Sierra: Okay guys...this chapter is really short, and is, in my opinion, suckish. D:

*cough* I'm being forced to do this *cough* what?

Disclaimer: I do not own Penguins of Madagascar (though I wish I did)

"How's that leg of yours, Private?" Skipper's commanding voice showed only a hint of concern.

"Fine, Skippah," Private replied optimistically. "Just needs a little bandaging up, that's all."

It had been a hard day of work for the Team. Whether it was helping Mason and Phil gather their bananas or fighting off a swarm of greedy seagulls, everyone seemed to need help all at once. Poor Private had even gotten a few minor cuts and bruises from all the good deeds he was doing (although he was happy to help.) Now the crew kept to themselves in their stone headquarters, exhausted.

Skipper let out a long sigh, slumping up against the wall with a cold cup of fish coffee. "Alright, men," he called to his comrades. "good work today. No training for the rest of the evening."

The others sighed in relief. Finally, a well deserved break. While Private and Rico went to do their own thing, Kowalski slipped beside Skipper.

"Skipper, I believe I can find a way to make our duties easier," he stated proudly.

Skipper tilted his head. "What's that?"

Kowalski only smirked. "I'll find a way. I have an idea." And with that, he was off to his lab, leaving a puzzled Skipper to himself for a while.

It was early morning when Kowalski's ecstatic voice echoed around the Headquarters, waking up the others. "It's complete! It's complete!"

Skipper groaned, lugging himself out of bed and rubbing his eyes. The others followed close behind. "What are you talking about, Kowalski? Can't this wait until later?"

Kowalski was giddy with excitement. "Oh, I'm sorry Skipper, but this is just so amazing! I just can't wait any longer or I'll….I'll….EXPLODE with anticipation!"

"Easy there, soldier," Skipper said. "So what is it, huh? C'mon now."

Kowalski slid to the closed metal door of his lab. "I present to you," he began, turning the handle slowly. There was a small chink! And the door propped open to reveal another penguin, eyes closed, head down. "SZ102y!" Kowalski practically screamed.

"You…" Skipper was obviously puzzled.

"It is an android, specifically designed to serve us and help us on missions." Kowalski's chest was puffed out with pride.

"I have to say, Kowalski, I wasn't expecting this out of you." Skipper smiled. "Show me what it can do."

"Very well then," Kowalski turned to his invention, and spoke in a clear, commanding voice: "SZ102y, awaken."

Slowly, the robot's head rose in a smooth, almost lifelike motion. Its eyes flickered open; they shone with a dull, metal tint to them. "Good morning, Master."

Skipper was very surprised when it spoke - its voice was so calm, yet cold and metallic, but the part that got to him most was that it sounded like it was a female's voice.

At this, Private and Rico cheered on enthusiastically. Kowalski continued introducing his creation. "Whenever you want something done, all you have to do is give the command to SZ102y. It knows over 9,000 of them, and is an artificial intelligence, or AI, so it can learn new ones, too."

"But," Private began, "SZ102y is awfully hard to say, let alone remember. Do you perhaps have a nickname we can use?"

"Ah," said Kowalski, "I almost forgot. SZ102y also responds to 'Syza'."

"Syza," Private repeated. "It really is a pretty name."

Hearing this, the robot turned to acknowledge Private. "Thank you," it took a pause as its eyes seemed to evaluate the young penguin. "Private."

"It knows my name!" Private giggled.

"It's programmed to identify everyone in the zoo," Kowalski added. He beamed, then seemed distressed. "Skipper, what do you think of SZ10 - er, I mean, Syza?"

Skipper shook himself. "Huh? She's….wonderful. But I think I'd like to see her in action."

Kowalski gave a sly smile, understanding. "Okay then. Let's go and see who needs us today."

Sierra: Please review! I know it kinda sucks Should I continue?