Day One Back

A new year had begun and the head girl was strolling the halls of Hogwarts helping out any reckless first years that had strayed and gotten themselves lost. Hermione had just helped two young first year Gryffindors find their way to the Great Halls where new students had to be gathered. She had not yet met the head boy nor seen him around doing the same duty she was currently doing, but hopefully she was not the only one doing so.

Hermione took a turn and stopped. There was Malfoy with his mischievous smirk talking to what looked like a scared lost first year Hufflepuff. She took long, quick strides over to the two just in case Malfoy was harassing the kid.

"What's going on over here?" she asked as soon as she was within the two's hearing distance.

Malfoy turned around, his smirk nerved, and his expression turned slightly sour. "Well if it isn't Granger. What do you want?" Turning to the kid, his smirk back to it's fullness. " I was just helping this little fellow find his way back to where he belongs." He gave the Hufflepuff a pat, meaningless, but still a pat, on the back. "Go," he ordered. The kid wasted no time to scurry away and quickly brushed passed Malfoy and Hermione. They both watched the boy until he disappeared with a corner turn.

"Helping him, huh…?" mumbled Hermione. 'Helping him my bloody ass!'

"Well, Granger," Malfoy said, "this just happens to be my current assigned duty right now." He pointed to a badge on his robe that she had overlooked. It was the badge given to the head boy. All during this time, his smug smirk never failed, never faltered. "Surprised, I dare say, mudblood?" And with that, Draco walked away leaving Hermione astounded and livid.

Draco left satisfied with himself. He had just left smart-ass Granger surprised, fuming, and her jaw to the floor. After that last remark, he headed over to the Slytherin's dorm to be reunited with his friends. Well, his "posse." A;; the time he was walking he was wallowing in his self-satisfaction and replayed his encounter with Granger over and over again. Why he found that situation amusing, considering she just came in the middle of him trying to scare a kid, he did not know. But the moment he turned around and saw her, he saw that she'd changed. Physically. Before he knew it, he was standing right in front of the Slytherin's dorm. All that stood in his way was the portrait.

"Password?" asked the portrait.
"Bloody Cauldron" replied Draco.

The portrait moved out of the way, revealing a short journey that lead to the Slytherin's common room. When Draco walked in, Pansy was pacing back and forth, Crabbe Goyle were eating bread, probably bread packed before departure, and Vincent was sitting on the couch, staring intently at the fire.

Pansy was the first to notice Draco's presence. "Ah! Draco! There you are! Where've you been? I got so worried when those two blunder heads, Crabbe and Goyle, came in without you!" Draco walked forward slowly only to then stop as Pansy ran up to him and gave him a hug and a short, quick peck on the lips. She held him a little longer hoping he'd put his motionless arms around her, to hug her in return, but when he made no movement, she released him.

Draco ambled over to the couch and the moment he plopped down, Vincent got up and sat on an arm chair.

"I had to do some strictly assigned duties. Helping stupid first years who got their asses lost." Draco said answering Pansy's previous questions.

It was Pansy who let out a high pitched giggle that sounded fake as hell. " Since when did you start following orders on the first day back! Especially helping annoying first year brats. That is if you were helping them!"

Draco put his feet on the wooden coffee tablet and an arm on the back of the couch. "I was just practicing my authority as head boy. That's all."

"Head boy!" Goyle cried. "Did you roughen up scared little first years? Well did you? I'd imagine you would. You're not the kind to have privileged power without abusing it a bit first!"

A smirk made its way to Draco's face, and they, Pansy, Vincent, Crabbe and Goyle, all laughed.

Pansy sauntered and circled where Draco was stationed, walking in a way that'd make Draco want her, until she took her place and seated next to him, on the side with the arm behind the couch. She snuggled up to him. Draco, again, did not object nor did he make any indication that he liked or disliked what she was doing. He just sat there like Pansy was no where near him.

"So, head boy, huh?" Pansy purred looking up at Draco. His eyes had moved onto hers and locked. " I like a man with au-"

Pansy's attempt to be seductive was cut off when Blaise came in the room, causing both of them to look up at the dorm's entrance. "Ugh, as entertaining as that is to those guys," he said, indicating to Vincent, Goyle and Crabbe, "please do that sort of behavior else where private."

A shrill sound originated from Pansy and Draco decided he had enough of this little reunion for the day. It was getting a little bit too loud in the common room for his liking. He brushed Pansy off of him, obviously hurting her feelings, and gave himself quick pats to rid himself of any wrinkles and 'Pansy' off his clothes.

"By the way, Draco." Crabbe piped. " Who's head girl this year?"

"It's Granger." Draco and Blaise said in unison.

Draco looked up at Blaise. "How'd you know it was Granger?"

"Oh, it's Granger. What a surprised that is." said Pansy casually, seemingly uninterested. Then, after a few seconds to realize that Draco would be sharing an entire dorm with Hermione and them two alone, she shot up off the couch. "Granger! Mudblood Granger!"

Blaise's attention turn away from Draco for a moment and onto Pansy to quickly answer her. "Yes, Pansy. Granger's head girl. This shouldn't be such a surprise knowing that she's actually, - and I hate to say it- , a smart girl. And yes, she will be sharing a room with Malfoy and ,yes, it'll only be them two. Don't think I don't know what you were thinking. But knowing who Draco and his bloodline, I, along with many, highly doubt he'd be remotely interested in a muggle-born witch like Granger, 'kay? So don't get your knickers in a knot."

Blaise then turned his attention back to Draco. " I saw her today in the halls as she was walking by. I was on my free period, and I was checking out the girls and that's when I noticed her. She's changed a lot, so you know, its only natural to see if she also changed in chest size! And that's how I saw the badge."

There was an awkward silence for a moment. "You found out she was the head girl because… you were looking at her chest…?" Draco said slowly, still processing on how he should feel about that.


Draco stood there, hushed. Did what Blaise just say bother him? Wait! Why should it? Breaking the silence, he laughed. Vincent, Crabbe and Goyle followed along. He walked back to the entrance, and pushed the portrait out. Before leaving, he turned his head back, and gave his friends a smirk to cover up whatever assumption there was. "I should go back to my own dorm now. I'll see you at dinner."

Then he left. He went up the stairs up 'til he was on the floor for the dorm specifically made for the head boy and girl. The portrait shielding the entrance to the room was a man dressed from the renaissance era.

" Reticent Bogart."

The first thing he saw when he stepped in was Hermione on the couch, reach the book "Hogwarts a History."

Draco came in and sat in the arm chair adjacent to where Hermione was sitting. " 'Howarts a History' , huh? Haven't you read that book once previously in the past?"

Hermoine didn't look up from the book, nor answered his question.

"What? You're refusing to speak to me?" Draco said inquiringly.

Still, Hermione refused to even to acknowledge his presence there at that moment.

"I'm trying to converse with you, mudblood!" Draco said, gritting his teeth together, obviously getting agitated at how his company was being failed to recognized, especially by her! A lower-class, muggle-born!

With no answer once more, got up, pissed. "Is this the type of manners muggles teach their children!" He strode over to the side of the room where his room was. " Filthy mudblood! Learn to feel honored to have an upper-class pureblood like me talk to a muggle-born like you!" After that was said, Draco went to his room and slammed the door behind him.