It's been 3 months and Freddie made it known to everyone that he is dating Cat. He rubbed it on his friends, to everyone, heck even to Jade and Beck. They occasionally made out in the hallway, went out on Friday nights – all that. It was starting to make Jade more and more suspicious.
"Ugh! Can't she see he's so fake?" Jade exclaimed one night in Beck's RV, hands up and eyebrows scrunched together. "He's so full of it!"
"Babe," Beck started with a calm voice.
"Don't even get me started on the smirks he sends me when he sees me!" Jade continued, her pointing finger moving back and forth, not letting Beck speak at all.
"Babe," Beck tried again as he sat up from his bed.
"-And come on! He's obviously hooking up with that sl-"
"Babe!" Beck exclaimed this time as he shook Jade's shoulders, shaking the goth girl out of her rant. He looked at her that meant 'calm-the-fuck-down.' "It's gonna be okay. She's going to be okay. Okay? If she's happy, you need to let her be! We all have her back if something fucks up and she knows that. You just have to let her go. She's old enough to look out for her self."
"But you know she's not mature enough, experienced enough!" Jade retorted, pulling herself away from Beck and standing up from the bed.
"Yes, but she's not that stupid. Cat's happy, she seems happy to me," Beck argued back in his calmest voice. "Okay?" Jade nodded. "Give the guy a chance. If he screws up, he doesn't know what's coming to him. I mean you're THE Jade West." Jade gives her boyfriend a little smile. The way Beck soothes her with words sends butterflies in her stomach. It was too sweet for Jade but only Beck knows that.
"I guess you're right," Jade replied, sitting down beside Beck as Beck hugged her with one-arm.
"What's gotten you so over protective of her all of sudden anyway?" Beck asked as he looked down at her. Jade looked at Beck, contemplating whether or not she should tell him. She hugged his middle and buried her head in his neck, taking in his manly, Axe smell as she bit his lip. Beck rubbed her arm, encouraging her to talk to him. "Tell me. I'll be quiet. You know I will." He assured her, planting a kiss on top of her head.
Jade let out an audible sigh, a streak of her colored hair wrapped in to one of her fingers as she played with it. She pulled away from Beck and lied down on the bed with her back turned away from Beck. She felt movement and moments later, Beck hugged her in a spooning position, his chin resting on in between her cheek and shoulder. "Talk to me, babe."
"I…" Jade started. She knows Beck is letting her have the stage. "I broke her."
"What?" Beck was confused, his eyebrows shot up. "What do you mean?"
"Her heart. I broke it," Jade simply answered, her voice quite breaking.
"I don't understand," Beck replied.
"Promise me you won't tell a soul," Jade said as she pulled Beck's arms into her too tighten his embrace.
"I promise."
"She loved me," Jade continued on. "She was in love with me and I broke her heart!" Jade was on the verge of tears right now. Beck was in utter shock right now. He didn't know what to think. He doesn't know what happened, he doesn't have any idea about this at all.
"Care to elaborate?" He pushed her, encouraging her to open up to him.
"We were fourteen. It was during a sleepover. It was a lame, romantic movie," Jade recounted that night and Beck let her on with no interruptions. "I told her those things are impossible love stories or some crap and she suddenly kissed me." Beck flinched but nevertheless let Jade continue to talk. He lightly pulled her towards him so she was now facing him. "I told her it was okay, pretend it never happened and all that. She said she didn't want to pretend it didn't happen so I let her as long as she wouldn't tell. Then there was this day that she wanted to talk about it but I didn't. I honestly didn't know what to say even if we did talk about it. I just told her I accepted her if she was confused, I told her it's okay and I don't care if she was gay or lesbian or whatever. And then she walked out on me, saying that it wasn't just a kiss, and that she'd stay out of my life and that she's sorry," Jade paused, letting Beck know that he can speak.
"Fourteen? Weren't we together already?" Beck inquired, his eyes narrowing as if trying to remember that time.
"Not yet," Jade cleared. Beck nodded. "We were constantly talking though. It was about a month before you officially asked me out. Anyway, back to the point. There was one day that we just mutually, silently agreed to part ways, forget everything happened. And then…"
Jade's PoV
I walked up towards the Valentines' residence. After months of no communication with Cat, I received a call from her mom. It was rare that that happened unless Cat went missing or something. She only called me if Cat's nowhere to be found so I had to tell her she's over at my place. Cat always forgot to ask permission from her parents. It was a weird call though. Mrs. Valentine asked me to come over and check up on Cat. She probably thought we were still best friends. Well I'd still like to think that we were. I don't know about Cat though. I'd always be there for Cat. I knew then and there I had to immediately come over. I ring on the doorbell and Mrs. Valentine let me in.
"Ah Jade!" She exclaimed as I give her a little nod and smile. "I haven't seen you in a long time! I heard from Cat that you've a boyfriend already." She let me in as I nodded in confirmation. "Well, you stay safe okay and don't forget your friends!" She reminds me as she went into the kitchen. I waited for her, suspecting that she wasn't done talking yet. She came out with a pack of gummy bears and thrust them towards me. "She won't speak to any of us even when we had these so maybe you can get in?" I nodded at her.
"I'll try," I replied as a I walked upstairs towards her bedroom. I knocked but I received no reply. I twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. Her room was still the same. Pink and white walls, bright red closet, pink study table and a cabinet filled stuffed toys. I scan the room, taking it all in and I see Cat curled like a ball under the covers, her red hair peeking out and slightly blending on to her pink pillow.
"Cat...?" I said, locking the door behind me. She flinched as she heard me speak and turned towards me with sadness and anxiety in her eyes.
"Jade! What are you-" She started to ask as she sat up, covering herself under the blankets.
"Your mom asked me to come," I explained as I walked towards her. I swear I saw a smile on Cat but it quickly vanished.
"You didn't have to. I know you're busy with everything" she told me, clearly avoiding my gaze. I offered her some gummy bears, which she refused to have. I set it down beside her. "You may sit down you know," she added. I pulled her computer chair and sat with the back part of the chair in front of me as my arms rested on top of it.
"Beck's away with his parents for the weekend and I'm your best friend," I replied, trying to let her know that I still quite know what's running on her mind. "I'll come whenever you ask me, or in this case, whenever your family does."
"If they told you anything about me not speaking to them," Cat opened up to my surprise. I nodded my head. "It's nothing."
"No, it's clearly not nothing. And you're gonna have to talk to me eventually. Plus I haven't heard from you since… Well since then," I referred to that day as that. "And you're not answering my texts or calls. I figured I'd give you time but you just… You gave up." I ended my sentence like I was defeated.
"I know we're going to eventually talk but I didn't think it'd be today," Cat replied, her voice breaking. Stupid, stupid me. I was supposed to know what's up, not make her cry and make her not talk. To be honest, Cat made me nervous when she's serious. It doesn't always happen and when it does, she's very unpredictable. "And I know I gave up on our friendship. I was avoiding you."
"You didn't have to," I retorted, trying to keep calm. She turned away from me and played with the hem of her daisy dukes.
"But I did," she replied. "I needed to."
"But why?"
"Don't you get it?" She asked, her normal voice returning in a squeak, like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I had no idea what she was on about. I shook my head no and she let out an audible sigh. "It wasn't just a kiss." She said with emphasis on every word. I can feel her getting worked up and that it took al of her to say it out loud.
"What?" I sputtered. I was in absolute, total shock. Was she telling me what I think she's trying to tell me? No fucking way. Cat went quiet for a while until I tapped her arm. She bit her lip and continued to stare blankly at space. I was about to speak when she started talking again.
"That wasn't by accident. I did it on purpose," she continued as she slowly looked at me, piercing her hazel eyes to mine. "And I know you're not stupid to not know what I'm trying to tell you." I can tell she's trying to stay still and be strong but knowing Cat, her dams would break anytime soon.
"Cat…" I muttered, my own voice drowned with thoughts. "I… I don't know what to say. I… I didn't ask you to… to… love me…"
"I know, but I did anyway," she said, her voice choking and showing signs of crying. Even though she's on the verge of her tears, you can still hear her squeaky voice, her own will trying to tell her not to cry. "I fell for you and I fell so bad." I stared at her, fixing my thoughts. It all came as a shock to me. I had no idea she was keeping all of this within her. I don't know what else to say to her. At that moment, I know I caused her to be like this, that I broke her.
"Cat… I'm sorry."
She shook her head. "Me too." It was silent for a while. "Will you please go now?" She asked me, her eyes full on pleading. I gave in just like that. I had a lot to take into. It was too much for one day. I know I also had to give myself ample time to regain myself and arrange my thoughts. I left their house, letting Mrs. Valentine know that Cat was just sad about a part in a play she didn't get.
-End flashback and Jade's PoV-
"Wow…" Beck said. He was in shock too. Jade just bombarded his head with one of her deepest secrets. "So… You… and Cat?" He inquired.
"No Beck," Jade replied, slightly irritated but nevertheless trying to calm Beck down as she knows he'll blow up. "Just you and me. No Cat and Jade or Jade and Cat ever happened." She moved towards him and kissed his cheek.
"I still can't believe it though," Beck said after a while. "So… Is Cat like lesbian or… ?"
"I don't think she is," Jade honestly replied. "We were fourteen. Probably just a phase." Jade didn't have any idea if Cat was different like that. "I mean she's dating Freddie, dated Tori's ex, dated a couple other guys…"
"So you're saying you devirginized her heart?" Beck joked, trying to lighten the mood. It was kind of getting intense now that he found out but he knows Cat's not a threat to their relationship.
"Can you please use a different word?" Jade replied, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. He smiled and kissed her temple. "I just… You know… I don't really know. I mean after that… She started dating other guys."
"And what happened?" he replied as he stroked her arm. The aircon in Beck's RV revving loudly as they talked.
"And she easily fell for them," Jade said with a sad voice. "I had to talk to her, comfort her," she continued. "And yes, I can comfort people," She interrupted Beck's thought as he chuckled. "Anyways, yeah. Every time her boyfriend broke up with her, she always fell apart. Maybe that's why she's always cheery."
"What to try and cover up her broken heart?" Beck rhetorically said. "It may be a show. I don't know but it's possible, Jade. Maybe she dated them to get over you?"
"Maybe. I don't know too," the goth girl replied as she played with Beck's fingers.
"But isn't she like trying to wreck herself?" Beck inquired, giving the situation his complete thought. "Like, isn't she afraid the same thing will happen to her over and over again?"
"She's always been the hopeful one," Jade shared as she sat up and placed her legs on Beck's stomach. "And the one who's the most giving. She's too nice and sweet and happy for her own good!"
Silence. Beck didn't know what else to say. He ran out of words to say and all so they just stayed there still. "Everything we talked about tonight stays in this RV, okay?" Jade commanded her boyfriend who nodded in promise. "Good. Wait for me, I gotta make a call." Jade stood up, as did Beck who went to the toilet. Jade went out of the RV and punched in a couple of texts until she finally got a hold of a certain number. She dialed it and waited until after five rings before somebody picked it up.
"Zack, right?" Jade said, a smile – rather a grin forming in her face.
A/N: What do you think? Read and reviews please! I would be able to update more often now as it's my summer vacation. Enjoy!