A/N: Woah, I was just going through a whole bunch of Word Documents and I found this half-finished. Well I can't just leave it like that, can I? *winks* Ah…okay…well I hope you all enjoy!

"Tori-san! Gure-san is poking me!" Ayame trilled.

Hatori rolled his eyes, they acted so immature sometimes.

"I am not poking you!" Shigure chuckled, jabbing Aaya in the arm. The latter began to cry loudly and in an extremely aggravating manner.

"Will you two shut up!" Hatori hissed. It was hard to focus on his paper when they were being this loud.

"Oh Haa-san!" Shigure whimpered, "You know us, we never shut up! Ahhh, ummmm…"

Hatori glared at him again, "What?" Shigure looked at him blankly, "I need a catch phrase, something to describe us…what could it be?"

Ayame piped up, "OOH! A catchphrase! That sounds fabulous! We shall find the absolutely most glorious catch phrase in the world for my dear Gure-san!"

"It's gotta be zingy, something I can use at nauseum, maybe in a foreign language so I can confuse everyone around me!" Shigure contemplated, growing excited.

Hatori sighed, "You two are such idiots…I'm not going to come up with a 'catch phrase' for you, Shigure…"

The Dog pouted and squeezed out a few false tears, "B-But Haa-san, if you don't help me we'll never come up with a snazzy catch phrase for me! Then what woes will befall me, huh? A poor man, wandering, helpless, with no catchy line of his own! Oh the horror~"

The Dragon glared at the blubbering man before him, "Oh well, qué será, será."

Shigure leaned on Hatori's desk, a devilish gleam in his eye, "Huh, ¿qué será, sera? I kind of like that. I think I'll use it! Thanks, Haa-san, I've got my catchphrase!" He went prancing out of the office with a blithe smile going ear to ear, Ayame following suit.
