A/N - So, as a die-hard Chair fan since Season 1, I was totally opposed to Dair strictly on principle plus it just seemed like the writers were grasping with that pairing, but by god those two are freaking cute together. I couldn't stop myself from at least partially jumping on Dair train. I haven't completely abandoned hope for Chair, but I don't know if it's possible for the writers to fix the mess they've made with them. Plus with Chuck being a total douche these days, I'm starting to think that Dan could be really good for Blair and vice versa. Anyway, this is my first attempt at writing Gossip Girl. I was inspired by the promo for 4x17. This is what I would like to happen. I hope you enjoy! Please, please, please review.
Disclaimer - I own nothing.
"Just one kiss." Dan's voice is low as he lays his hand on Blair's shoulder and suddenly she feels like she can't breathe.
"What?" Blair continues to stare at him in shock. "Have you completely lost your mind, Humphrey?"
"Maybe…" Dan stepped forward, closing the gap between their bodies and Blair feels like she's about to pass out when Dan's eyes flick to her lips for a second. "But I don't think so. I think that you feel it too - whatever this thing is, that's going on between us." Blair opens her mouth to speak but Dan's arm sliding easily around her waist causes the words to die in her throat. "Can you look me in the eye and honestly tell me that you feel nothing, Blair?"
Blair opened her mouth to speak again, more specifically she opened her mouth to deny what he was saying, but as she looked up into Dan's dark eyes she felt her pulse start to race and her heart is pounding so loudly in her chest that she's surprised he can't hear it. Yeah, that definitely wasn't 'nothing'. Dan took her silence as an unspoken agreement and lifted his hand to brush the hair from her face. Blair's mind was still trying to process what was happening when Dan slowly lowered his head toward hers but all thoughts were gone the moment he gently pressed his lips against hers and her eyes fluttered closed.
His lips moved over hers gently but urgently and Blair can't stop herself from moaning into his mouth. She feels Dan smile, pulling her closer, pressing his body against hers and tangling his fingers in her hair. After a few more (breath taking) moments, Dan pulls away from her and leans close to whisper in her ear.
"Do you still think I've lost my mind?" His breath is hot on her skin and Blair closes her eyes for a moment before turning her head slightly to look at him.
"Shut up, Humphrey." She murmured, clutching the front of his shirt and pulling him forward, crashing her lips against his again. For a brief second, Serena flashes through Blair's mind but she pushes the thought away as quickly as it comes. She doesn't want to think about Serena or what the ramifications of this might be. Right now, all she wants to do is focus on Dan and the way he's making her feel as he awakens things in her that she never thought she would feel again.
"Blair…" Dan pulls away again and she looks up at him in a slight daze as he takes her face in his hands, kissing her softly once more and causing her heart to pound even faster. Before he has a chance to say anything else, he's suddenly pulled away from her and he stumbles back a few feet as they both see Chuck for the first time, staring at the two of them, anger seeping from his whole body.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, Humphrey?" Chuck sneers in Dan's direction.
"What the hell does it look like I'm doing, Bass?" Dan snaps back and all Blair can do is stare at the two men in front of her with wide eyes, her hand covering her mouth in shock.
"What makes you think that you have any right to put your hands on her?" Chuck's eyes are cold and Blair can't help but cringe. She knows that look too well.
"Well, she certainly didn't seem to have any objections!" Dan barks and Blair's eyes dart to him in surprise.
"Excuse me, she has a name!" Blair's voice cuts through the argument and both men turn to look at her. She looks at the two of them for a second before turning to Chuck with a sigh. "What do you want, Chuck? What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to you, obviously." He takes a step closer and Blair instinctively takes a step back, causing Chuck to frown. "And I walk in to find you with Humphrey! Humphrey? If you were trying to make me jealous, Blair, it worked. Because I don't think I'll ever get that image out of my head. I can't believe you would do that - he's so beneath you."
"Don't talk about him like that." Blair bristles at Chuck's words. "He's one the who's been here while you've been out being the perfect boyfriend to everyone but me!"
"Blair, that's why I'm here. I made a mistake, I know that now." Chuck took another step toward her but this time is stopped by Dan grabbing his arm.
"Yeah, well, you're too late, Bass. That ship has sailed." Dan jerks him back and Chuck shakes his hand off with complete disgust.
"Really? Because I didn't hear Blair say that whatsoever." Chuck growls.
"Blair, tell him!" Dan turns to look her at her expectantly and Chuck follows suit. Blair stares at the two of them in silence for a second. "Blair…" Dan's says again and she slowly pulls her gaze up to meet his.
"I…" She begins but the words don't seem to want to come out and her eyes dart to Chuck quickly before she looks back at Dan.
"I don't believe this. Are you serious?" Dan stares at her and Blair feels her heart contract at the hurt dancing behind his eyes. "After everything that he has done to you…" He shakes his head almost in defeat. "When are you going to stop letting him walk all over you? You deserve so much better than this, Blair. I don't know why you can't see that."
Dan gives her one last pained look before turning and heading toward the elevator. It takes a few seconds before Blair snaps out of her daze - just as the elevator door opens and Dan steps inside.
"Dan…" She starts to go after him but she reaches the elevator too late and the door closes. She drops her head, tear pricking her eyes. After everything, the last she thing that she wants to do is hurt Dan.
"Blair…" Chuck's voice brings her back to reality and she turns to find him watching her intensely. "You know this is what's right." He comes toward her slowly. "I mean, honestly, you and Humphrey? You couldn't really believe that the two of you could ever be together." Blair stares at him in silence as Chuck reaches her to brush his hand across her cheek. "In the end, it's always going to be us. Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. We're inevitable."
Dan can hear Blair call his name just as the elevator door closes and he resists the urge to go back. He doesn't want to hear what she has to say. He doesn't want to hear her apologies. He doesn't want to listen to her tell him that even if she does feel something for him (and he knows that she does) that she belongs to Chuck, belongs with Chuck. He can't handle listening to Chuck mock him for thinking that the lowly boy from Brooklyn could ever have a chance with the Upper East Side's Queen Bee.
He exits Blair's building and the cool air hits him. He glances over his shoulder one last time in the vain hope that she had come after him. Of course she hadn't. She was upstairs reconciling with Chuck. The thought turned his stomach. He muttered a few choice swear words under his breath as he made his way away from the building. He needed to get out of there as fast as possible, otherwise he didn't know what he would do. He wandered around the city for awhile before ending up at his favourite old movie house. Maybe escaping reality for a few hours wouldn't be a bad thing. But, of course, it was pointless because even as he sat in the dark theatre all he could think of was Blair.
He had been fighting the urge to kiss Blair for awhile, the fear of her reaction always stopping him, until finally he just said screw it and did it. And without a doubt he had made the right choice. Kissing Blair was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It had been different from his first kiss with Serena. That had been all about the throws of first love when all of his senses and emotions had been heightened. And it was different from his first kiss with Vanessa, which had been laced with the fear of losing his best friend but at the same time held a slight level of comfort because of their history. No, kissing Blair Waldorf was indescribable. He literally didn't have the words to describe it. Her lips were softer than any he had ever known before and when she moaned like that ( and because of him no less), Dan was sure he could have taken her right then and there in the foyer of her apartment. The thought of Chuck walking in on that brings a smile to his face.
The pleasure doesn't last long though as he grimaces at the mere thought of Chuck Bass. He would never understand the hold that he had over Blair. Sure, there had been a time when ever he believed that Chuck and Blair were a perfect match, but that just wasn't the case anymore. He'd watched Chuck disregard Blair's feelings time and time again without remorse - first with Eva and now with Raina. The bastard had sold her for a fucking hotel for God's sake!
Dan could feel his anger starting to rise and he quickly left the theatre, even though the movie was no where near over. That was a bad idea anyway, of course movies would just remind him of Blair. He shook his head with a tired sigh as he hailed a cab. He was physically and mentally exhausted by the time he finally reached Brooklyn and he dragged himself up the stairs toward his loft and the last thing he expects to find is Blair sitting outside his door, her foot twitching nervously.
"Blair, what are you doing here?" He asks as he approaches and she looks up with a start. "How long have you been here?" He helps her to her feet and Blair shrugs.
"I don't know, awhile I guess. I needed to talk to you." She says finally, biting her lip anxiously and Dan feels his stomach do a flop. This girl had completely wrecked him.
"Blair, I appreciate the sentiment but, really, it's fine." He unlocks the door and Blair follows him inside. "I mean, it was just one kiss. Clearly it didn't mean anything."
"It didn't?" Blair's tone causes Dan to turn and look at her. "What do you take me for, Humphrey? Do you think that I just go around kissing any male I can get my hands on?" Blair crosses her arms over her chest, one eyebrow raised in expectation.
"No, Blair, of course not." He sighs heavily, running his fingers through his hair. "But, I mean, you're getting back together with Chuck so it's fine. We can just forget the whole thing…"
"I'm not getting back together with Chuck." Blair says quietly, causing Dan to freeze.
"You're not?" He tries to keep the hope out of his voice but he fails miserably and Blair bites her lip again before shaking her head.
"No." She closes her eyes for a second and all Dan can do is stand there, holding his breath as he waits. "After you left, Chuck told me that in the end it was always going to be him and me. Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. He said that we were inevitable. And I don't know, maybe he's right. Maybe he and I are inevitable. Maybe we're meant for each other but that doesn't mean that we're meant for each other right now."
"Blair, what are you saying?" Dan takes a slow step toward her. "Because I think I know what you're saying, but I've learned to never assume anything when it comes to Blair Waldorf."
Blair's expression softens as she steps forward and gently places her hand on his cheek.
"I'm not going to stand here and tell you that I'm completely over Chuck because I'm not and I won't lie to you about that. But I also know that right now, Chuck and I don't work as a couple. He's bad for me. We're bad for each other. But you…" She breaks off for a second to take a breath. "Dan, you are so good for me. Yes, there are times when you make me want to pull my hair out, but I like it when your around and I miss you when you're not."
Dan can't stop from smiling a little and he moves closer. The two of them are quiet for a long time as they look at each other.
"I don't know what's going to happen between us." Blair shakes her head slowly. "Maybe Chuck is right, maybe we will crash and burn but that's a risk that I'm willing to take. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I'm willing to give this a shot if you are." Her voice is barley a whisper but it's like music to Dan's ears and he doesn't hesitate in enveloping her in his arms and burying his face in her chocolate curls.
"I think you already know the answer to that." He pulls away with a smile.
"This is going to hit the Upper East Side like a hurricane." Blair makes a face before smiling back at him.
"I say, bring it on." Dan whispers before lowering his head to capture her lips in a soft but meaningful kiss. It was going to be uphill battle that was for sure. They might catch some flack for it and, yeah, she might still have some feelings for Chuck, but he could deal with all of that. What mattered was that, right now, she was his and if he had any say in the matter, she would be for a long time.
2nd A/N - Eek OK that was it! I'm super nervous about this one as it's my first attempt at Dair and GG in general. It's a one shot for now but I've been thinking about continuing. Let me know if you think I should. I really hope you guys like it.