Hello fellow fanfictioners! Pepper here! Would've updated yesterday as a little treat, but as some of you may know, IT WASN"T WORKING! GAHHHH! So anyway…3 Woah. You guys really love your Miki! Didn't think it would get that type of reaction from ya at all! But I'm glad that you all liked it! A couple of shoutouts to you guys real quickers!
Xerra Phene: Thank you! It is a pretty simple story line but I'm glad you enjoy it! *Internet Cookie*
Powerpuffan28: I'm glad you like the story! And yeah, I try not to make the characters cuss unless I feel it's totally necessary. Because, like, she is young (in this story 15) and I mean, I cuss too but only to an extent. She's not one to drop the F bomb every thirthy seconds…Maybe when she's older XD *Internet Hugs!*
And thank you to all my other reviewers! I love you all so much and I would thank each and every one of you but I think you'd rather me get on with the story, no? ((Don't Hate Me For This Chapte))
Amu: So…
Ikuto: *snores*
Amu: *glares* Um, hey Pepper. Quick question.
Pepper: *Looks up from typing*
Amu: I think a lot of people are wondering when—I mean IF Ikuto and I…
Pepper: *confused*
Amu: Oh…You know….
Pepper: *Laughs!* Hahahahhaah! OHHH! ;) No worries my dear. All in good time.
Ikuto POV
Come on, Ikuto. Don't do this now. You don't need Amu to kill you now, especially now that she's being nice!
"Ikuto." I twitched and closed my eyes, willing the voice to go away. I peeked out of one eye to see Su floating in front of me, a sweet smile on her face. I shuddered. Why on Earth would Amu want to be…annoying!
"What, Su?" I asked quickly. She had not let me alone for more than two minutes since Amu left for school today. She was nice and all, but too nice. So nice I felt the urge to lock her in a box…. Hmmm… NO!
"Are you hungry-desu?" She asked in her honey voice. My eye twitched as I looked at her.
"No thank you Su, just like five minute ago. Why don't you wake and ask Yoru?" I suggested eagerly. Her eyes lit up with the idea and she flew over me and upstairs to Amu's room. I let out a huge breath and relaxed against the couch. I was feeling very antsy. It was 3:01, meaning she was probably starting to walk home.
I groaned and stood up. I was starting to feel a lot better ever since Amu let me sleep in her bed. I couldn't help but grin at that thought. She was very peaceful when she slept…and SO warm.
I looked down at my feet, seeing my white faded violin case that I had brought down stairs with intent to play. I glanced at the stairs, not seeing Su or Yoru to bother me so I unlatched the case. I stared at the beautiful violin and felt a twinge of pain at the thought of my father. With a heavy sigh I picked it up with the bow and held it against my chin. My eyes shut as I ran one long note out and I let myself go into my own little world.
When I played, there was no one else. Just me. Just the memories. I thought of my father and I started to play a little faster and little harsher. I was still so angry at him and confused for why he left. You think he'd come back and face what happened, instead of relying on me to survive. Now I was forced to hide out here and put Amu in danger.
The song shifted.
She is amazing. Letting me stay here, knowing the risks that could happen to her. She has to realize how I feel about. Sure I said it, but she was naïve and thought I was joking. Like I'd actually joke about something that serious. She was so sad about Tadase that she lost Miki…damn. How could the Kiddy King have been so rude to her? She didn't deserve half the shit that happened to her. Her family is oblivious to her real self and her treat her feelings as if they don't matter compared to Ami. Her mother seems to be noticing her again. At least its something.
Her cute face filled my brain and I smirked while I played softly. Her unnaturally pink hair that she barely touched her shoulders and her X clips. Her pale skin glistened like snow and her gold eyes could be mesmerizing when she wasn't constantly glaring at me. Her blush always makes me smile.
I faintly heard the door open and I was about to come to a final note, but I knew how much she liked when I played so I peeked out to make sure she was there, which she was. Wearing her plaid knee highs, flat sneakers, short—unbearably shot—school skirt, tie undone, hair slightly disheveled from the day's activities, and eyes lined with black eyeliner. She was staring at me with wide eyes and her heavy breathing (maybe from running home) quieted.
Pretending to not notice her I continued to play, but did begin to show off a little more and play faster and lower to high notes quicker. My body was tingling as the vibrations of the notes tickled throughout my body.
I couldn't help but feel confident when she watched me play with such intensity. I noticed her tip toe her way in front of me and sit on the coffee table just a few feet in front of me. Slowly I found my way to a good ending and play the last note long and low. With a deep breath I put my arms down and opened my eyes to look at her. She was smiling with her eyes closed and I was unable to resist the temptation. Silently I placed the violin beside me on the couch and leaned over towards her, placing my hands on either side of her.
She was so close I could smell some type of strawberry perfume on her. Her eyes opened suddenly and she started to fly backwards with a shriek. I quickly lunged forward and wrapped my arms around her but she was too far back that I was pulled across the small coffee table. With a loud thud, I awkwardly landed on top of her, but managed to keep my weight off of her with my arms.
A quick feeling of Déjà vu struck me as I remembered one of first times we met. She was in the school bakery with that Nadeshiko girl. Ah, that was day little Su was born as well. She had tackled me trying to get her egg back and we ended up in this same position.
"Why did you do that!" She shouted from beneath me. My hers legs were between mine and her head between my hands.
"Yes, because I deliberately planned this elaborate thing so I could end up on the floor with you." I said in a low sarcastic voice. I lowered my head closer to hers. "If I wanted to end up on the floor with you, I would've gone for a much simpler approach." I whispered to her, causing her to blush red. My favorite.
She stuttered but couldn't form a coherent sentence.
"So how was school?" I asked as I moved slightly to start doing pushups over her. She was blushing madly, but figured I wasn't going to move for a while.
She sighed heavily and then folded her arms while I did my pushups. "Awkward. I had to sit in a room with him for the whole day and then he had the NERVE to tell me that I should try to be like Ran more and be confident but realize what I'm saying. It was humiliating." She snapped. I didn't show it, but anger flooded through me. Why couldn't he just stop?
"You seem in an OK mood though." I noted as I went on to my 26th pushup.
"Yeah. Luckily Kukai came." She smiled and I felt instantly relieved. I liked that kid. "I told him everything that happened with Tadase, Miki, and you." I stared at her with wide eyes and paused mid 30th pushup. "He swore he won't tell. He's glad you're taking care of me right now when I need it most." I nodded and stiffly and continued again, making her re-blush as I let my body touch hers for a moment. "Oh! I'm also supposed to tell you about how Kukai gave Tadase a black eye!" She started to laugh and I couldn't but smile at the thought of my younger 'brother' with a much deserved black-eye. "what did you do today?" She asked curiously.
"Well. What did I do today…?" I trailed off. "I almost killed Su." She glared at me. "She's so sweet it sickens me. But without Miki here she was very lonely and wouldn't stop badgering me all day! Finally I distracted her with Yoru and they haven't come down stairs yet. Thank god. Then I started play for a while and then you appeared." I said in a quick rush while entering my 60th pushup.
She got quiet for a moment. "That last song you were playing was so beautiful. I'm jealous of what you can do." She noted, making me grin cockily. She rolled her eyes. "You're impossible." I chuckled.
"No. I am amazing. Don't you forget it." She raised her eyebrows at me, as if questioning me.
"I beg to differ." She scoffed, looking the other way. It was my turn to raise my eyebrows as I finished my 80th push up. "Stop doing pushups so fast!" She shouted, causing me to grin. I started to go double time. Just as I was reaching my 100th one I slowed down to savor the moment of making her mad.
"Ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven." Her eyes lit up and an evil smirk formed on her plump lips. "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine…" I drew out saying it and when I reached the bottom, about to do good old 100, she wrapped her arms around my neck, causing me to pause.
She pulled down a little so our faces were inches apart, and I smiled, letting some of my teeth show and she smiled herself. She bit down on her lip as she slowly started to push me up and pull herself up. I let her control wherever she wanted me to go and we found ourselves facing each other on our knees. I still towered over her but she just smiled at me, her teeth clamped around her lips. Hot.
She leaned up and lightly blew on my neck, causing me to shudder. Woah. She trailed up to my ear and I could feel her smile against me. "You're impossible, you horny cat." I was stunned and didn't react to her pulling away and standing up, causing me to look up at her, almost looking up her skirt but not close enough. She ran her hands through my hair and turned away, the back of her skirt hitting my face. "Good cat." And she walked away with a little sway in her walk.
She looked back at me and started to giggle and then ran to the kitchen. Once I regained myself, I jumped up and chased her, thoughts of that 100th pushup gone. When I found her in the kitchen, she was laughing while pulling some ingredients out of the pantries. While she was facing away from me I walked up behind her and locked her there with my arms on either side of her.
Just as I was about to rock her world, however, she flicked some flour at me without looking. I walked backwards while coughing. By the time I leaned against the island counter she had turned and looked at me. "You will not be getting me back right now, Ikuto. I'm going to make us some dinner and dessert. So if you value your food you won't mess with me right now." She said while holding a wooden spoon at me. I sighed and nodded. I'd get her back later. For now, I swiftly leaned forward, stuck my fingers in the flower and flicked them on her face. Expecting a rampage, I was pleasantly surprised when she laugh loudly. She didn't usually laugh. It was beautiful. Soon I was laughing with her and I couldn't help at how perfect this moment was. There were no tears, no yelling, and it was as if it was our own little world—where Easter didn't exist and we were just normal kids.
"IKUTO!" I heard someone shout. I whipped around and saw Yoru flying with incredible speed at me. Su followed behind. "Easter goons!" Amu instantly stopped what she was doing and she grabbed my sleeve. I heard car doors slam and my heart started to race.
They might hurt Amu.
She pulled me quickly to a door I hadn't bother to explore yet. It was a basement. She practically through me in and I stood on the first step, now just about level with her.
"Be careful." I demanded. "If I hear any sign of trouble, I will find you." She touched my cheek.
"There's a secret room in there the previous owners built. Like a bomb shelter. Its behind a bookshelf. You'll be able to hear everything." She pushed me so I went down the stairs, Yoru following behind, for some reason dragging Su with. She shut the door and I was encased in blackness. Luckily, with a quick character change I could see a lot better and I found the shelf, moved it, and went in the ancient bomb shelter, then pulled the shelf back over. I sat down on the old bed and listened through the vents, Yoru on my shoulder and Su holding my leg.
I heard Amu running around upstairs, making sure there was nothing of me around. Then the doorbell rang. I heard her sigh and march calmly to the door.
"Hello? Can I help you?" I heard her ask.
"Hello Miss Hinamori. My name is Ero and I'm with the Seiyo police. Do you mind if I come in for a moment?" I heard a deep voice say.
Please stay safe.
Yoru: WHAT? You can't stop here! That's too much of a cliffhanger! You horrible witch!
Su: You are a mean person. Mean mean mean!
Miki: Dude, I thought killing me off was bad enough.
Su: MIKI! You're back!
Miki: Well duh. I'll be back soon. Little miss thang here is just figuring out a good way to get me back. *Glares*
Pepper: *Cries* You guys are so mean!
Yoru: Review! Please! She's a selfish person! The more reviews, the quicker she types! The quicker she types, the faster we find out if we get caught and when Miki comes back!
Again, sorry guys. But cliffhangers are good sometimes? D: Sorry for all grammatical errors, misspellings, and everything else you all may yell at me for. Focus on the important stuff, like Ikuto, Amu, and Miki!
Thanks guys!
P.S New story coming soon. One where Amu gets kidnapped in place of Ikuto. Something like that. Not quite sure how it will develop. I'll keep ya up to date!