First of all, I'm terribly sorry for not updating for a long while. School just decided to kick me in the ass (but hey, if it's anything to you guys, I got a great report!)
Also, I'm naturally just a horrible updater, and for now, I'm blaming that on my writers' block that I'm still in. But the chapter's longer and there's a fair bit of fluff to make it up to you.

So this is the last chapter.

Kurt didn't know how quickly word got around in Dalton.

And in case you were wondering, it got around fast.

As he walked down the hall with Blaine on Monday morning, not even holding hands, people congratulated them and shared their wishes of happiness.

"Does this happen often?" Kurt asked him, as they sat together on a couch adjacent to the commons.

"Not many people here get boyfriends – or even girlfriends, for that matter, so it's sort of a treasured thing. An honour, even."

The corner of Kurt's lips tugged up as he toyed with Blaine's fingers, studying each one in the morning light.

"Although, you have to admit, it couldn't possibly be just that. I mean, we are a pretty good looking couple."

Blaine chuckled and hugged Kurt to his side for a moment. Kurt leaned into the embrace, relieved. For every ridiculous reason that exited, he'd been expecting a slushie in the face all morning. He has to keep constantly reminding himself that it wasn't McKinley. He couldn't be bullied here. Plus, they didn't even sell slushies at Dalton.

"Don't be so tense. It's worrisome," Blaine chided gently, planting a brief kiss to Kurt's temple. "Nothing's going to happen."

"I know, but it's not like I can control my thoughts."

"It's probably just new to you, having someone to walk hand-in-hand down the hall with, or – "

" – someone who'd want to slow dance with me at prom," he finished, his mouth curving at the distant memory. He'd wanted all of these little things so desperately. He truly had them now, and he was never going to let them slip from his fingers. The very fingers that clutched his dream's hand as they stood to go to class.

At Warblers practice, Kurt and Blaine sat close together on the dark leather couch, Blaine looking a little too comfortable leaning discreetly against Kurt's side as they chatted idly, waiting for the late stragglers to arrive. As Jeff burst through the doors, panting about a Biology exam, Kurt leaned over his boyfriend, who affectionately bumped their noses together before pressing a feather light kiss against the tip of Kurt's. It was so disgustingly adorable that a few onlookers had to glance away in fear of vomiting rainbows ad unicorns.

"Okay, let's get started!" said Wes, banging his gavel down halfheartedly, smirking knowingly at the couple huddled onto the couch. "Or we could just applaud a little because finally."

"And," David propositioned, "we should applaud twice as hard, because I think this is the first joke Wes has ever made."

"Three times as hard, I say!" Jeff called out, hand high in the air. "I mean, look at us! Wes hasn't used his gavel for thirty seconds!

The group burst into raucous fits of laughter and applauded, for whichever of the reasons. Blaine had stolen that moment to lean further back and press a chaste kiss to Kurt's cheek, spreading a steady blush into his face.
After a few minutes of regaining composure, the resumed practice, albeit not making much progress, just running through dance steps for nothing in particular. All the while, Kurt couldn't help but sneak occasional glances at Blaine, and more often than not, he'd caught Blaine gazing, too, before they'd both blush and do it all again in a few minutes.

After leaving practice for the day, Kurt and Blaine sauntered toward the empty commons, school books quickly retrieved from their dorms juggled in their hands. They chose a desk, tucked neatly in the in the corner of the room, and studied silently, heads close together. A few minutes whizzed by, and Blaine had already laced their fingers together on top of the table, absently rubbing circles on Kurt's hand. Shockwaves raced through his fingers and he glanced over to Blaine. His boyfriend – Kurt still wasn't registering it – had his gaze fixed onto his book as he scribbled notes down, a small smile gracing his lips.

"You look smug," Kurt commented quietly, and Blaine stopped writing.

"Because I am," he retorted playfully, looking up from his homework.

"Any reason in particular that you'd like to share?"

"Yeah!" Kurt looked inquisitively to Blaine, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Go ahead, then, tell me."

"There's nothing much to say. It's just really nice to know I can do this whenever I like."


"No, Kurt."

"Then wha – " Kurt's words were cut off abruptly as Blaine glued their lips together. Nothing touched but their mouths, intertwined hands and noses on each other's cheeks. We shouldn't be doing this here. We'll get caught by a teacher.

Luckily, they didn't get caught by a teacher.

But they still got caught.

Kurt had just allowed Blaine to suck gently on his tongue, when somebody burst through the doors of the commons.

"Oh – whoa, whoa!" The sudden exclamation broke Kurt and Blaine apart in a hurry. They turned in their chairs to hold the shell-shocked gaze of Zayne. He just stood there, staring.

"I, uh, I guess you're dating?" Kurt would wager that it was the most lifeless thing Zayne had ever emitted.

Kurt tried to speak, but opted to nod instead, lest his voice betrayed him and he sounded like a wounded teenage girl.

"Heh. Well. Congrats, then."

Kurt opened his mouth to explain, but Zayne had shoved the doors open and disappeared outside. Blaine sighed halfheartedly and resumed his studies without a word. Kurt followed soon after, his lips pursed and still vaguely glistening, a silent reminder that Blaine could easily remoisten them whenever he pleased.

Kurt knew that another confrontation was arising with Zayne, and it had costed him an hour of sleep that night. He'd texted him before bed with a simple, we need to talk tomorrow. He hadn't received any form of affirmation, but even Zayne must have known by this point that when Kurt wanted to talk, he would talk.

In the morning, he was greeted at the door by Blaine, coffee in both hands. Kurt wondered how he'd managed to knock.

"Oh, you haven't ruined the relationship yet, have you?"

"Don't expect the worst of me. Can't a guy buy his boyfriend coffee?"

Yeah, Kurt was still flailing internally, but he swore his heart stopped beating for a moment as Blaine said that. He accepted the coffee gratefully and grabbed his schoolbag, arm already linked with Blaine's.

"…And there's another reason," he confessed softly; sheepishly, even.

"What did you do?" Kurt grilled instantaneously, stopping mid-sip to narrow his eyes at Blaine.

"Nothing! It's more like what you did."

"And that was..?"

"Being flirty with other people," Blaine teased, nudging Kurt's side with his elbow and motioning to the left with his head.

And it was just Zayne.

Just Zayne leaning his head against a pole and looking like he would be quite happy if he was murdered right then and there.

"Ah, crap," Kurt cursed – something oddly out of his character. "That." He'd forgotten entirely.

So he handed Blaine his coffee, complete with a rushed kiss on the cheek, and excused himself. He approached Zayne grudgingly and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, K – "

"We have to talk. I told you that." Kurt set himself on the low line of bricks that surrounded Dalton's huge, imposing flag. "Sit. Ask me whatever," he commanded, glancing hastily up at Blaine who perched on a bench nearby, toying feebly with his phone.

"No, you'd think I – "

"Just. Say it."

"I'm jealous, okay? I'm jealous and I'm confused and I'm just upset."

"Confused? Why would you even – ugh. I don't understand anything here."

"I'm jealous because I like you and I should be the one to be with you, I'm confused because I'm pretty sure you liked me, too, before the charming McDapperface made a move, and I'm upset because now I'm just going to be alone for the rest of eternity!"

"What is going on with you, Zayne? Why are you being so rude?" Kurt said furiously, crossing his arms, and trying to keep his voice quiet. "First off, that's where you're horribly mistaken; I don't know how you didn't spot my attraction for Blaine sooner and taken a hint. Secondly, I don't appreciate you calling my boyfriend names. Because if you insult him, you insult me. And in case you haven't been reminded: I don't like being insulted." Kurt's body swelled with a great sense of pride as he stood up for Blaine, his boyfriend, watching as Zayne's face twisted at his words. Whether in arrogance or pain, he didn't know, but nevertheless, the speech had still done its job.

"And if you feel we should have been together," he continued dangerously, "perhaps you should set your needs straight and step out of that little world you live in where it's okay to constantly flirt and invade the space of somebody who clearly isn't interested in you!"

"You're right, Kurt. Why would I want somebody like you? Diva isn't my thing," he snapped, storming away with a haughty huff. God, Kurt thought, I've done it now, haven't I?

He trudged back to the bench that Blaine now stood beside, phone completely forgotten. He walked right into Blaine, pushing his face miserably into the other's shoulder. Blaine's arms came to rest against the small of Kurt's back, rubbing slow circles into his clothes, pressing them securely together.

"I think I took it too far. I made everything worse."

"He'll get over it." Kurt peeked up at Blaine's face. It portrayed a lot of possessive smugness and no concern. He shook his head in amusement, and courageously took Blaine's hand, simultaneously snatching his coffee back. They walked to class in silence, Kurt feeling the pride and content that radiated off of Blaine in waves. He shook his head.

Kurt received a text in Math that day. As the tutor focused on writing up integrations on the board, he unlocked his phone and opened the text. It was from Mercedes.

Skype date tonight? We haven't talked in too long.

Kurt completed the first question quickly and answered dutifully

Definitely. So much to tell you.

He'd been so caught up in the magical feel of having a boyfriend that he hadn't spared a moment to tell Mercedes – his best friend! – that he was in a relationship. With Blaine. He almost laughed to himself, until the teacher turned, giving Kurt a wide-eyed look that clearly said, put your eyes on your work, or I'm coming over there, boy. So he did, a satisfied smile playing on his face.

And from after that lesson, he could barely think straight. It was suddenly just settling itself into his head that he was indeed dating Blaine Anderson, the boy of his dreams. He had somebody to kiss and hold whenever he wanted. His dreams were slowly, but surely, becoming a magnificent reality – though, he probably wasn't going to receive ten serenades a day. How was he supposed to concentrate with the assurance that they were going to go on more romantic dates together, cuddle on the couch when it rained, let their study sessions evolve into another of the sort and fall asleep to each other on the telephone at night?

Blaine had graciously escorted Kurt to his dorm door that afternoon.

"Doing anything this afternoon?" Blaine asked, endearingly trying to lengthen their time together by lingering in the doorway.

"Yes. I have a date."

Blaine raised an eyebrow. And that simple action shouldn't have rendered Kurt incapable of speech.

"With who, may I ask?" leaned against the doorframe, head tilted sideways so that it rested on the edge.

"Well, have fun!" He tentatively inclined forwards to kiss Kurt goodbye and collided halfway with a pair of ravenous lips. Blaine's arms wound around Kurt's neck as he yanked him impossibly close, emitting breathy sighs. Kurt gripped Blaine's hips with clammy fingers and let his tongue slip into Blaine's mouth. He could taste him everywhere. And all of the sudden, Kurt could smell Blaine in the air, coiling around his body in a uniquely scented embrace. Kurt's skin was becoming more hypersensitive with every kiss, every shift of fabric against fabric, and he tried to build up the willpower to move away. However, there was so need, as Blaine was already breaking the fervently hot kiss, his lips red and swollen, breathing coming out in heavy pants.

"I'm gonna…go," he whispered, unwinding his arms from Kurt's neck.

"I…same," Kurt mumbled in return, the tiniest traces of a smile lighting up his eyes as they peeked up at Blaine through stray chunks of hair that shadowed his high cheekbones. They shared one last lingering kiss, their lips bruised and tender, before they both willed their feet to move away from each other.

Kurt thought of ditching his Skype date to daydream, but thought better of it, and logged on to his laptop.

"You're late," Mercedes greeted.

"Sorry. But I had a valid reason." Kurt broke out into a goofy smile, holding the news in for as long as he could.

"That face, Kurt, why are you making it? What did you do, boy?" Despite her scolding tone, Mercedes was smiling.

"Mercedes…" he squeaked, excitement coursing through his veins.

"What? What?"

"I have a boyfriend!"

The noises his unfortunate computer transmitted into the speakers forced him to turn the volume down until Mercedes looked calm enough to be spoken to.

" – when? With who? Is he cute? Do I know him? Oh,I cannot believe this! I'm so proud of you, baby!"

"Yeah, you know him, Mercedes. We started dating a few days ago. It's Blaine – "

"AHH! Blaine! You! My heart can't handle this, Kurt. I'm so happy for you."

"I'm happy for me, too." He smiled. "I still can't believe it's happening, th – "

"Deets, boy," she interrupted. "Give. Me. Deets."

All sentimental sighs gone, Kurt launched into detail of everything that happened with Zayne, and their date afterwards.

"You guys smooched yet?" Mercedes grilled deviously, waggling her eyebrows. Kurt's blush was visible through the webcam as he nodded. His best friend squealed in delight, further expressing her happiness.

For another hour, Kurt was forced into telling her everything within everything; where Blaine had put his hands when they kissed, if they used tongue or teeth (which shouldn't have planted the idea in the soil of Kurt's mind), if there had been anymore wild exclamations of love or if Zayne would get over his heartbreak anytime soon.

"Kurt, you know what? We can't talk about this here. Breadstix, this weekend. You, me, Blaine and probably the rest of New Directions I'm telling them ASAP. You knew you weren't keeping this to yourself when you told me."
Kurt groaned, but agreed. They ended the call soon after, and Kurt noticed that Blaine was online in Facebook chat. He opened the window and sent a quick message.

Mercedes is forcing us to meet her at Breadstix this weekend.
Oh, and we'll probably be graced with the company of a few million people, as she so mildly implies.

He could almost hear Blaine's smile through the screen as he replied.

LOL. I'm fine with that.
And though there may be millions, there's only one person I see.

Kurt shook his head.

Shut up, you schmaltzy fool.

Blaine replied immediately.

Only for you.

On Saturday, Blaine had picked Kurt up from his house with a huge smile on his face.

"Can't we just ditch?" Kurt whined as Blaine began to drive away.

"No. You promised you'd be there."

"You're going to regret this!"

"With pleasure," he purred, pressing a warm kiss to the top of Kurt's hand, smirking as a blush sped furiously into the boy's cheeks.

"But I'm warning you," Kurt tried to steady his voice. "If they start cooing, I'm going to leave. With or without you."

"You're so worthy of their coos, though!"

It took Kurt until they reached the parking lot at Breadstix to realize that Blaine had been flirting with him the whole car ride. He walked into Breadstix with a concerning flush reddening his skin.

They reserved a table and waited for the others to arrive, playing with each other's fingers as they chatted idly.

During a playful argument about whose hair was better, they were interrupted by Mercedes and Rachel plopping down in front of them.

"Mercedes…don't," he whispered, but he knew that she would never relent.

"You. Guys. Are. So. Cute!"

"Help me."

Blaine smiled at Kurt and squeezed his hand under the table.

"You know, Kurt," Rachel piped in, an affectionate smile on her face, "if you ever needed any information at all about your relationship, my fathers would be – "

"No, no, we're fine, Rachel!"

Mercedes had begun cooing, and just as Kurt swore, he tried to get up to run far, far away.

Until Blaine's hand came to rest.

On his thigh.

Effectively stopping him from all movement.


Brittany, Santana and Tina had all arrived now, and stopped to stare at Kurt, who sat completely still, his eyes slightly narrowed at Blaine, while Mercedes and Rachel observed Blaine and he replied with a raise of his perfectly triangular shaped eyebrow. Kurt eventually shook his head, and greeted the other girls. The squeezed in beside everyone, Brittany sliding in beside Blaine, Tina and Santana fitting themselves into the other side.

"So," Tina started. "Mercedes told us!"

"Like I didn't get the impression," Kurt retorted, but smiled anyway, because Tina was nice and they weren't close enough for him to abuse her.

They all ordered tots and salad that afternoon, surprisingly not talking about Kurt and Blaine the whole time. Unfortunately, the topic of them did arise every few minutes.

At least Blaine seems to be enjoying this, Kurt noticed, watching Blaine as he engaged in a conversation with Santana, of all people. Blaine never took his eyes off Santana, but he'd caught Kurt peeking at him anyway, and the hand that still rested on his thigh tightened, and he smirked. To everybody else, it would seem that he was just smiling warmly at the girls, but Kurt saw the mischievous gleam in his eyes. So Kurt surprised him.

Glancing down hurriedly as Mercedes began cooing once again, he rested his hand over Blaine's, curling his fingers onto Blaine's, running up and down.

" – yeah, exactly! I was think – uh, I – " Blaine began to stutter – quite noticeably – and Santana frowned.

"What's wrong with you? Kurt, are you doing anything under there?" she questioned suggestively.

"No!" Despite saying this, his fingers continued to stroke Blaine's hand lightly. A satisfied little smile popped onto Blaine's face, and he continued the conversation as if there had been no interruption. Though, Kurt could hear the content sighs he'd emit occasionally. Beside Blaine, Brittany was staring down at their silent interaction.

"I never knew you dolphins could do that," she murmured, glancing up to everyone at the table for answers. Santana reached out to pat Brittany's hand on the table, and they all resumed talking.

Kurt and Blaine glanced across to Brittany, amused expressions painting their features, effectively catching her eye. She smiled at them like they were the most wonderful things on the planet, and popped a tot into her mouth, nodding. They nodded back and turned to the other conversations.

"I told you it wouldn't be that bad," Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear as they all moved out the door to leave.

"Mmm." Kurt grasped Blaine's hand in both of his before breaking off to kiss Mercedes goodbye.

"You're so annoying," he whispered into her ear as they embraced.

"Aw, don't be like that. We haven't even seen you guys smooch yet."

"And you won't." They broke off, and Mercedes even gave Blaine a quick hug.

The boys headed toward their car as everybody hopped into theirs. Blaine slipped his hands onto Kurt's waist, and brought them close together, swaying slightly. Kurt's arms linked behind his neck, wrists crossing.

Blaine quickly leaned in for a kiss that lasted longer than it should have. They were cut off with the furious beeping of a horn, and Mercedes audible squeals of incomprehensible nonsense.

"I like that," Blaine murmured, playing with the fabric of Kurt's shirt.

"Like what?"

"That people know we're together. I want people to know that we're each other's."

"A little possessive, are we?" Kurt teased.

"Just a tad. I guess you could say I can get a little jealous sometimes."

"You don't say?"

They laughed it off.

On the way home, Kurt rested his head against the window, smirking to himself as he watched Blaine concentrate on the roads.

Jealousy could be a wonderful thing, after all.

Hope this wasn't too bad; I was rushing a little and I didn't edit. I wanted to post it faster.

So that's the end - if you enjoyed it, thank you!

(OH, and if anyone was wondering, they later found Zayne drooling after another student. Funny little thing.)

(OH, AGAIN. Now that I'm certain I shouldn't be posting chapter stories, I will be posting a lot more one-shots. So watch out.)