I'm sorry this isn't Alter…I'm just really bad at updating things D: Unlike Alter, I started working on this awhile ago and I already have chapters written. So…yeah. Anyway, this isn't bestiality. I'll prove it in like the third chapter. Arthur will be human again. Woops, spoiler alert. This was supposed to be a one-shot. This is obviously NOT a one-shot anymore. It is officially going to be a multi-chaptered fic. Probably exceptionally long as well. I've always wanted to right an Actiony/Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Indiana Jones-esque piece, but I never got around to it. Well now I have! On with the show!

PS: Sorry in Advance for the shortness. It's just a prologue. Kinda.

Alfred F. Jones was in most respects a normal 21 year old. He lived alone in his small one bedroom apartment, save for the occasional overnight stay from his twin brother. His social life was normal and involved a few close friends and the odd date or two. The relationships never stuck, but that was probably due to how uninterested in woman he was. He'd known he was gay for a long time, but he'd never told anyone. He was fine with being set up on blind dates with woman, even if it was a fruitless effort.

His job was normal enough. He co-owned a small bookstore with his brother Matthew, and it brought in enough money to keep him living comfortably. His looks were maybe above average with his slightly messy blond hair, bright blue eyes, and toned body, though it might be his rather dorky personality that took away from his looks. Perhaps the only unusual aspect of his life was his cat.

Named Arthur, or Artie for short, the sandy blond tabby was an interesting cat. His fur was short and messy, but unbelievably soft. Sometimes Alfred would sit for hours, stroking the ball of fur laying on top of his stomach. Though even with his soft fur, the most beautiful part about Arthur had to be his eyes. They almost looked magical with their vivid green color and their ability to almost glow. The strange thing about his eyes was the shape. They looked almost human, missing the characteristic slit in the middle, instead replaced with a circular pupil. It gave Arthur the uncanny ability to express his own feelings with just his eyes.

The cat had been found by Alfred only a year before, but Alfred already had a very strong relationship with the tabby. Alfred talked to Arthur about anything and everything. And sometimes he swore his cat responded. Whether it be a nod in agreement at something Alfred said, or a small lick of his master's palm to comfort him when he was upset.

Alfred took Arthur everywhere with him, either hiding him in his tattered red bookbag or carrying him under his signature bomber jacket. His brother had expressed his displeasure at having the cat in the bookstore, but Alfred had assured him that the cat would do no harm. And slowly, but surely Matthew came to enjoy the presence of the cat. Often he would take him out on his own when his brother wasn't around. This new friendship between Arthur and Matthew allowed Alfred to be able to bring his cat to the bookstore everyday. Which he just so happened to be getting ready to do that very morning.

"Aaaaaarrttttiiieeeee" Alfred searched frantically through his room, throwing clothes around and kicking the trash scattered about his floor. "Where are ya buddy? I gotta go to work and if I'm late one more time Mattie's not gonna let me bring you anymore!"

He threw a few more articles of clothing around until he saw his jacket on the floor with a big bulge underneath it. He smiled triumphantly and crept closer and closer to the jacket until he was right in front of it.

He crouched down in front of the bulge and smirked. "Oh Arthuuuur." He saw a small movement from under the jacket and it took him about 3 seconds to pounce on the object.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed as he quickly got off of Arthur and lifted him in to the air.

Looking at Alfred in defeat Arthur made an annoyed growl and squirmed trying to get out of his grasp.

"Jeez Artie calm down." He looked down at the cat in his arms and tried his best to make a serious look. "Had me worried there thinking I had lost you."

Arthur simply stared up at him with an annoyed look, almost rolling his eyes. To anyone else this would have been a surprising if not scary action, but Alfred, being used to such feats, just glared at the cat in mock anger and ruffled his fur lightly.

"No need to get angry, I'm just messin' with ya. Sheesh." Arthur ignored Alfred for the time being, and instead squirmed again frantically in response while lifting his paw up to face the door.

Alfred stared in confusion before he paled slightly and started to run, quickly picking up his bookbag and jacket on his way out.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Thanks for distracting me Artie! Mattie's gonna kill me!" Arthur growled back at him, almost as If to say "Like hell this is my fault!" But his growl was ignored as he was stuffed under Alfred's jacket.

This had become a daily occurrence as well. A small fight would arise between both males (most likely about running late) and it would always end the same. Alfred would curse as he hurried to work, and Arthur would protest at being roughly handled. This would go on as Alfred ran through the town until making it to the doors of the bookstore right on time. 'Old habits die hard' as they say.

Today Alfred was not so lucky though as he through the store's doors almost fifteen minutes late. As soon as he made it inside he doubled over and started panting, forgetting completely about Arthur. He was reminded of his presence shortly afterwards by frantic struggling and a bite to his stomach.

"Ahh! Arthur I forgot about you! " He lifted him out from under his jacket quickly and set him down on the counter. Scanning the room he snuck around the corner to get to the back storage room.

Just as he was about to make his escape to a day of work in the back he heard a quiet voice behind him.

"15 minutes late Al. Are you trying to get fired?"

Oh shit. Meet Matthew Williams. Alfred's 'sweet, adorable, little Canadian brother' who had the uncanny ability of quickly changing in to 'hard-ass boss' when dealing with Alfred at work.

"Oh hey Mattie!" Alfred turned around slowly to face his brother while rubbing the back of his head and chuckling nervously.

"I uh...didn't see ya there!"

Obviously the wrong thing to say for his brother gave him a look not unlike one would give to one's enemy.

"Alfred. F. Jones. Did you get in another stupid argument with your cat? Is that why you're late?'

Oh shit. Full name. Alfred took a step back as he gulped.

"Well, uh, this isn't my fault! Blame Arthur! He's the one who keeps hiding from me!" He pointed an accusing finger at Arthur who was now snuggling

up closer to Matthew and smirking at Alfred. Well as close to a smirk as a cat can make at least.

In return, Alfred gave the cat the most scathing glare he could muster.

"Traitor." he muttered as he stormed off to the front. For the moment he had completely forgotten about Matthew and was now going to quietly sulk while trying to scare off customers. So far a great start to the day.

After about three hours all traces of an argument were gone as Alfred lazily stroked Arthur while the cat sat in his lap. Normally said cat wouldn't show such affection willingly (especially in public), but he figured he'd have to apologize to Alfred soon. The idiot was his caretaker after all and perhaps his only friend.

So after about an hour of being ignored and brushed off, Arthur had leapt in to Alfred's lap trying to get attention. Alfred, being the big softie he is, instantly forgave his furry friend, and now here they were in the same position almost two hours later.

Alfred continued to pet Arthur absentmindedly as he stared at the door. Someone had yet to come in and honestly he was a little frustrated. Did people forget how to read? Not that it was his favorite thing exactly, but even on a really bad day at least a few nerds would come walking in looking for an odd book on aliens, the history of fish living in South Africa, or something equally as weird.

Growling in frustration Alfred suddenly stood up, sending Arthur to the floor with an indignant yelp.

He looked down at his friend on the floor and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"Huh...sorry there buddy. Forgot you were in my lap." He bent down to pick him up off the floor, but he paused when he heard the sound of bells tingling from the front of the store.

Completely forgetting about Arthur he hurried towards the front door, mustering up a friendly smile to greet the customer.

"Hello sir ! Need help finding any-" His greeting was stopped short as he stared at the customer who had just come in.

He was a little more than intimidating to say the least. The man stood well over a head taller than Alfred which really was saying something considering Alfred and Matthew were two of the tallest people in town. He wasn't just tall either, but bulky. Maybe it was the long and heavy beige coat the man was wearing or he long, pale pink scarf around his neck, but the man just seemed heavy. Adding to the intimidation was he fact that he didn't look fat, but instead very muscular. His eyes were piercing and a pale violet color that seemed almost unnatural. His hair seemed to have the same supernatural feel to it with how pale in shade it was. With all of this it seemed he couldn't get any creepier, but he managed to pull it off by twisting his face in to a large smile, though it seemed hardly happy. The smile just seemed to accentuate his scary demeanor by being so ironic.

The man's smile only grew wider as he registered the blond's flustered look. He coughed loudly, while still maintaining the smile, and stared deeply.

"Well hello there comrade."

Alfred froze at those words. That accent...this guy was Russian. Like 'fresh-from-Moscow' Russian.

Alfred swallowed the lump beginning to form in his throat and shakily a step towards the Russian.

"Did you need help with anything sir..."

"Ivan Braginski" The man replied.

Alfred corrected himself quickly, but distracted himself from the man for a second as he felt something rush behind one of his legs.

Twisting his head slightly around he looked towards the floor new his legs where he saw Arthur brushing up against his leg. The cat seemed to sense the scary mood as he was shivering slightly behind Alfred, trying his hardest to disappear behind him.

Alfred, feeling a sudden burst protectiveness, stepped in front of the cat so that the Russian couldn't see him and he was safely behind his owner.

Obviously the cat wasn't the best at hiding though because a few moments later the man crouched down on the floor and reached out to where Arthur was.

"Ahh you have a cat. You are so very lucky, da? To have a cat that is attached to you such as this one." He reached out further, attempting to catch Arthur, but failed when Alfred took another step to the right where the cat was safely hidden.

The man chuckled slowly and made his way back up to stand at his normal height.

"Ha. You are very protective of your cat, da?"

Alfred frowned slightly and shuffled uncomfortably. "Y-Yeah I guess you could say that." God did he just stutter? Alfred F. Jones had never once stuttered due to nervousness. That was a task best done by his shy brother, not him. This Russian guy was obviously getting to him.

The man smiled again, but it didn't reach his eyes as he stared at Arthur. "What a waste," He said. "Why waste effort on such a stupid creature as that." His smile changed to a dark glare as his eyes drifted towards Alfred.

Alfred, sensing the dangerous turn this conversation had just made, took a step away from the Russian and tried to swallow his nervousness.

"Uh...so sir what is it that you wanted exactly?"

The man seemed confused as he pondered he question and a few seconds later he innocently shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

"This is embarrassing, da? I have forgotten what I have come in here for." Judging by the man's rather large smile, Alfred figured the man had not forgotten at all, which instantly made him tense up at the Russian's suspicious behavior.

The man ignore Alfred's discomfort as he reached forward and grasped his hand while shaking it vigorously.

"Well I must be on my way then. It was nice to meet you...Mr. Jones." And with that the intimidating man walked out the front door briskly and disappeared around the corner.

It took Alfred a moment to realize something was off, and he frowned as it dawned on him.

He had never told the man his name, much less his last name. He looked himself over quickly to see if there was anything on him that could give a clue to his name, but found nothing. No name tags or IDs bore his name. At least none that were visible.

In his haste to search his body he almost didn't the small ball of fur that ran through his legs. It wasn't until he heard the tell tale sound of bells ringing at the front door that he looked up and noticed exactly what was running out the door.

Arthur. His cat Arthur was currently running outside the bookstore's door and around the corner. He seemed to be desperately running after something because outside he window Alfred could see he cat gaining momentum as he raced between people's legs and avoided bicyclists riding by.

WHAT? Cliff-hanger? Cheesy title? Russia is the villain? Never heard that one before!

I'm so cool. NOT. Haha I'm sorry for not updating my other story, but aren't you glad I'm starting another one? And oh look! It's USUK as well. Well get used to it. I'm going to write this pairing to death. I mean there will be some minor couplings, but yeah. I have too many ideas for this couple. Anyway it's kinda late and I have to write a report, so I should get going.

I'll be updating this maybe every week. Alter will be updated maybe Sunday of this week so…look forward to that!

Sophia out!