didn't post this new story….so here it is…BTW I have no clue when this story takes place, Gin is still a Captain though.

Awesome: Bout' friggin time.

Wicked: Agreed.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" Kitsune Marusaki swore as she ran from the men of Squad 3. She wondered at what point did her life take a turn for the absolute worst?

"Get the purple-eyed bitch!" She heard them yell, "Don't let her get away!" There must've have been at least five or six of them chasing after her in Squad 3's hallways. It was fairly late, half passed midnight actually. Everyone had retired for the day, so Kitsune was alone, running from a packed of Squad 3 men out for her blood. The raven-haired girl was running ramped trying to get away. She was huffing and heaving for air, sucking in all the oxygen her lungs could take, her nostrils flared as she ran around the dim hallways that seemed like a labyrinth. Sure, she could easily turn and fight them, but it was a whole pack verses one lone wolf, that wasn't fair and in her logical mind she wasn't strong enough to take all of them!

Kitsune continued to pump her legs and she managed to put a little distance between her and the irate men. She was thankful that what she lacked in sheer power, she made up for with speed and agility. Finally she rounded a dimly lit corner and sprinted down it only to find it was a dead end.

Now here Kitsune was, trapped in a narrow hallway that led to nowhere. She turned slowly fearing the group was right was right behind her.

Her fears were confirmed when she looked into the snarling faces of the men, they looked like rabid wolves who had just cornered their hapless prey. Their eyes where like wildfire their expressions were dark, and their lips curled back into snarls revealing their teeth.

Kitsune blinked at them, completely unsure of what to do. She didn't want to attack her fellow members, after all.

"We've got you now," One said, the others nodded in agreement as they began to close in on the frightened girl. Having had enough, Kitsune drew her sword with her hand shaking.

"Get back!" She yelled at them, "Leave me alone!"

"But why?" Another said stepping closer, "We want to see how tough our new transfer is…"

Kitsune felt a bulky hand on her arm and she quickly slashed at it with her sword slicing through the top of the man's hand. He recoiled and let out a mangled cry as blood seeped between his fingers.

"You stupid bitch!" He growled grasping his bleeding hand, Kitsune slashed at the air making them all stumble back. They had all crossed a major line, she tried to ignore them, she tried running from them but now…

They put their hands on her, which means this was self-defense. Ram

"Ram! Yagisa!" Kitsune cried, suddenly the narrow hallway was engulfed in a blinding lavender light, the air seemed to become thin and evaporate leaving only so much oxygen in the atmosphere. The men fell as if boulders had been placed on their backs, they toppled over heaving their chest feeling as if it was being compressed by stones. They groaned in exhaustion. Kitsune had released her Zampakto and used her spirit energy to stifle her enemies. Once she sheathed her sword the bright light evaporated before disappearing all together. The tan-skinned girl had no idea she was leaning on the on the wall the entire time.

Talk about being backed into a corner.

Kitsune hauled herself up and stumbled over the groaning bodies of her peers. She looked down at each of them and scowled.

"Bastards." She spat, Kitsune was about to hobble away when one of them grabbed Kitsune by her ankle and forced her onto the ground. Kitsune tried yanking her leg away to no avail. The two began to scuffle until the man had Kitsune on her back and was holding her arms above her head.

"We're not done yet," He seethed as the other men began to stir, they crawled over to Kitsune and glared down at her. They helped the other man hold her down, two grabbed her legs, two grabbed her arms, and the other fisted a handful of black hair forcing Kitsune's neck to bed backwards. She screamed, kicked, and thrashed trying to break loose.

It was usless.

They had her pinned.

Again, Kitsune wondered at what point it all went so wrong for her.

It actually started a few hours ago when she was informed by her former Captain Kuchiki that she had moved to Squad 3. She was told to go there immediately and get settled, however upon arrival it seemed everyone was out for her. Kitsune hadn't even said two words to anyone when people starting charging her way! Believing in peace is one thing, but allowing herself to get beaten for no reason was not something she was about to deal with. Like most people, Kitsune fought back only angering those after her.

And here she was now.

In a narrow hallway being held down by some men who, God only knows, what they had planned for her.

The man on top of Kitsune dug his knuckles into her side and twisted his fist around. Kitsune's eyes snapped shut as pain began to creep its way up her midsection. He repeated the action on the other side of her body right in her ribs.

"Garrrahhh…" Kitsune groaned, the men all smirked at the strangled sound. "Garrahh…please stop!" Kistune begged, the man holding her hair jerked her head up so she could see him.

"Not so tough now are you, little fox?" The man boasted tightening his vice-like grip on her hair pulling some out at the roots. Kitsune didn't respond, she just tried to stop tears from rolling do her face. The men holding her legs where digging the nails into the flesh of her thigh and the men holding her arms where wringing her wrists giving her instant Indian Burn.

The man on top of Kitsune gave her a ruthless rabbit punch, the black-haired girl jerked upwards and let out a strangled cry. Her side was on fire from the sheer force of the punch, the burn was working its way to her back, neck, and shoulders. The men chuckled at the sound, so the man hit her again and again in the same spot with rapid succession. He alternated between her left and her right side sending his fists smashing into her ribcage thus rattling a shrieking Kitsune.


"My, my now what do we have here?" And with that the men scampered off Kitsune and looked straight down the narrow hallway. They could barely make out a slender silhouette in the distance. It was too dark to see exactly who it was, but the voice was unmistakable.

Disoriented, Kitsune leaned up on her elbows to see all the men getting to the feet and bowing. She wince at the discomfort in her body as she fought to turn her self around. She looked wide-eyed at the shadow.

"My subordinate rough-housing at this time of night?" The voice belonged to none other than Gin Ichimaru, The Captain of Squad 3.

He approached the stunned group, each footstep was slow and precise. The sound echoed off the walls as he slinked towards the shocked shinigami and loomed over them.

"Who is responsible for this?" He purred the little glints of light in his slanted eyes rested on Kitsune (who was still on the ground). She squirmed at the uncomfortable silence that gripped the hallways. One could hear a pin drop at the silence. Captain Ichimaru smirked at each of them but his gaze lingered on Kitsune who avoided his eyes.

"It was her, sir." One of the men said pointing to Kitsune. "She attacked us."

"I wouldn't have attacked you if you hadn't cornered me!" Kitsune snapped shuffling to get her feet and scowling at the man with her velvet purple eyes flashing with anger.

"Hmm…you're the new transfer aren't you?" Gin asked Kitsune, the tan-skinned girl nodded sullenly.

"Your name is Kitsune Marusaki, is it not?" Gin continued leaning down to eye-level with her. Their noses where nearly touching, Kitsune instinctively took a step back but she nodded once more.

"I surely will not take the word of a new member over that of my loyal subordinates." Gin finally said, Kitsune's heart fell. Each of the men smirked, Gin was taking their side. Kitsune looked down at her feet and scowled, it would do her no good to argue with a captain. She knew she'd only get in more trouble.

"Now I have to punish you, Kitsune." Gin said, Kitsune looked up at him and arched an eyebrow. He had a hint of amusement in his voice, somewhat like when one is telling a joke. She wondered what he meant by punish.

"See me in my office in an hour." Gin said turning on his heels and slowly walking away, Kitsune sighed.

"Yes sir," She uttered sullenly, the men began to walk passed her elbowing her as they went. The men followed behind Gin snickering and smirking the entire time. Gin stopped suddenly and turned to look at the frozen Kitsune.

"And welcome to Squad 3."

Lemony: This isn't fair! Two against one!

Wicked: You buggered us for days about this cursed story of yours.

Awesome: And if I hear one more word about it I'm gonna punch you in the neck, I had to help you write this damn chapter anyways! Now get started on the next chapter.

Lemony: I don't wanna!

Wicked: *scowls evilly*

Awesome: *cracks knuckles*

Lemony: O_O…REVIEW!