You were always so sure of yourself; strutting around as if you were the only one who mattered, as if you were the best thing that had ever happened. You acted as if you knew everything that there was to know. I'd sit there and watch you try to make yourself the centre of attention. The way you'd make those smart arse remarks, they made me want to slap your face. But I never did. There was only one reason for making myself sit there through it all.

Some days I would love you to bits. I could feel like I was the only person in the world that mattered. We'd laugh and joke and have a good time. I'd be smiling.

Other days I hated you to no end. You would put me down. I'd feel so degraded and upset that I'd just want to run away or die. My heart would break. I'd be crying.

But that is all just a brief summary of what you are and what you do to me. Tonight you will never be the same. Tonight I will make you fall to your knees. You will be so unprepared and it's gonna hit you so.. damn.. hard. You won't know what to do. And all I'm gonna do is laugh.

Tonight you are going down Harry Judd.