A Royal Winter

Chapter One

Yeah, I couldn't leave A Royal Meeting as it was, even though I think I wrapped it up pretty well. Ah, this shoudn't be as long as A Royal Meeting, but I just couldn't help continuing the story. Reason being, senpai managed to actually find out where I live and she threw snow at me. She then used me to supply the marshmellows for marshmellow 'roasting' and some chopsticks to skewer the marshmellows with. I now feel very much like Fran (doesn't help that she calls me Froggy and tries to stab me with Belphagor-knife-shaped snow) Thus, I came up with the idea for the sequel.
And yes, I'm still implying rated M-ness ... Time for my new catchphrase.

COMMENCE WRITING! (It's really not that cool...)

7:45 AM- Varia HQ

"What do you mean, 'too young'? We've been in every assignment you've shoved on us so far!" protested Fran.

"VOI! DON'T GO AGAINST XANXUS'S ORDERS!" shouted Squalo, flailing his sword at the kouhai.

"Shishishi~, lay that sword on Froggy and you shall be stabbed," Bel cut in, holding several silver knives in his hand.

"It's okay, senpai," Fran said, "he's just being overprotective of his lover. Much like you."

Bel blushed lightly. "The prince isn't being overprotective, he's just making sure Squalo doesn't break his favorite toy."

Fran gave Bel a deadpan glare, "Senpai, I told you not to call me that. I really prefer 'Froggy.'"

Bel rolled his eyes beneath his bangs and looked back at Squalo and Xanxus. "So you're going to leave the prince and his Froggy all alone for a whole season."

"Don't burn the place down, scum," Xanxus demanded.

"We'll try not to," Fran murmured. "I'll stop Bel-senpai from playing with matches."

"Froggy, the prince can totally handle matches," Bel protested. "Sure, senpai, sure," Fran said sarcastically.


"Don't order the pri-"

"Senpai," interrupted Fran, "let's go make-out, it's a good idea."

Bel folded his arms, but followed as Fran started to walk away. Squalo sighed with annoyance and looked back at Xanxus. "Sure we shouldn't leave Luss too, just to be safe?" he asked.

Xanxus shook his head. "If Luss stayed behind, we'd never hear the end of it when we got back. Those two are perfectly fine on their own- though I have my doubts about Fran's cooking abilities."

"Yeah, well, they'll probably be fine, you're right. But what if they run out of food?"

"Do we care? They'll have to buy food."

"Aren't they both broke?"

"We don't care, scum."

"Voi, aren't you calling me Squalo now?" Squalo asked, glaring at his lover.

"Nope. Go get me a beer," the boss ordered. Squalo was about to protest, but Xanxus's eyes made it clear that if he were to do so, he'd be hit with a wine glass. Squalo gave in, leaving the room to fetch his boss more beer.

A few hours later...

"Froggy, entertain the prince, he's bored," Belphagor ordered, prodding Fran playfully on the shoulder. Fran, who was currently reading a book, decided to ignore the prince, which, as he very well knew, was a difficult task.

After a couple of minutes, Bel decided that not even Froggy was allowed to ignore the prince, and took out a silver knife.











"Alright, senpai, I'll 'entertain' you," Fran finally gave up, snapping his book shut. "What do you want?" Bel remained silent, though a cheshire grin spread over his face and he shishi'd. Fran frowned and crossed his arms. "No, senpai, that's all you've wanted from me since we woke up. In fact, that's pretty much all you've wanted at all lately. I am NOT your sex slave."

Bel pouted, but understood what his kouhai was saying. "Alright, fine. We can do something else. But what should we do... hmmm..." The prince sat down next to Fran, leaning against him so much that he was kind of crushing the smaller boy.

"Why not go outside?" Fran suggested. Bel immediately stood back up.

"LET'S GO!" With that, he grabbed Fran's arm and started walking down another one of those boring halls that Fran was sure they didn't need. After a few minutes of being dragged, they reached the front door. "Don't spoil anything, but the prince is going to make Froggy go first," Bel said, closing his eyes, opening the door and pushing Fran out. Seeing as Fran didn't expect it, he tripped, though he really didn't seem to mind.

He minded when he landed face first in a pile of snow.

Belphagor heard the crunch and looked up, immediately bursting into laughter. He walked into the snow with Fran, threw some of it into the air, and helped his kouhai back up. Fran looked pretty pissed off. Bel chuckled and brushed the snow off his kouhai's face before pressing his lips to the kouhai's. Fran kissed back as an automatic response, and it warmed him up a bit, so he was rather thankful for the chance.

Bel soon pulled back, remembering what his kouhai had just told him. "Shishishi~, the prince never knew it snowed."

"We're in Italy, senpai," Fran said, rolling his eyes. "And didn't you notice how cold it was here?"

"Nope," the prince replied simply, before noticing just how much snow was around them. It didn't take much thought to come up with something to do. He grinned and picked up more snow.

"Don't eat it," his teal-haired lover advised him, standing back up. He'd only taken three steps away from the prince when he was hit in the back with a snowball.

"Ushishishishi~! Didn't plan to," Bel agreed, already preparing more weapons. Fran managed to dodge the next one, and was thankful when his frog hat took the following blow. "Shishishi~! Come on, Froggy, fight back~!" the prince called, looking at the icicles nearby and taking note of their resemblance to knives. He decided that they were good weapons as soon as he noted that he could stab with them. He broke one off the door frame and threw it at Fran. But, being used to throwing actual knives, his aim was a bit off, and he only managed to stab the snow beside Fran. He was halfway through a groan of complaint when he was hit in the face with a chunk of fairly soft snow that had been thrown by his kouhai, who hadn't scrunched it up into a tightly-packed ball just for the sake of being nice. But, being the prince, he decided that he didn't like being hit with snow. "Froggy, don't hit the prince, that's not very nice."

"I was just following your orders, senpai, you told me to fight back," the younger boy argued. "And you're almost twenty-five, so take it like a man."

"I'll be taking it like a prince, Froggy, my age has nothing to do with whether or not you can hit me."

Fran walked up to the prince and managed to brush all the snow out of his senpai's bangs, "Sorry, senpai." Bel suddenly grinned and pushed his kouhai just hard enough to make him fall backwards. Fran fell into the snow once more, and he really wasn't happy about it. "Senpai!" he complained, "I agree to putting up with your 'princeliness' yet AGAIN, and you push me into the snow. I'm your uke, you better treat me right."

Bel giggled childishly and pretended to be pushed into the snow as well, letting himself fall backwards into the snow right beside his kouhai. "Shishishi~, sorry Froggy."

Fran smiled and took the prince's hand. "I love you, senpai."

"Love you too, Froggy."

The two looked into each other's eyes for a bit, before Bel decided snow wasn't a great thing to lie in. "The prince is wet," he muttered.

Fran laughed lightly. "Bel-senpai, could you have only worded it that way?" he asked, trying to settle down.

Bel looked confused, "What?"

"Oh, nothing, it's just knowledge I happen to have from the time when I was actually straight," Fran explained, "You don't need to get it."

Bel seemed fairly content with that, very much so glad that his kouhai had finally stopped trying to deny that he was gay for the prince, and stood up, brushing the flakes of snow off him the best he could. "Come on, Froggy, aren't you going to get up?" he asked his kouhai.

"Eh, I guess so. It's colder without you down here."

Bel cheshire grinned when his kouhai was back up, which convinced the illusionist that the prince wasn't safe, so he backed up. "Push me again and I'll cast an illusion of me kissing Master Mukuro."

Belphagor tensed for a moment, before throwing a knife into his kouhai's side. "Don't even THINK about it."

Fran almost giggled, but caught himself. "I wouldn't, senpai," he managed to say in a gentle voice as he jerked the knife out of his side, "... ever."

Bel calmed, and walked up to his kouhai. "Thanks." With that single word, he kissed Fran once more, pulling him closer by his waist.

About an hour later, the two were already back inside. Fran had totally collapsed on the couch, Bel leaning against him. "Snow is cold," Bel commented. "I forget that every year."

"As expected of you," the younger illusionist mumbled.


Fran dug his cell phone out of his pocket as quickly as he could manage. "Hello?"

(Guess who?)

"You're kidding, right? Master, no one can forget that voice," Fran said, sitting up instantly.

(Kufufufu~! Aw~, Fran, you're cute as ever.)

"Mukuro?" Bel asked, leaning towards Fran's phone.

(Is that Prince the Ripper? How are you?)

"Shishishi~, the prince is good, what about you and your lover? Ah... Hibari?" Bel asked, partially squishing Fran in order to talk to the kouhai's illusions master.

(Hibari is doing fairly well, though I am rather annoyed that he seems to be trying to get me into a dress lately, do not ask why.)

"Shishi? Alrighty then."

"It's unusual for you to call me, Master, is something going on?" Fran asked, reclaiming possession of his phone.

(Okay, fine, I'll cut it short. We have an assignment, we need two strong illusionists. Are you in?)

"Master, I thought you were in prison."

(I was temporarily released by Tsunayoshi in order to fulfill said mission.)

"Chrome can't do it? Lal Mirch?" Fran pressed.

(Lal Mirch appears to be sick and Chrome is too busy with training.)

"... How long is it?" Fran questioned, looking anxiously over at his lover, who he really didn't wish to leave.

(That depends on us.)

"I'll think about it, let me see if it's okay with senpai."

Bel glanced at Fran upon hearing his name. Fran would only ask permission if it were something serious, so Bel was very suspiscious of that older illusionist now. Even though the conflict had mostly ended with Mukuro realizing that Hibari loved him, the prince still didn't trust the Mist-flamed Vongola Guardian.

"Senpai," Fran called, "Master wants me to go on an assignment with him."

"Can the prince come?" Bel asked.

"Uhh... Master, can senpai come with us?"

There was a pause on the other end.

(Well... I very well understand why you would want him to come along, but Fran, he would hold us back. He's not an illusionist, so he would have great trouble staying sane if he we were to fight against an enemy illusionist.)

Fran understood- it wouldn't be safe for Bel to tag along. "Senpai, for your own sake, you wouldn't be able to come with us."

Bel sighed and pulled Fran into his lap. "Would it be for long?" the prince asked.

"When the assignment is over, we can come home," Fran replied. Bel rested his head on his kouhai's shoulder.

"... You may go," he agreed, "but be back soon."

"I will, senpai," Fran promised, leaning up to kiss his senpai once more. Apparently, Mukuro could tell what was going on.

(Now, now, you two, save it for when I'm off the phone here. Fran, take a train north to Florrence, alright? That's all the information they need- Oh, but show them your Varia I.D. card.)


(You need to leave in a week, so make your senpai feel loved before you go, alright?)

Fran laughed lightly. "Okay, Master."

([Hey Rokudo, would you pay attention to you OWN lover some time?] Ah, sorry Fran, I've got to go. Coming, Kyouya~!)

Fran snapped his phone shut, amused that Hibari still seemed to be a bit jealous of him for being so closely related to Mukuro.

"The prince is going to be all alone in a week. The prince is not happy."

"Don't worry, senpai, I'll at least be here for your birthday," Fran soothed his lover, embracing the prince. "And I'll be back soon."

"Okay," Bel mumbled. "Be in a maid outfit on the prince's birthday, just a hint towards what you should get him."

"Sure senpai," Fran agreed, though in a sarcastic voice. "I'll borrow one of Luss's."

"On second thought, Froggy's fine as he is," the prince said the second Lussuria became involved.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Fran chuckled, caressing the prince's hair softly. "Let's make this a good week."

-End Chapter

And there's chapter one. Well, that snowball fight really had nothing to do with anything. Oh well. ^^ I came up with a plot, so its all good~!
Fran: Great. You're starting this all again?
Belphagor: And you plan to leave the prince alone for a certain time? Oh, the prince is NOT happy about this.
Me: Sorry, Bel, it's all part of the plot.
Mukuro: Yay~! I get to see Fran again.
Me: That was a bit OOC, Mukuro.
Hibari: He's happy 'cause I let him be seme first today.
Me: *silence*
Fran: I personally hoped it was all over. There's no way your senpai OR NeverMakeSense will be able to make a '63'rd Winter'.
Me: That's a good thing. :)
Byakuran: Ne, am I gonna show up in any of this?
Me: Probably not. X)
Byakuran: *slowly frowns*
Me: ._. Uhm... Please review~?
Hibari: You're so unconfident.
Me: Well fine, you do it then.
Me: O.O