Chibi-Kari: So this is probably my last little one shot for this couple as RM killed them good. But it still begs the question. Why did Blaine run off to the bathroom right after the kiss like that? I mean wouldn't he have gone to the bathroom before getting in line? Because I know when I get coffee I don't get it before and then bring it into the bathroom with me if I have to go. So here are my thoughts on the matter! Just a little in Blaine's brain after the coffee shop kiss! I don't own, obviously, or I would have explored this couple! Plus, a good message could have reached a lot of people if RM had just allowed it to develop a little. Please leave me some feedback after the button!


Blaine ran his hand roughly over his face. The left over water dripping from his chin and falling back into the sink. He couldn't even look at himself right now. He almost couldn't bring himself to go out into that coffee shop. He just prayed that Rachel still wasn't standing at his place in line. He wouldn't be able to bear seeing her like that and not tell her the truth.

After the kiss, he couldn't even look her in the eye when he said he was gay and now he was sure of that. Instead, he focused on Kurt. He was the reason he was saying all this. Blaine couldn't lose Kurt as his friend. And if Kurt had judged him so harshly so would everyone else. He wouldn't be able to go to school and he'd have to run away all over again. It was easier to lie to Rachel. She'd be heartbroken for awhile, but that didn't seem like something she was new to. She'd bounce back. Kurt had told him she always did. And he could stay Blaine the confident man that knows who he is and what he wants to be.

No one needed to know how he saw fireworks when Rachel kissed him. No one needed to know that he didn't want to let her go even though they were surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the crowded coffee shop. No one needed to know that and he just prayed that Kurt couldn't tell.

Blaine gripped the sides of the sink harshly. He could still remember Kurt's smug face. He was probably the reason Rachel had suddenly felt bold enough to do that. Blaine wasn't sure if he liked that mean streak in the other boy. He wasn't sure he wanted a friend that would take satisfaction in someone's pain. Especially someone that was supposed to be a close friend. But it was easier. Keeping Kurt was easier than facing up to his feelings. It was easier than rediscovering himself all over again. It was easier than having to worry about potentially breaking someone's heart. It was easier for everyone.

He grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and dragged it over his face before tossing it out. He'd go and join Kurt for coffee now. Hopefully, Rachel would be gone so he wouldn't have to see her. He couldn't see her for awhile. He needed to get over his little crush before he could be in a room with her again. And even then it wouldn't be easy. Not that anything seemed to be easy right now, anyway.