Disclaimer: I do not own any of the main characters. I just tweaked them a bit to fit my story.
Also this is a yaoi pairing. It will be a draco/harry story eventually. There is dumbledork bashing and some other chars i didn't like.
A huge thank you to The-4gotten-marauder for being my beta and my muse. She has helped me write both my stories and I couldn't have done this with out her :)
This is my second story up but first i have up on my profile so please be kind well with out further introduction, here is your story.
Chapter 1. The truth:
Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, apparated quietly into Godricks Hallow. He had been slandered as a dark lord, when truly he was just the great great great great great great great great great grandson of Rowana Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, and had more control in the school then Albus. But once Albus had discovered it, he was not happy. He had tried to put bonds on Tom's magic as well as make Tom do a few other things he really didn't want to get into.
Tom quietly went into the house and thanked god everyone was asleep. It was true he had used the killing curse, but only to protect himself. Tom smiled when he found the nursery and saw two beautiful children who didn't look anything like the third.
Only one was a female and he knew her name to be Lylla, she had black hair with natural red highlights, but what was really beautiful about her, was her green eyes. They were a color that could rival emerald and they shone with happiness.
Next to her was her brother, Harry. His hair was the same as hers and his eyes matched her perfect, but what surprised him was when he got to the third child, he looked nothing like Harry and Lylla.
He was a chubby with a mop of black messy hair and hazel eyes. But what surprised Tom the most was that this one didn't act like the other two. He looked like he didn't want anything to do with them. Tom also noticed that this boy looked like he was a bit more pampered.
While Harry and Lylla wore regular diapers, Keith had on what looked like custom made best material ones. Also there was a difference in clothes. Keith was wearing a silk long shirt, while Lylla and Harry's where scratchy wool.
Tom gave off a little growl. Would their parents really treat them that different? They were triplets. Tom just shook his head and smiled. He gently picked up Lylla and pulled out his wand.
"My little Lylla, I hope you don't mind, but I need your help with something," He said softly to her, with a loving look on his face. He smiled when she grabbed his wand and put it on her heart. He could tell she would be a smart one.
Tom quietly cast a spell that would reveal the father and mother of a child and grinned a grin to rival the Cheshire cats. Lylla was his daughter. What no one knew was that by accident, he and Lily had had a one night stand.
She and James had gotten into a bad fight and she had left only to find "Severus Snape" at the pub and got it on with him. She had ended up returning home before she found out who she had actually slept with.
Tom smiled and gently went through her lineage, then grinned another Cheshire grin. She had Godrick and Helga in her blood too. He prayed Harry and Keith did as well. He gently lifted her shirt off and put a few protection charms on her.
Once he finished, he put a small mark on her shoulder that would pass as a birthmark. It was that of a crescent moon just over her heart, but what this crescent moon symbolized, was that Tom recognized her as his daughter and put his protection on her. Once done, he redressed her and set her in the crib.
Next he picked up Harry and did the same charm. He was sure he wouldn't stop grinning that night. Harry was his son. He had a son and a daughter. He felt like yelling it to the world, but knew he couldn't so he contained himself. He knew his son would have the same blood as his sister and went to work on putting charms on him as well. He then took off the babies shirt and marked him with a star on his shoulder, the same as his sister.
Once done, he moved to pick up Keith only to be thrown back. He didn't need any other alteration that that boy was not his son. Keith then started to scream and cry while Harry and Lylla just moved closer to each other. Tom tried to get out before another bout of magic hit him, but it didn't work and the blast shook the house and destroyed Tom. Or so everyone thought.
Lily came running into the room to find her beloved son crying. She picked him up and saw the dead body on the floor, there was also a mark on his forehead. Now if anyone had looked closer they would of noticed that since the baby was angry about not getting attention, he had used magic.
That magic had been too strong for him and had accidently cut a little mark into him. Lily quickly called out for James, who had run to call Albus. When Albus returned, he saw the sleeping two and a nursing Keith.
"It is as the prophecy foretold. Keith must have taken down the man when he sent the curse that marked him," Albus said, lying through his teeth. He then moved and picked up Lylla and Harry.
"He will be known by all for taking down Voldemort. You don't want them to grow up in the shadow of their brother. We will have to give them to another family. I will take care of it." He promised.
Albus knew that the baby Keith had an average amount of magic, but he couldn't tell with Lylla and Harry. He had always been blocked from viewing them. He quietly apparated to the forbidden forest and walked in to find the Acromantula and their leader, Aragog. Once found he laid the two babies down in front of the giant spider.
"I bring a gift, hoping you will keep to the forest for another school year." Said Albus, wanting to make sure the two children would die. After he said it, he left. Not even wanting to speak to the old spider.
Before the younger spiders could come in and hurt the children, Aragog stepped forward and picked them up.
"These are Riddle's children. We must take them to the dragons and elves. They will be with their family and be kept safe," said Aragog making sure his own children knew that these two wizards were off limits.
Aragog saw their shirts and shook his head. He quickly told two of the children to use the silk from their webs to weave two new ones and put them on the children carefully along with songs and pants to keep them warm. It was very cold where they would be traveling.
Aragog gently strapped the children onto his back and flashed away. The Acromantula had their own version of aparating, and though they couldn't apparate into the exact place, they could apparate into the forest near it.
Once there, Aragog started to run carefully to get to the palace of the elves and dragons. What wizards didn't know was that house elves where not the only types of Elves. The elves of Fanla where taller than most and also very light on their feet. They treated the animals as their brothers and friends and didn't cut down trees without asking for permission. They also did not live on the ground, but in the forest trees.
Their city was not made up of huts, but of tree strung together, as a gift from mother earth to her favorite people. The legend was that Mother earth had been so pleased with the elves, that she allowed them to speak with the trees and forest around them, and in turn live in the trees and call the land brother.
The dragons where not all dragons. They were Dragoniaci. People who had two forms, one being a dragon, the other looking remotely human. These people had been gifted by mother earth for treated the wind and air as family. They had cared for the original dragons as if they were family and had been in turn gifted as family.
Aragog ran up the tree and walked into the palace of the Dragoniaci and Elves, then gently set down the little bundles in front of a very worried man. This man quickly picked them up and checked to make sure that the fool Albus hadn't hurt them.
He then turned and smiled at Aragog. "I can never repay you for bringing my children to me safe. Thank you Aragog." Said the man with a sincere smile.
Aragog just smiled and bowed. "It was my pleasure Tom. I will also offer my protection over your children for if they ever enter the forbidden forest or need my help." He said and turned and left without another word.
Tom Riddle was a very happy man. His son and daughter where safe, and they would grow up knowing their true heritage.