On the bed opposite young Rebecca, Edith sat on the edge of the mattress, her arms at her sides, her fingers tightly clenching the comforter. Rebecca too sat on the very edge of the mattress, her pose mimicking that of the woman across from her.

She was caught completely off-guard by what Edith had done, though it wouldn't be the first time she had a woman's lips pressed to hers. Prison is a lonely place no matter if you're a man or a woman. In the first few months she spent in gen-pop, she'd been in many uncomfortable positions, and was often forced into truly horrible acts with some of the other inmates. Either being brutally violated herself, or being forced to perform the same brutality on the weak, while the strong watched on.

Luckily, that torture only lasted her the few months until she nearly beat another inmate to death. Last she'd heard of what she did to that deserving cunt, she was still taking her meals through a straw. Ever since then though, ever since proving her strength over someone who was once considered the strongest woman in gen-pop, Rebecca was no longer the prey. She was sought after, desired by the weaker women who were desperate to be satisfied, and they paid her however they could. One woman who she may have called her friend had inked her arm, while another was sure to keep her stash of cigarettes well stocked.

In time, Rebecca grew to enjoy the things she did to those women. She liked that in those moments, she was in absolute and complete control of her 'client'. Anything she wanted, her well honed services could easily net her in prison. However, she never thought of these acts as anything more than a job, albeit a job she was very good at. She never felt an iota of emotion towards another woman, perhaps primarily because in her mind, these weren't loving things she did; it was the business of pleasure.

However, as she sat across from that golden blonde woman, Rebecca felt something different. Edith hadn't been rough, nor had she been demanding of Rebecca. She had hardly said more than ten words to the girl, and as she sat there, Rebecca could almost see the confusion on Edith's face. Almost as though she herself hadn't known what she was doing a few moments ago.

Finally, Rebecca again asked, "What the fuck is this?"

Edith looked up to meet Rebecca's eyes, and was immediately enamored with the girl's gaze. She had seen it earlier from the observation room, but being so close to her, looking deep into Rebecca's eyes, she could almost see the cracks in the young girl's soul.

"I'm sorry," Edith finally commented.

Rebecca turned her head to the side and spat back, "It wasn't the first time, lady."

"Not about that," Edith replied, once again gathering Rebecca's eyes. "I read your report…" Rebecca's eyes narrowed slightly as Edith continued, "…was it true?"

"Spare me your fuckin' sympathy, bitch; just tell me why the fuck I'm here," Rebecca barked.

Edith stood from the edge of the bed, and this time gently took Rebecca's chin into her palm. For just a second, she was once again lost in the tragedy behind those large brown depths. Gathering her mind for just a moment, Edith again spoke, "I need to hear it from you."

Rebecca's brow pulled down and she quietly slithered her words out, "Now I get it. You're some sicko who gets off on hearin' about what happened to kids like me, right?"

Edith whipped her left hand across Rebecca's face and again took her jaw into her hand, "I need to know if you're just some brat who didn't get that pony for Christmas, or if the people you killed got what they deserved."

Revy lay on her back on Eda's bed, her lips desperate for air. Her tank top had been pulled up and over her supple assets, and her body was covered in sweat. Eda mounted her just as she had been mounted earlier, and brushed her blonde hair behind her ear. Smiling at the sight of Revy in such complete physical exhaustion, she leaned down to her, and slid the tip of her tongue across Revy's dry lips.

Immediately Revy reached up with both hands, pulling Eda's face down to hers, joining their lips with an incredible urgency. Each and every kiss seemed to be more desperate than the last, their eyes tightly closed as they reveled in the taste of one another. This wasn't just about the pleasure, or the sex; it was something more. After nearly a minute of that deep and passionate kiss, their lips broke. Eda opened her eyes first, before pulling her face away from Revy's. She always opened her eyes first; always looking to catch a glimpse of her partner's satisfied features.

Finally, Revy's eyes lightly opened to find Eda's glassy blue eyes peering into hers. She didn't flinch as Eda raised her hand, lowering the back of her fingers gently down Revy's cheek. The look on Revy's face, the complete comfort and security she took in that simple gesture made Eda quite a happy woman. The blonde lowered her naked body to Revy's right side, and the gunslinger took her queue, rolling onto her left side as she pulled her tank top back over her chest.

At seeing what she had done, Eda quickly reached around her partner and pulled her top up once again. Instantly Revy quietly barked, "What the fuc-"

Eda interrupted her, taking a very tight hold of her left breast, and bringing a pain filled cough to escape Revy's lips. Her tone was flat, but stern as she spoke, "Fair is fair, Rebecca. You get to keep your shirt on, but these are mine."

The look of pain on Revy's face was obvious, and her words came out with every bit of that pain, "Fine, just…not so rough!"

Eda loosened her grip on Revy's flesh, gently massaging and caressing her in an attempt to wash away the pain she had just inflicted. As they lie there, Eda enjoyed the feel of her partner's skin in her palm, while Revy was feeling quite calm and relaxed. She looked to the clock on Eda's nightstand: 4:42am. Seeing the time, Revy commented with sadness in her tone, "Just a few more minutes."

"You know we don't have to do this sneakin' around shit, Revy," Eda replied, not slowing her handiwork in the least. "No one in this place would fuck with either of us. We're both too important to Roanapur."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I ain't ready to advertise this just yet," Revy monotonously replied.

Eda leaned her lips over to Revy's ear and whispered, "Then why the fuck are you still here?"

With that, the nun stood from her bed and threw her clothes back on. Revy simply lay there, not bothering to pull her top down again. Eda flicked her blonde strands loose from her habit, but just as she was about to leave the room, Revy called out to her, "Wait." Eda turned back to her, seeing she'd sat up, and still not fixed her shirt. The black cloth haphazardly draped over her breasts, covering some of her flesh, though still leaving some exposed. She sat there like that lost little girl from all those years ago. Alone and broken, wishing she'd known what to say.

"What?" Eda harshly snapped. "This is just something you do for fun, right? A way for you to get your rocks off, no strings attached?"

Revy's eyes also appeared as they had all those years ago; hiding years of pain, punishment, and torment. It was nothing new for Eda to desperately want to be angry with Revy. They fought near endlessly in the company of others, but when they were alone, any hate either of them felt never lasted long. She stepped back over to her, lifting Revy's chin with her fingertips, cocking her head back to take in her eyes. Those vacant brown spheres, they were entrancing to the blonde. Even after all these years, they were a mystery with no complete resolution. Just staring into Revy's eyes, she had almost completely forgotten about what she had said. She remembered why they did this every week. Why they kept it a secret for so long.

Edith sat back in a chair within her and Rebecca's hotel room. She'd just been regaled with the bits of the young girl's life that she'd been able to vividly remember. It wasn't often she'd met a girl who'd lived that form of hell, and could still speak. Rebecca on the other hand, she was not only able to recount the torture she suffered at the hands of her foster father, but could speak of it without shedding a single tear.

It made Edith sick to her stomach the things Rebecca said they did to her. She had asked her for her story; she wanted to know if those she killed deserved what they got. By Edith's mind, they got off easy for what they did to the broken child before her. That she ended up a killer, that she ended up this closed and violent little girl; she simply became a product of the abuse she suffered.

Rebecca ashed her cigarette into a tray on the table and asked, "What the fuck are you staring at, bitch?"

Edith was suddenly snapped from her thoughts and looked away from Rebecca. Just as she was able to speak, she remembered Rebecca's words from earlier that night, "Spare me your fuckin' sympathy, bitch…" The girl didn't want her pity or her sorrow, all she wanted was an answer, and after all she'd been through Edith finally gave her that answer, "I'm with the CIA, Rebecca."

Rebecca simply sat there, unfazed by the revelation as Edith continued, "The people I work for are willing to offer you a full pardon on several conditions."

"Conditions?" Rebecca asked.

"First on the list, you're out of the US. Every cop in this country knows your name and your face; you can't be here," Edith replied. Rebecca swallowed a lump in her throat as Edith continued, "Second, you're to work for us."

"Work for you?" Rebecca spat.

"You killed five cops; you owe us five bodies," Edith replied.

"Five bodies?" Rebecca asked.

"Got a problem pulling a trigger, Rebecca?" Edith spat back. The look on her face almost told that she would have a problem pulling a trigger. She'd killed before to settle her vengeance and to protect herself, but never had she killed because it was demanded of her. Taking notice of the miffed look on Rebecca's face, Edith continued, "Fill your quota and you're free to go,"

Rebecca's nervous eyes narrowed, squeezing out her trepidation as she asked, "And where exactly am I fuckin' free to go?"

Edith smiled slightly as she replied, "Roanapur."

"Where the fuck is that?"

Eda too lit herself a smoke and replied, "It's a coastal city in Thailand; the edge of the world. Something tells me you'll fit in quite well there."

"Don't talk like you know me, bitch," Rebecca barked. "Just 'cause I told you that bullshit doesn't mean you know who the fuck I am."

"You're right…" Edith calmly replied as she stood from her seat, "…I don't know you." She stepped over to Rebecca who still failed to flinch at the approaching woman. She followed Edith with her eyes, until the blonde placed her right hand on her cheek. Rebecca's eyes closed, feeling the warmth of her touch and Edith spoke once again, "But something about you…" Edith herself sorted out her thoughts, "…I want to help you, Rebecca."

Rebecca snapped herself out of Edith's kindness and pulled her face away from her gentle touch. She slapped the woman's hand away and roared, "So you're one of them, then. Some lonely fuckin' dike lookin' to get fucked? Or maybe you just want to fuck a young girl, is that i-"

Again Edith whipped her hand across Rebecca's face, taking her chin tightly in her hand, forcing her furious eyes to meet her own. Same as Rebecca, she'd never felt so entrance by a woman, though unlike Rebecca, Edith seemed to have less of a problem showing it. Still, that the young girl simply sat there, that she didn't move her lips from Edith's path, that she returned the kiss as it was placed on her lips, it was telling enough.

Rebecca's eyes had closed during their brief moment of intimacy, and as Edith pulled away from her, she opened her eyes to take in Rebecca's features once more. The little girl was virtually hypnotized. Completely frozen, head still cocked back from their kiss, the sensations on her lips running strong. Rebecca slowly opened her eyes, observing the gaze of the woman who had kissed her so delicately. She felt all of her rage, all of her anger and angst, it was all still right there, but through those suffocating emotions, she felt a warmth in the pit of her stomach.

With nothing more than that brief exchange, Edith turned to head towards the door, commenting as she walked, "You have two hours to decide."

Just as Edith twisted the door knob, Rebecca called out to her, "Wait." Edith turned back to her, and there were those deep and mysterious eyes once again. Just as Rebecca felt a modicum of warmth, Edith felt void and vacant. She cursed herself for being righteous to the child, but Rebecca was so indomitably strong; it was difficult to imagine anyone could have hurt her so badly. But they had, and here she was; the product of countless sexual assaults; her foster father's toy and money maker, turned multiple murdering young adult.

Edith stepped back over to Rebecca, and gently slid her right hand over the girl's hair. She brought the young girl's face to rest on her belly, offering her comfort no other soul ever had.

"Will you come with me?" Rebecca asked.

"What?" Edith asked with wide eyes.

"To that place you told me about; will you be there?"

"Rebecca, I can't-"

Rebecca pulled herself from Edith's comfort and with glass-coated eyes remarked, "I'll kill whoever the fuck you want, but only if you'll be there with me!"

Edith pulled her back to her stomach once more, holding the little girl in a secure embrace. Neither Rebecca nor Edith ever saw this coming. That after years of what some might call 'normalcy', that they'd find love with a woman. Neither of them were like that, but with each other, there was a connection. One so deeply broken and desperate for the affection of another, the other in a cold and lonely world, looking for someone to make herself feel whole again.

"I'll see what I can do, Rebecca," Edith replied.


Revy stood at the door to Eda's room, slipping her cut-offs back around her waist. She pulled her holsters over her shoulders, and upon checking her cutlass, looked back to the bed. Eda lay there, her unclothed and unconscious form undisturbed from the last position Revy had left her in. Her legs bent at the knees, her body lying on its side. Her long blonde hair covered her face, bringing Revy to smile slightly. She stepped back over to her partner and took the randomly fallen locks into her fingers. She slid them from her lover's face, revealing her pale white face to the gunslinger.

She lowered her lips to her milky white cheek, and placed a single kiss on it. Once again she made her way to the door, letting herself out for the night. Just as she closed the door behind her, she took one more look in on Eda. They'd been through a lot those two. They'd worn many false facades to the world throughout these years past, fought as any couple did, and loved every bit as much.

With the faintest of smiles on her lips, Revy spoke to her lover one last time this morning, "'Night Edith."

And once again, that is that. If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed it :)

I know this sort of thing isn't like me at all, but again; it was for Saya ;) She's supported me through just about every Black Lagoon fic I've written, and I finally felt it was time to give her a little something back :)

Oddly, though I'm happy cutting this here, I have had a lot of ideas for things I can do with this pairing, especially as I've left them here. I may or may not continue it some day, but for now, I'm calling this one complete ;)

Thanks for reading,