Since I'm never really happy with the quality of this story I have once again revised this story in the hopes of making it look and flow a little better.

If you've read this story before, there's not really much change to the story line but it would help if you re-read it, but that option is completely up to you.

I own nothing but my own characters and the idea for this story, the rest is down to an amazing author named J.K Rowling.

Veronica Bennett glanced around at her unusually large bedroom and sighed. Her rich and extravagant processions were lined up neatly on the shelves that clung desperately at the dark grey brick walls along with expensive oil paintings of famous Witches. Her four poster bed that held up her already packed trunk that bore the Bennett family crest upon its leather in gold leaf. She was alone, engulfed in a deafening silence. The silence was as it always was, soothing to Veronica and gave her the chance to think, although she had to admit, any more thinking and she felt her head was going to explode.

She was all set and ready to leave for King's Cross Station but something was definitely different about leaving for Platform Nine and Three Quarters this time around, like some nagging voice in the back of her head telling her things weren't going to get any better than they were now. Usually she had always felt ecstatic about leaving the Bennett Mansion after what she had classed as an 'exhausting' ordeal with her parents but right now she was thinking what good will it do to return to Hogwarts? Her parent's somewhat argumentative relationship had a constant knock on effect with Veronica but this time, right now, she felt even more desperate to get as far away from them as possible. She had her reasons perhaps why she didn't wish to return there but right now, even Hogwarts seemed like a better option than staying at home.

The Bennett family; though considered extremely wealthy and in high respect from other pure blood Wizarding families, were dysfunctional to say the least. Both Veronica's mother and father held a bitter resentment towards each other since the birth of Veronica and for reasons even Veronica was still hazy as for the reasons why. But whilst they held the resent for themselves they also allowed their child to suffer.

As a child, Veronica was subjected to witness multiple arguments between her parents, all of which would be the result of her mother's drunken slurs and would end with her Father pointing his wand at Mrs Bennett proclaiming he would gladly do his time in Azkaban if it meant it would silence her for good. To anyone else, this would severely damage a child but to Veronica she felt somewhat numb to it. She had grown accustomed to it and therefore it wasn't such a shocking act to see, but she often had to think that maybe, just maybe, it had done more damage to her than she had cared to admit. She might not know a lot but being as young as she is; being a subject of child neglect in a loveless marriage was something Veronica knew a hell of a lot about.

It would be funny to say the least that Veronica could hate them even more after the many years of being overlooked but on one of the final night's she spent with her family; that being with her own mother and father and the Black's, she had soon realised there was a hidden agenda behind the matter.

Pollux Black sat at the dark oak wood table beside his wife Irma; smacking his lips together as he drained his silver goblet that bore the Black family crest upon the front before setting it back onto the table.

Both families had temporarily been divided, whilst on the left sat the Bennett's'; the right sat the larger family of Blacks. Everyone seeming to be enjoying the night of fine wine and extravagant food; Even Veronica's parents were putting on a brave front as they pretended to be still very much in love. If it wasn't for Alphard making obscene gestures behind his sister, Walburga's back Veronica wouldn't have found it worthwhile with being there.

Hearing a 'clinking' noise the quiet sound of casual chatter died away as people turned to look over at Pollux, who was tapping his goblet with the tip of his wand obviously waiting for silence to descend amongst them so he could begin his speech.

"Ah. I see I have everyone's attention now. Good." He smiled as he ran a hand over his oiled dark brown hair. "Now as you know, this will be the last time we will see our children as a new term approaches at Hogwarts." He inclined his head toward Mr and Mrs Bennett who smiles didn't reach their eyes. "But I would just like to ask that if we could all raise a glass in toast to my beloved daughter Walburga; who's hand has indeed been taken in harmonious matrimony."

Veronica dropped her fork abruptly onto her plate as she watched Walburga blush wildly as everyone slowly brought up their glasses in an odd silence but in mere respect for her.

Walburga was a year older than Alphard and Veronica and the sudden news of marriage was a whirl wind to the face for Veronica who suddenly realised that she too would have to face the prospect of marrying someone at such a young age in the near future.

"Further more I'd like to say that I am overjoyed to find that not only is this young man of pure blood Heritage, he is also a proud Black!" Pollux suddenly started laughing out loudly, his eyes looking like small slits as he thoroughly seemed elated that his daughter would marry somebody of which they both share the same blood.

Veronica felt sick.

Sighing out the last of his chuckles he then pressed on with more important issues at hand. "Orion and Walburga's marriage will happen upon Walburga's graduation from Hogwarts."

Mr and Mrs Bennett looked quite impressed at the quickness of Pollux and Irma's scheduling in advance for their daughter's future and gave little claps of approval.

The remaining Black children, Alphard and Cygnus looked positively chilled about this prospect. Veronica always knew this side of her family were a little less than normal but she never thought about the prospect of them interbreeding like this.

There was quite a bit of silence as Pollux seemed lost in a daze of pure euphoria until Irma pressed her hand to his forearm and spoke gently to him "Darling shouldn't we tell them the other good news?"

"Ah yes." He said as he smiled down at her before pecking her lips. "Alphard m'boy, would you come up here please?"

Alphard looked startled at the fact he had been addressed by his father in a formal dinner speech. His short curtain of dark brown curls bounced as he slowly slid out of his seat and plodded uncertainly to his father who was beckoning him with his arms. Once at his side Pollux then looked over at Mr and Mrs Bennett.

"Nathanial, Cordellia, would you do me the honour?" Suddenly both Bennett's stood up, their smiles looking even more strained than usual as they forced themselves to interlock their arms as they strode over to Alphard and Pollux.

"As we are now fully aware of Walburga's proposal to young Orion Black, we felt we should at least kill two birds with one stone to say the least..." Laughed Mr Bennett as he patted, a now worried, Alphard's shoulder. Veronica felt a sharp pang of sadness as she watched the only person she perhaps felt an attachment for, looking like he always did when he awaited the worst of a punishment. "...although it is fair to say that we shall not rain on Walburga's parade..." Walburga suddenly produced a very self aware and proud smirk at that comment. " is right that we expect to give our children the best in life. Separate them from those unworthy and give them a husband or wife that will provide them with a long happy life and children baring pure blood within their veins."

Veronica had a faint idea of where her father was going with the speech but she didn't expect what he was to say next.

"Alphard, you are like a son that I and Cordellia never had the chance to have. I would like to say that I will be honoured and deeply proud to accept you as a son in law."

"WHAT?" Veronica shot up from her seat, her piercing blue eyes flaring like tiny blue embers as she started heaving in the oxygen to her lungs. Alphard too looked outraged as he pulled away from the group of elders, his brow furrowed in rage just like Veronica's.

"I'm not marrying her! She's like my sister!"

Walburga suddenly snorted and a sour expression descended her pallid features. She and Veronica weren't exactly 'alike' nor did they want to be.

"It's not a question of what you want boy! It's what we have agreed!" Bellowed Pollux who had grabbed Alphard by the scruff of the neck, his grey eyes now enraged with power.

"I'm not marrying my own cousin. We are blood related for Merlin's sake!" Veronica spat defiantly.

"It has been decided Veronica." Mr Bennett said seriously. "This family will not be tarnished by a silly girl who doesn't see the seriousness in keeping up the family trait of being pure."

"This is all because of being pure blooded isn't it? Maybe I should go out and find a mudblood to marry if you think I'm so 'silly'" She seethed. The on watchers were silent as the elder's continue to glare at the girl who was stood beside herself defiantly.

"You watch your mouth." Mrs Bennett snapped. Her pale blue eyes that she shared with Veronica were emanating a pure look of loathing.

Veronica looked round the silent dining room. All eyes except for Alphard's (who seemed to be hidden under his palm as he pinched his nose in agitation) were glaring at her. Even Cygnus who's usually child like presence had changed dramatically.

She suddenly felt aware that this wasn't just some event she could defiantly dismiss. This was something planned in a way to 'benefit' her. All these years of neglect and now this was the time they wanted to show that they actually cared about her.

Choosing now that is was best to leave before things got more heated; she turned on her heel and stomped away.

She had reached the door leading to a long hallway when her father called her. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Home." She said through gritted teeth and with that, she slammed the door behind her. Her eyes began to prickle with warm tears threatening to make their presence known. She hated them.

She had spent the last few nights alone in her room, occasionally Zora the house elf would have to sneak meals up to her as Mr and Mrs Bennett had forbidden the house elves in feeding her until she agreed to proceed with the engagement. Of course she had and will always refuse to accept it.

She hated her mother and father so much before hand, but this was the final nail in the coffin that was her heart. She felt nothing any more except for pure revulsion towards anyone and anything that expressed love.

What is love? Veronica thought bitterly as she threw on her Hogwarts robe; the sliver and green emblem bearing a snake upon it deeming Veronica worthy in the eyes of Salazar Slytherin.

The prefect badge; glittering in the light emanating from her bedroom window made her frown. She had spent five years of her life making sure she would be eligible to have a chance to become a prefect, to maybe gain some form of acceptance from her parents but it was to be ignored, like anything else she had been successful with. She wondered why she had even bothered trying to fight for their love and attention but she knew deep down, she was doing it for herself not any one else. If she could make it through school and leave with good grades, she'd be able to get a good job and she would never have to rely on her selfish parent's ever again.

Let me know what you think of the story by leaving a review. I read every single one of your responses and I take into great consideration your words of criticism and encourage because if it wasn't for you guys, I'd have abandoned this story a long time ago.

Much Love,
Kawaii Thirteen