Charecters are not mine etc…
This is my first fan fic I have had it tucked away for awhile please tell me wt u think…
Sorry for spelling mistakes if there are any :P
He had to keep walking. His feet dragged on the dirt path. Pain, both physical and emotional beating down on him reminding him what he was walking away from. His friend, his kin, Camelot.
The road seemed to go on forever, heat from the summer sun beating down on him. Every now and then the world seemed to spin off kilter and he wondered if it was the heat or the blood loss that was making it so hard to walk. He didn't know how far he had gone, but he couldn't bear to look back, couldn't bear to look back at what he had left behind.
He had failed. Those three words seemed enough to destroy him now. The pain in his shoulder spiked and he gasped clutching at his injured arm, it could barely hold his sword and its point dragged across the floor.
He looked a sorry state. One would having just gone up against the knights of Camelot alone, and all for a man he had met just once. Once. There first departure hadn't ended on the best of terms as it was but this, this was so much worse.
He gasped as his weight fell on his bad leg for a moment he wavered. But he didn't- he wouldn't fall. He just had to keep walking, he had promised…
Why did he care? Why, what about that idiot made him feel hope for something better, that fool!
That fool who had finally got his comeuppance. The thought sent chills down his spine as sorrow clenched in his chest. He had failed his kin, and though they had had their disagreements in the past he was all he had left. With his father gone and other magical relatives had seemed less then friendly (that bloody witch up north for instance Morgan Le Fae running around stirring things up, harpy) It was to late now he would just have to keep his promise and…
"look just get out ok, at least then one of us…" he cut the memory off, not wanting to see the sad eyes of his friend his pale skin littered with bruises from the beatings.
Just keep walking…
It was a relief when he finally reached the forest, but that one sign of shelter seemed to be the last straw for his battered mind. His knees gave out by the first tree and he gasped as his bad shoulder crashed against the bark. Bad arm, bad leg, bad shoulder, bad everything! In fact there wasn't a single good thing about this day.
He couldn't stay here. He was right by the path in clear view, but no sooner had his mind processed this thought then his knees hit the ground with a loud thunk.
Closing his eyes he refused to believe this was it. He was just having a rest he wasn't sleeping. Any minute now he would open his eyes and get up.
Sometime later there was some noise from the path. They might have been the steady clip clop of horses hooves. On the other hand they might have been an army of evil gryphon's he didn't care nor did he have the energy to watch them go by.
There was a muffled voice like someone calling out. Then several voices talking. Then someone grabbed his arms and he groaned. A flask of water pressed to his lips, he hadn't asked but heck if they were offering. The first few gulps tasted as if they'd come from the gods very own water flask. A few more and he began to gather his senses.
His eyes opened as quick as a flash and he held back a started yell. Surrounding him were the worried faces of not one, not even two, but four knights of Camelot all dressed in red hunting gear.
"You all right?" asked the first, the one holding the water. He had dark hair and eyes and looked genuinely concerned. They must have been out hunting they wouldn't have known…
"seems a stupid question considering the obvious" stated another man standing behind he had brown hair and looked a bit scruffy for a knight. The darker haired knight shot him a glare and received an eye roll in return.
"I'm fine" he barely managed to choke out trying to get to his feet. His knees gave out underneath him curse them.
"Woow there" the dark haired knight said doing his best to steady him. "Gwain go find Leon." The other knight- Gwain apparently- threw up his hands and stomped off. One of the other knights a dark skinned man stepped forward with some medical supplies in hand trying to sort through them.
"What happened?" the dark haired knight asked looking him in the eye.
"Tried to help a friend." He answered bluntly. The knight frowned.
"That's always a good reason. I'm Lancelot."
"Gillie, and it's not when you fail." Lancelot frowned in concern before the other knight passed the medical supplies.
"Thank you Ellyn" Gillie took one look at the medical kit and shook his head. He had to go, he had just got away from Camelot's knights he couldn't stay here.
"I have to go" he grumbled determined to get to his feet. This time his knees held and he managed to push his way up the tree. Lancelot didn't seem too pleased with that idea but didn't move to stop him. behind him the concerned looks of Ellyn and the other knight- a huge bear of a man- followed him.
He gasped for breath propped up against the tree, fully aware that the wound on his shoulder was likely bleeding again. Even that small amount of movement had taken a lot out of him and he closed his eyes.
"Maybe you should sit back down." Suggested Lancelot but Gillie wasn't listening. The blood was pounding in his ears. Failure , failure, failure, failure, failure.
He couldn't even keep the promise of escaping safely. Suddenly a voice broke through his thoughts.
"what's going on?" it was a demanding voice one he recognized but wasn't sure how. Slowly he opened his eyes. The knight from earlier as back, Gwain with another blond bearded knight he assumed to be Sir Leon, and lastly…
Gillie almost choked. Fury seeped through his blood like ice water. It was him. Prince Arthur Pendragon striding towards them like he owned the place (which in a way he did) Merlin had always spoken well of the prince, gods know why with the way he treats him. Gillie could only ever see the same thing, an arrogant prince brought up to hate his kind. The prince would have him executed in a heartbeat. The ring on his finger burned.
Gritting his teeth he watched silently as the prince approached frowning in confusion.
"What happened here?"
"We found him here." Said Lancelot when it became apparent Gillie wasn't answering. He couldn't help it anger seeped through him to be standing so near the son of the murderer. The one that had- done what he'd done. For one moment Gillie realized the prince probably didn't know what awaited him in Camelot. He realized then he didn't care. Never had he hated someone so much as this. Someone who could have stopped it all.
The prince approached coming to stand by Lancelot, he frowned.
"Do I know you?" he asked scanning Gillie's features.
"We weren't really introduced." Gillie gritted out remembering that time in Camelot. Merlin had run himself ragged trying to prevent Gillie killing the princes father for the princes sake, and the whole time all's Gillie had seen or heard of the prat he had been shouting at Merlin and ordering him around, to self obsessed and distracted with his own problems to realize anything was wrong.
Good man indeed.
The princes eye brows rose at the hostile tone but he disregarded it instantly.
"Do you need any assistance, if you were attacked by bandits-"
"No, sire" he growled managing to make the title sound an insult, in fact it was almost a mimic of how he'd heard Merlin say it, " I do not need assistance I was not attacked by bandits, I'm sorry for interrupting your hunt." Gillie shifted away from the tree, but emidietly reached out again as he felt his balance waver.
"You're sure about that?" the arrogant prince asked again. Gillie suppressed the need to snap at him. stumbling slightly Gillie pushed past the pair attempting to shuffle away anger over what had been done in Camelot over whelmed him and he fought back the urge to shout at the stupid prince, he could have stopped it all…
"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to come back to Camelot?" asked Lancelot sounding concerned.
"No thanks I just came from there" snapped Gillie unable to suppress his anger. His leg gave out and he stumbled against the next tree. The knights looked alarmed now, now he'd done it.
"Someone in Camelot did this?" asked the dark skinned knight, Ellyn sounded horrified. Gillie felt something give inside him, what was the use he'd lost he couldn't keep his promise, at least maybe he could see the look on the princes face when he found out. I'm sorry Merlin.
"Several someone's" he confirmed jokily. It wouldn't be long now there was no use struggling any more, after everything he'd been through…
"What happened?" came the demanding voice of the prince. Something Merlin must have been very familiar with, he felt a wave of guilt at every thought tracked to Merlin.
"Nothing you have to worry over I'm sure, you probably won't even see the difference. Just another execution in your fine city, bravo." He growled bitterly. He looked back at the knights. Lancelot still looked worried while the others remained cautious, he noticed Gwain's hand on his sword. The prince's face however was a mask.
"You tried to stop an execution." He stated bluntly.
"yes I did" Gillie said his head pounding, " And failed miserably. Arrest me why don't you?"
"What were they convicted of?" the prince asked instead.
"High Treason and sorcery, ow the irony. Hurry home you might just be able to catch the fire dying, I made a bit of a mess of it first time round." He started walking again surprised when none of the knights tried to stop him. He made it in to the forest walking, walking. Vaguely he heard the prince tell the others to stay put, someone argued. He was consontriteing so much on walking he didn't hear the footsteps until they were right behind him.
"Wait" Gillie frowned stopping wondering if this was finally his arrest. He didn't turn to the prince just waited.
"Was he guilty?" that question made him pause pain alit in his chest but not a burning angry one. More like the howl of something lost.
"Why don't you tell me." He answered walking away however slowly.
"What do you mean?" he could hear even if he couldn't see the confused frown that must be on the princes features. Now he did stop, looking over his shoulder. He was right the prince looked confused just out of earshot the knights waited watching cautiously, but Gillie could only stare at the prince. He wanted to know, wanted to know if his friend's sacrifices had all been in vain or if the prince really was the man his servant described him to be.
"Because my friend, the one I tried to save told me you would be a great king one day." He turned to face the prince properly who now looked more somber, " said you were a complete prat but a good man." He left that hanging for a moment watching as the princes face paled as he recognized those words, "Talked me out of killing your father, saved Camelot from what I've heard."
"What's his name?" The prince- no Arthur asked staring intently at Gillie. Gillie looked down the anger from earlier evaporating. He looked up again at the prince who's mask hadn't quite managed to hide the fear behind his eyes.
"His name was Merlin Sire, he was executed for treason this morning." For a moment the prince stared at him in disbelief eyes wide as if all his fears had just been recognized. He said something that Gillie barely caught, and then he turned on his heal and dashed back to the horses. The knights called out alarmed but the prince silenced them quickly.
"We have to go back to Camelot now!" He shouted, the knights leapt to obey.
Gillie watched silently knowing it was too late. The king had already got to him. Slowly but surely Gillie began to walk away. Because he had promised. Because maybe Merlin had been right about Arthur after all.
A selfish prince would not care for the fate of a servant, a friend would. It was a shame he had not listened to his kin sooner.
The thundering of horses hooves clattered and faded as they made their way to Camelot. Gillie walked, there was a village nearby. He wouldn't go too far, not yet.
Yer maybe it'll cheer up reviews and ideas verrrry welcome
Also I don't know how out of character they are buuut that's for you to judge :D
Another chapter?