Hey… Sooooo, it's been a while… Let's just say that with graduation and everything going on, I've been rather stressed out. Also, I'm kind of losing a bit of steam for this story. I'm not abandoning it. It might just take me a bit longer to update. I do, however, have quite a lot in store for my other Edward/Jasper story, "Bathroom Tryst." Check it out if you haven't already.

A huge thanks to my beta, Dreamingpoet1988! Her story, "Riding Wild", is really great! Go check it and her other stuff out!

"I want to run away with you, Edward."

His eyes widened and his expression was unreadable. Even his emotions were unreadable. I had no idea what impact my words had on him. We were silent for what seemed like hours. My knees began to tremble and I knew that if he didn't say something soon, I'd crack.

"Edward, please… Say something. What are you thinking?"

His eyes, which had been focused on the ground, looked up into mine. They were… confused. His emotions were becoming a bit clearer.

"How do we do that? How do we just run away? If we don't return to the family, they are bound to track us. Plus, how would we explain it? We can't just up and leave without giving the family an explanation."

I was confused. "Edward… We would tell them the truth, right?"

His brows knit together. "It's not going to be that simple, Jasper. Plus, there's Bella… And you have Alice."

I huffed loudly. I felt like stomping my foot, but that would've seemed childish. Why couldn't anything be easy? Why couldn't Alice just sign the fucking papers? Why did I have to be attached to her? I didn't love her, but at times I wished I did. Everything would've been so much easier. But I didn't love her, and I never would. I stared into Edward's eyes. He was worth it.

"We can leave. Tell Bella you don't want to see her anymore. And then… We can just leave. We'll go to Russia or Asia or anywhere that's far away from here. It only matters that we're together. Fuck the rest of them."

Edward looked down at the ground again. "It's still not that easy…"

I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him hard on his full, red lips. "Take a chance, Edward. Take a chance on me?"



"You can't leave."

I turned around to see Alice standing in the doorway of our room. Her arms were folded across her chest and her demeanor showed no sign that she would let me through. I had just finished packing some clothes and other essentials into a backpack.

"And why not?"

Her lips curled into a sneer. "I'll know where you guys are, and I'll be able to find you. So, what's the point in leaving?"

"The point is to get as far away from you as possible. The only person I truly care about in this family is Edward. He's the only one who-"

"Aw. Is he the only one who understands you?"

I was furious. "Alice, move out of my fucking way. You can't stop us from leaving. Edward is going to break up with Bella and then we are going somewhere far away."



Alice looked at me smugly. "You guys are going to Chicago. I can see it. The first thing you're going to do is find Edward's old home, and then you'll find some hotel and fuck."

I was flabbergasted. Edward and I talked about Chicago, but it wasn't really set in stone. But what disturbed me the most was the vicious way she mentioned something so intimate.

"Alice, why is it any business of yours what Edward and I do? Why can't you just let us go and be happy? I'm miserable here. I feel… confined. Everyone is so afraid that I'll slip that I can't relax. The only time I've felt comfortable is around Edward."

"You being miserable is your own damn fault! I have done nothing but love you! I fucking saved your sorry ass!"

"Saved me from what? You had no fucking idea that I was going to try to kill myself! You only had a vision that you were going to meet me! You didn't know what I would've done until I told you earlier today!"

She sobbed and ran forward to try to hold me, but I stepped back.

"Jasper, I love you! You are the first thing I saw when I woke up! You guided me away from becoming a monster. I found you and we were able to find the Cullen's. You can't say that doesn't mean anything!"

I sighed and closed my eyes as I ran a hand through my hair. "Maybe…" I exhaled slowly. "Maybe you were meant to find me and we were meant to find the Cullen's, but I don't think we were meant to be together. Maybe… I was meant to meet Edward."

She looked at me for a while. Then, the corner of her lips turned up. She was smirking.

"Do you honestly believe that bullshit? You were meant to meet Edward? You did meet him. Then what? You avoided each other like the plague, and now all of a sudden you love each other? Bull. Shit. You're just horny."

Completely unable to hold myself back, I leaped at Alice. I knocked her to the floor, but I had enough restraint to leave it at that. I pinned her arms to her sides and kept her on the ground. She squirmed a bit, but it was useless.

"Don't try to minimize my feelings for him because I don't love you. Deep down, I don't even think you love me. I think we both felt bound to each other because it took both of us to find the Cullen's. But that's it. It's not love, Alice. I don't love you, and I highly doubt you love me. Now please, stop trying to act like it is. Let's end this."

Alice stared up at me with her wide, amber eyes. I could tell she was thinking over everything I said. I got off her slowly when I was sure she wouldn't try to do anything hasty. We both sat up.

"Alice," I looked deeply into her eyes. "You deserved to find someone who loves you as much as you love him. I'm sorry I'm not that person."

Her chin quivered a bit. Without saying a word, she stood up and left.

I had no idea what to do.

Reviews are lovely!
