AN- Welcome back or simply welcome depending on rather you were a fan of my writing in the past. Yes indeed I have been gone for a while but I am going to do my very best to update everything a little more steadily now. As per usual I own nothing you recognize and this story is going to be Harry/Draco, very soon actually. Reviews are welcomed as long as you offer constructive criticism if you're planning on dogging something that's wrong with the story. A big thank you to SnowTigerQueen as well.

Thanks and happy reading.

Harry pondered over the clue of the second task for the next few weeks before realizing it didn't matter who or what they took from him if he didn't know how to get it back and thus he could usually be discovered laying in his hammock reading every book he could find on the forest and the creatures dwelling within it, he hadn't left his room for more than his classes in at least a week.

Astoria smiled as she walked into the room in her bikini then sat on his hammock, poking his stomach. "Hey when did you turn from the party king into a book worm?" she asked teasingly.

"Since I figured out the clue to the second task." Harry grinned sticking his tongue out at her before pulling her into the hammock with him tickling her.

Astoria squealed and started to squirm against him causing the hammock to rock. "No fair!" she squeaked out and kept squirming.

Draco frowned as he walked in then jealously watched from the door way.

"Hey Dray," Harry laughed nodding for him to come in, "Join in the fun you can get her from the other side." He offered. "They had talked and were slowly working on the friendship thing but Harry still hadn't entirely forgiven him.

Draco shook his head and waked over to the water sitting his feet in. "I'm not a fan of the idea of touching a girl." he said sneering, as if Astoria had cooties.

Astoria frowned hurt and cuddled into Harry. "That's mean"." she whispered.

"You must forgive Draco," Harry hugged her kissing the top of her head in a brotherly fashion "He knows not who he is."

Astoria giggled and cuddled close to him, humming softly. "Your comfy, nap with me." She said sweetly.

Draco narrowed his eyes and shot a tickling hex at Harry. "No I know not why you bother leading others on." he muttered.

"What is this Shakespeare in the park?" Harry asked laughing. "Thou doth not leadeth anyone on."

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head. "though leadeth on all females as thou doth not like females." he said sweetly.

"Just because I like boys doesn't mean I can't like girls too." Harry pointed out swaying gently in the hammock with his arms around Astoria.

Draco stared over and raised an eyebrow. "But that doesn't mean you do like girls. You hold her as if you were her brother." he pointed out.

Astoria rolled her eyes. "Because he knows I have a crush on one of the twins." she snapped.

"That she does." Harry raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "I just happen to be cuddly, you remember?"

Draco blushed bright red and turned his head away, a sad look appearing in his eyes. He still couldn't believe what he had thrown away.

Astoria smiled and cuddled closer to Harry. "Do you think I have a chance with Fred?" she asked shyly.

"I think Fred's fear is not having a chance with you." Harry laughed tapping her nose. "But I'm sure he will come around." He teased checking his watch. "It is dinner time you two would you like to head down?"

Draco slid out of the water and cast a drying spell on himself then transfigured his trunks into his school uniform. "Love to." he said with a sarcastic smile.

Astoria giggled. "I have to go change. I am only in my bikini and I wouldn't want to make Fred to lustful." she said happily.

"You left a pair of jeans and a shirt last time you were here." Harry chuckled. "They're in my trunk."he helped her out of the hammock before getting up as well pulling on a shirt with his sweatpants and then grabbing a hoodie. "This place is cold in the winter." He whined going to lean on Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes and gently kissed Harry's cheek. "You could use heating charms." he teased.

Astoria quickly pulled the jeans and shirt over her bikini then smiled to Harry. "I look okay?" she asked,

"Lovely as always my love," Harry replied with a smile offering her one arm and Draco the other.

Draco smiled and slid his arm through Harry's happily, while jealously thinking of how Harry used to talk about him like that.

Astoria smiled happily and slid a hand through his arm. "Thank you sweetie." she said sweetly.

Harry lead them down to the great hall sitting in between them before unlinking his arms from theirs.

Just as they got seated Dumbledore rose to his feet raising his hands for silence. "This year as has been the tradition with all Triwizard championships past. There will be a yule ball, Champions will open with a dance with their respective dates for the evening. Now dig in." HE announced.

Draco stared up surprised at Dumbledore then started to slowly eat, praying Harry would ask him.

Astoria smiled softly and looked to Harry. "Who ya gonna ask?" she whispered.

"Well I would like to ask you to be my partner for the opening dance?" He asked sweetly. "And as for my date I'm not sure yet."

Astoria gigged and nodded her head happily. "I'd love to. I'm not that good of a dancer though." she warned giddily.

"I will teach you." Harry chuckled as he filled his plate with mashed potatoes and chicken gravy, giving a weary look to one of his classmates as they sat down next to Draco, The teen was tall and athletic looking with shoulder length oil black hair. "Hi, I'm Damien." He smiled brightly at Draco holding out his hand.

Draco smiled and took Damian's hand. "Draco. Pleasure." he all but purred.

Astoria smiled happily and hugged Harry, eating a salad for her own dinner. 'Thank you Harry."

"My pleasure Torie," Harry chuckled hugging her back while keeping an ear on the conversation next to him.
"I was wondering if you'd go to the ball with me." Damien grinned kissing Draco's knuckles.

Draco bit his lip. "Uhm can I get back to you with an answer?" he asked softy, he had his hopes up that Harry might ask him.

Astoria giggled and bit her lip. "Think I should ask Fred to be my date?" she asked shyly.

"Aw come on?" Damien pouted. "I'm a good guy, Ask Raven he'll vouch for me. Won't you Harry?"
Harry barely looked up making a noncommittal disapproving noise before nodding to Astoria. "Do it I dare you."

Draco bit his lip then looked to Harry. "Harry?" he asked quietly.

Astoria grinned and stood up then shyly walked over to the Gryffindor table and tapped Fred's shoulder.

Harry shrugged, "Personally, I don't know why Big D would ask for my shining review because he and I have never seen eye to eye." He replied jealously. "But maybe he'll tickle your fancy even if he is a guy." He muttered before getting up and storming out of the hall.
"Lovely Ms. Greengrass." Fred smiled turning around. "How can I assist you madame?"

Astoria smiled shyly and bit her lip. "Would you go with me to the ball?" she asked shyly.

Draco frowned and gently touched Harry's arm. "Harry, do you have any problem with me going with Damian?" he asked praying Harry would say yes.

Fred grinned pulling Astoria into his lap kissing her before chuckling. "That by the way, Is a yes."
Harry frowned. "You've never taken my feelings into consideration before why start now?" He questioned bitterly before bolting back to his room shutting the door and putting Sheila on guard duty.

Draco stared after Harry hurt before he looked down and nodded his consent to Damian, knowing now that Harry didn't want him like that anymore.

Astoria grinned breathlessly up at him and softly pecked his lips, before she looked up and saw that Harry was gone. "where did harry run off to?"

"He was just there a second ago." Fred frowned not knowing himself where he'd gone.
Damien grinned kissing Draco's knuckles again. "Don't worry about him, he's been moody since your last visit to Oz."

Draco looked down and smiled weakly. "Is my fault. I broke his heart." he said quietly.

Astoria frowned when she saw Damian kiss Draco's knuckles then looked up at Fred. "I think Draco hurt Harry with out meaning to." she said quietly.

"I really wish those two would just screw and get it over with." Fred sighed. "Go after him if you need to."
Damien cocked his head to the side. "And he broke mine." he shrugged. "It's a ruthless cycle it is.

Astoria smiled and kissed Fred's cheek. "I'm gonna go make sure he's okay. He's my brother." she said simply then slipped from his lap and headed up to the floor where Harry's room was.

Draco frowned and looked at Damian. "He dated you?" he asked quietly.

"No just refused me time and time again." Damian shrugged. "I finally gave up and got over him."
Harry had pulled out his punching bag as soon as he'd locked himself in and was mercilessly wailing on it. Pretending it was Damien Winters.

Astoria smiled and knocked on the door, wondering who was on guard duty.

Draco frowned and nodded his head. 'Your not asking me to get back at him are you?" he asked warily.

Sheila growled at Harry who growled back to allow Astoria in while continuing his abuse of the bag.
"I'm over him and believe it is time to move on." Damien shook his head. "I find you very attractive and intelligent."

Draco frowned and nodded his head, accepting the compliment while not sure he trusted Damien. "Thank you." he said politely.

Astoria walked in and gently hugged harry from behind. "What happened?" she asked softly.

"Ew you're touching me." Harry teased knowing he was sweaty as he stopped his assault on the punching bag.

Astoria giggled and kept hugging him. "Your the one who's all sweaty and stinky." she teased then let go and moved to the side to watch him.

Harry again began his work out a little more slowly paced this time. "I don't know." He muttered. "I guess I never got over Draco as much as I'd like to pretend that I did." He swung an extra hard kick at the bag.

Astoria frowned. "Didn't he ask your opinion though for Damian? I thought he was going to say no in hopes of having you ask him." she said honestly.

"He asked my opinion of Damian's character was." Harry corrected hitting the bag again. " And personally I think Damien is and arrogant pig headed prick." He growled his magic beginning to seep in tendrils around him.

Astoria raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Then why didn't you tell him that?" she asked softly.

"Because my personal opinions shouldn't be anyone elses deciding factor, and it is none of my business who Draco is with." He replied softly leaning against the punching bag hugging it for support.

Astoria walked over and hugged him gently. "You could have used that as an opportunity to ask Draco you know." she said softly.

"I'm afraid he'll hurt me again Torie." He murmured. "I know that sounds stupid we were young and naive but I will never forget how happy I was and how badly it killed me inside." He admitted.

Draco stared sadly from outside the door and stopped his hand. He had come up to see if harry was alright. He slowly moved away from the door and leaned against the wall.

Astoria smiled softly. "If you got him back for a little while, would it have been worth it?" she asked softy.

"I've been a spoiled and greedy child." Harry shook his head, "A little bit would make it worse. I want all or nothing and I can't be guaranteed he won't hurt me again just like before." he sighed hating to reveal a less than strong side of himself.

Astoria smiled softly. "That's part of what it means to date. You have to put a little faith into that person." she said softly.

Harry nodded. "I haven't dated since I was eleven." He chuckled standing himself upright again. "Maybe it's time I gave it another go."

Draco stood up and quickly ran from the entrance, back down to the slytherin common room and into his private corner to think and mope.

Astoria smiled and gently hugged him. "I could show you some of the sexy boys in school. Blaise Zabini being one of them." she teased.

"Blaise was the one at my party right?" Harry questioned as he stepped over to his trunk to put on clean sweats and a fresh tank top. He then used a charm to clean himself up and started a music coming from an invisible source taking Astoria by the waist leading her to the music.

Astoria blushed and nervously looked down at her feet. "Yeah, the Italian." she said softly.

"Look at me." Harry coaxed turning his eyes the mesmerizing sea foam green that was usually a display of power. "He was nice to look at." He admitted. "Full of himself too if I remember."

Harry smiled. "Think he would go to the dance with me?" He questioned softly still leading her around the room.

Astoria nodded and relaxed into the dance. "I think he would love to. Just expect to be spoiled with gifts until it." she teased.

"Where might I find him?" Harry asked curiously as the music faded and he tipped her back gently with a grin.

Astoria grinned as she looked up into his eyes. "he's usually in the slytherin common room right now." she said sweetly

Harry nodded. "Well then love you will have to get me in." He smirked standing her upright again.

Astoria giggled and offered her hand. "Come on big brother, lets get you a date." she teased then frowned. "Put on those sexy tight jeans you have."

Harry rolled his eyes changing into the requested jeans with boots and a black zip up hoodie over his black tank top. "Better?"

Astoria nodded her approval then lead him down to the slytherin common room where Blaise was sprawled out on a couch reading

Harry smirked at the eyes that turned to face him as he strolled easily over to Blaise picking his feet up and sitting down putting his legs across his lap. "This seat taken?" He questioned flirtatiously

Blaise looked down from his book then smirked and shook his head. "for you? Never." he teased.

"So how about going to the ball with me?" Harry asked with a lopsided grin. "Now I don't want to give you false advertising so I'll tell you up front the lovely Astoria will be opening the ball with me but the rest of the night I'd be all yours." he winked.

Blaise raised an eyebrow and eyed Harry a moment before he slid his feet of Harry's lap and turned around, sticking his head in Harry's lap instead. "I'd be honored." he said sweetly.

Harry grinned threading his fingers through Blaise's hair. "Marvelous," He teased. "I was hoping you might say that."

Blaise closed his book and just relaxed into Harry's lap. "That feels lovely amore." he murmured.

"Well I can't sit here all night petting you." Harry laughed heartily continuing to run his fingers through Blaise's hair. "But a few more moments won't hurt."

Blaise smiled and gently caught Harry's hand then kissed his palm. "I have to warn you. I spoil my loves." he warned.

Draco watched them, the pain going strait to his heart, he silently slipped up to his room and curled up onto his bed.

"A tad early for the L word don't you think?" Harry teased with a grin. "But I assure you I don't mind being spoiled." He winked.

Blaise chuckled and shook his head. "I call all my dates my loves. Because that is what you will become if I have my way." he said simply then leaned up and gently kissed Harry's cheek. "Now tell me about yourself, so I know what to buy you."

Harry smirked. "I'm a surfer." He began, "And an avid animal collector due to my ability of talking to them all. I also dabble a bit in music guitar mostly."

Blaise pursed his lips. "Maybe I'll spell a surf board to create it's own wave." He teased.
"I have dozens of boards already." Harry rolled his eyes. "You'll have to try harder than that." He teased playfully.

Blaise grinned. "what about a board you could fly on." he said his eyes dancing.

"Instead of a broom?" Harry grinned. "That would be bloody amazing." He imagined it in his head his grin getting bigger. "You really do want to spoil me don't you?" He teased.

Blaise grinned and nodded his head with a playful smile. "Absolutely." he said honestly.

"Well while you come up with devious idea's on how to do that, I should return to my room and finish my homework." Harry chuckled kissing Blaise's nose.

Blaise leaned up and captured Harry's lips. "Something for you to daydream about while you study." he teased softly.
Harry's eyes turned sea foam green against his will and he blushed. "Go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?" He questioned softly. In his heart he knew he only did it to try and get over the thoughts of Draco but his mind argued that he meant it.

Blaise grinned and nodded his head. "I'd love to. Will give me a chance to learn mio Bello's favorite sweets." he said happily.

"Tomorrow is Friday." Harry reminded with a grin. "So you better be a quick learner." he teased gently moving Blaise from his lap standing up, he leaned back down kissing Blaise gently before winking and striding out of the common room whistling his way back up to his room.

Blaise smirked and watched Harry's ass as he left then headed up to the common room where he saw Draco send off a letter with an owl.

"Someone is in a good mood." Remus teased Harry as he came in. "Find a date already?" He asked with a grin.
"As a matter of fact I did." Harry replied happily rolling his eyes at how close Remus and Sirius were sitting in the sand.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't be with little dragon would it?" he asked a bit hopeful for his son's sake.

An owl flew in through the charmed window and landed on Harry's shoulder, offering his leg.

"No," Harry shook his head taking the package thanking the owl with a soft hoot. "Blaise Zabini." he replied distractedly curious as to who could be sending him something at that late hour.

The owl smiled and said nothing about who it was from. "I promised." it said softly. Inside was a beautiful charm bracelet with only two charms on it, one an emerald green surf board and the next a dolphin that looked like Harry's animagus form, the note only saying. "I'm sorry."

"I understand my friend." Harry replied softly to the owl, "Thank you for your delivery." he smiled opening the bracelet looking at the note confused, Blaise was the only one who had threatened to send him gifts but the boy didn't know his animagus forms nor did he have a reason to be sorry. He put the bracelet on regardless with a shrug. "I need to go get my homework done."

Remus nodded with a sad smile, He like Sirius had hoped his Raven would patch things up with Draco. Sirius sighed "Good night pup." He stood to give Harry a hug before watching him head for his room.

To Harry's surprise Blaise was waiting outside of the common room the following morning with a smile. "I thought I'd walk to breakfast with you." He grinned. "Will you be sitting with the Slytherin's this morning?"

Harry chuckled at his enthusiasm but nodded anyway. "I had planned to yes." He pulled his hoodie on over his head. "You aren't stalking me are you?" He asked teasingly.
Blaise shook his head. "No, Astoria told me what time you usually go to breakfast." He grinned with a shrug.
"Works for me then shall we?" He offered his arm to Blaise heading down to the great hall where Damien had already taken up a seat next to Draco trying to engage him in conversation.

The day passed rather quickly but Harry still found Blaise waiting to walk with him to the great hall for each meal like a loyal puppy and by dinner Draco was leaning against Damien giggling at all of his stupid jokes and watching for Harry's reaction every so often.

"Draco keeps staring at you." Blaise finally commented after a while.
"Yeah I know." Was all Harry replied with playing with his dinner more than he was eating it. "I'll see you in the morning all right?" He finally smiled at Blaise. "No parties tonight." he gave Blaise a quick kiss before grabbing his bag striding out of the hall.

Blaise watched him go curiously wondering what he had done wrong or if not him then who. He finished his dinner before heading up to his room attaching a sketch he had done of Harry out kickboxing in the snow with the rest of his school as well as goblin made silver necklace that looked like a scaled snake hanging about the neck. Signing it 'with great fondness Blaise'
Harry put down his guitar long enough to read the missive and look at the picture before putting the necklace on with a sigh and went back to swinging gently in his hammock playing soft sappy love songs into the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out what it was he wanted.

When morning finally came Harry rolled out of bed with a yawn and began to wrap the Christmas presents he already had starting with Draco's, He had purchased a birthday present for the blond every year and had just never had the nerve to send them.

The first was a silver pocket watch the outside engraved with a cliff the ocean waves crashing against the base and fireworks going off in the sky, on the inside it was engraved 'Happy twelfth birthday Dragon.
The second was a leather bound journal and eagle feather quill on the inside he had written a poem inspired by the blond,

I don't know how to be with you,

But I can't be without,

Every time you ignore my call it makes me want to shout,

Shout it from the rooftops. Shout it in a crowd,

I wanna scream of my love for you and how I feel without.

But you aren't around to hear it,

and it's like you don't care.

So why waste my breath why take it from my lungs,

I can't give you that without it tearing me apart

you have something far more important,

you have my heart.

Happy thirteenth


Harry had to take a moment after placing that one in the parcel he intended to finally send to Draco before moving on to the third gift in the stack which was a magical photo album of their excursions at the beach, in the forest and at the reef it could be set up like a frame and whichever picture Draco chose would be displayed on the front cover.
The final gift that had been intended for Draco's fifteenth birthday was a long white gold chain with a pendant made of onyx and sapphire in the shape of a raven.

Harry placed all of them in a box and wrapped it in silver paper with emerald ribbon and a bow, he would wrap Draco's actual Christmas present separately when that was done Harry felt rather drained, he checked the time deciding a nap wasn't out of the question. He still had two hours before he and Blaise were due to go to Hogsmeade.
Harry fell back into his hammock falling right back to sleep his dreams tumultuous and strange, He woke to Sheila licking his face sometime later with a groan.

"Sheila," He growled low at her in agitation he'd just gotten into a sound sleep where the dreams had ceased.
"There is a visitor at your door." Sheila growled back her reply sitting on her haunches. Harry checked the time again realizing he'd overslept with a long sigh before waving his hand to let Blaise in.
Blaise smiled and walked in with a slightly worried look on his face. "Are you alright little love?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, sorry." Harry chuckled peering over the edge of his hammock. "I overdid my nap a little I guess." he shrugged sheepishly.

Blaise smiled. "Well I'd suggest you dress a little warmer then you are now, it's not nearly as warm outside as it is in here." he teased slightly.

Harry glanced down realizing he was still only in his boxers. "You know you might be onto something there." He chuckled. "How about throwing me some clothes?"

Blaise grinned and went to the trunk, sending him warm snug jeans and a long sleeved shirt with his own jacket.
"Hmm, If I'm going to be here long I guess I should pick up a warmer coat." Harry laughed standing up wriggling into the jeans and shirt folding the jacket over his arm and running his fingers through his hair making it disheveled in a devilish way.

Blaise grinned as he watched then walked over unashamed. "You look positively sinful." he teased.

"And you love it." Harry teased right back pulling Blaise forward by his coat kissing him softly.

Blaise smirked into the kiss and slid his hands down to Harry's waist, holding him there and trying to deepen the kiss.

Harry allowed Blaise's hands to remain on his waist but pulled away from the kiss. "Easy tiger." He smirked raising an eyebrow.

Blaise chuckled and nipped at Harry's neck. "Alright alright." he teased softly.

"Don't you dare mark me." Harry spoke sternly moving to take Blaise's hand instead of being wrapped around each other. "Let's get going I have Christmas shopping to finish."

Blaise frowned and stepped back slightly. "Why can't I mark you? You are mine." he said with annoyed look.

"I belong to no one and do not be foolish enough to think that is going to change." Harry warned. "You can take what I'm allowing you to have and be happy with it or move on." he folded his arms waiting for an answer his eyes turning sea foam green.

Blaise nodded his head while gently offering his hand. "I apologize then. I only wanted to show my possessiveness. I do not see you as an object." he promised.

Harry nodded his acceptance of the apology and took Blaise's hand with a small smile leading the way out of the castle and down to the little town that reminded Harry a lot of home other than the snow on the ground. "Want to go pick out a warm coat for me?" He asked cheerily

Blaise grinned and nodded his head. "I think a pea coat in a dark green would look beautiful on you." he said honestly.

"Sounds good to me." Harry grinned as they headed into the shop. Harry bought himself a coat as well as a pair of knee high white suede boots and tight black pants made of an impossibly soft leather. He also picked up a leather vest for Sirius. "I need to get my robes for the ball as well." He smiled offering his hand back to Blaise after telling the clerk where to send his purchases.

Blaise smiled and took Harry's hand, gently kissing the knuckles. "You want to get a pair of gloves for these beautiful hands of yours?" he asked worried.

"I have a pair at the castle." Harry chuckled. "I just forgot to grab them on my way out, is there anything you need or anywhere you need to go?"

Blaise chuckled. "My robes have already been paid for but I'd love to take you to honeydukes and get you all of your favorite candy, give you your own private stash."

Harry looked down with a blush, "This is the part where you will think I'm a completes weirdo." He chuckled. "I really don't eat sweets,"

Blaise froze and frowned. "Why not? your to sweet to not eat sweets."

"I told you it was strange." Harry shrugged with a smile. "They make me feel slow and sluggish." He admitted. "I prefer to munch on Jerky, cheese, and veggies."

Blaise frowned and pursed his lips. "They have candy veggies." he offered.
"You want to spoil me?" Harry asked with a grin. "Really want to spoil me?"

Blaise grinned and nodded, pulling Harry close and softly kissing his lips. "As much as I can." he promised.

Harry pointed to the butcher down the street across the street there was another store with pink bubble floating out the open door. "Jerky and bubble bath." He grinned. "I love to soak in a good hot bath."

Blaise grinned and chuckled lowly then kissed Harry's neck. "Your wish is my command." he teased.

"Why don't you surprise me with what you decide to spoil me with and I'll go get my robes taken care of?" Harry suggested having a sketch in his pocket of how he wanted his robes to look and he planned to keep it a surprise.

Blaise chuckled and walked into the shop, pulling out a peppermint one as well as a few different lotions ranging from vanilla to peppermint and gingerbread

Harry walked first to the tailor discussing his design and what fabrics should be used and all the details. It went smoother than he thought and he had enough time when he was done to go next door to the silver shop. He picked up a pocket watch for Remus with a wolf howling at the moon engraved on the case as well as a silver chain and locket with a dragon carved on it,

Blaise smiled as he finished picking out the last of the bath bombs then paid for them and had them put into a basket. He then took them out with peppermint tea as an extra gift and smiled when he saw Harry. "hello beautiful." he teased.

"Ello love." Harry chuckled in his best British accent. "What would be the recommended gift for my dear Torie?" he questioned putting his arm around Blaise.

Blaise pursed his lips then kissed Harry's cheek. "How about a muggle book? She always seems to be reading them." he said honestly.

"How about a trunk full of muggle romance novels?" Harry asked not feeling one book would be enough for the girl who was like a sister to him.

Blaise chuckled and nodded his head. "She would love that. From how she blushes those books of hers are trashy." he replied with a smirk.

"That or she is very naive and innocent." Harry pointed out. "I'll order those by mail, Sirius and Remus are taken care of, Fred and George are taken care of, Draco is taken care of and I know what Torie will be getting." He listed off before smirking. "Now what about you?" He chuckled picking Blaise up spinning him in a circle as snow began to fall in large fluffy flakes.

Blaise squeaked then stared jealously down and pulled away. "Your getting a Christmas present for your ex?" he asked confused.

"I got a Christmas present for my childhood friend of whom I'm trying to rebuild a friendship." Harry shook his head putting Blaise down, already getting annoyed with his possessiveness and jealousy he put his hands in his pockets walking away.

Blaise frowned then sighed and followed after him, showing off the basket. "I got you something." he said softly.

"Did you now?" Harry questioned in interest though his tone was still a bit frosty. "And what might it be ?"

Blaise grinned and held up the basket full of bath time goodies, lotions and tea.

"Looks like I will have to take a long hot bath when we get back to warm up." Harry smiled kissing Blaise's cheek. "Thank you, now how about we grab lunch before going back to the castle?"

Blaise nodded and smiled fully. "The bar makes a great sandwich and offers butterbeer for students." he offered.

"Think I can get a turkey and avocado with bacon?" Harry asked licking his lips as he took Blaise's hand again

Blaise nodded and kissed the back of Harry's hand. I think that's very possible." he promised.

"Sounds fantastic let's go." Harry laughed as his stomach growled. After lunch they headed back up to the school and Harry bid his goodbye to Blaise, he needed to get his new presents wrapped and order a few more. He eventually sank down into his jacuzzi tub relaxing in the jets his thoughts racing.

Astoria smiled as she skipped up to the top of the stairs then headed into Harry's room and knocked on the bathroom. "Ry? can I come in?" she called.

"It's open Torie." Harry called not feeling at all like moving from his tub. He didn't think he'd ever thaw from his trip into town.

Astoria smiled and walked into the bathroom then sat down next to the tub. "It smells fantastic in here, someone got a peppermint bath bomb." she teased playfully. "You aren't reading smut with out me are you?"

"No," Harry laughed. "Just me and my thoughts this time around." He promised making sure there were still enough bubbles to keep his lower half hidden.

Astoria smiled and spelled the bubbles thicker. "I love you Ry, but the idea of seeing you naked scares me." she admitted.

"No offense Torie, But I don't want you to see me naked." He laughed the sound not matching the look in his eyes.

Astoria stared at him worried. "Ry what's got you bothered?" she asked softly.

"Blaise is a really sweet guy." Harry bit his lip. "A little possessive and jealous but otherwise a really really sweet guy He makes me laugh." He sank down lower in the tub with a sigh.

Astoria frowned as she watched him. 'Is that bad?" she asked softly.

"I can't stop thinking about Draco," Harry shook his head. "It makes me feel like dirt for dating Blaise when I'm so stuck on someone I dated four years ago."

Astoria bit her lip. "how about you do something then. If you still feel this way after the Christmas ball then go back to Draco. He keeps asking me about you all the time." she said softly.

"Well either way I'm going to hurt someone, It'll either be Blaise or Draco." Harry murmured summoning a large white fluffy robe. "Close your eyes for a tick love."

Torie smiled and put her hands over her eyes, keeping them closed tight. "Thanks for the warning." she said with a smile on her face, though you could hardly see it behind her hands.

Harry wrapped himself in the robe tying the belt shut before taking Torie by the hands singing softly spinning her around the bathroom. He'd taken to surprising her into the opening dance routine randomly and it was actually helping her to memorize the routine.

Astoria giggled as she danced along with him, loving his voice then gently hugged him once the song came to a finish. "I love you Ry. Your the big brother I always wanted." she admitted shyly.

"Stay with me tonight?" Harry asked biting his lip. "I don't feel like being alone."

Astoria smiled and kissed his cheek. "love to. I love when you cuddle me." she admitted

"Hammock or would you like an actual bed for once?" Harry teased slipping on pajama bottoms under the robe before taking it off and drying his hair.

Astoria pursed her lips then grinned. "hammock, the rocking lulls me to sleep." she admitted with a happy smile.

When Christmas morning rolled around the elves had delivered most of the packages to the recipients in the night. All but one, and that morning found a brilliant white wolf with black lined ears and toxic green eyes with a silver wrapped box in its mouth waiting at the Slytherin common room bright and early before most were awake, Astoria had promised Harry she'd let the beautiful animal in.

Astoria groaned sleepily and went down to the room then opened it. "Come on in beautiful. you must be who Ry sent." she said sleepily then offered her hand for the wolf to smell.

The wolf sat down its package long enough to lick Astoria's hand before picking it up again racing up the stairs to Draco's room a tiny black pup following obediently along. The wolf opened Draco's door jumping softly onto the bed snooting the blonds neck after sitting the package down. The pup waiting patiently on the floor.

Draco groaned and slowly woke up then stared up at the wolf blankly a moment before he sat up and offered a hand. "You are beautiful, what are you doing here love?" he asked softly, feeling those eyes were incredibly familiar.

The wolf jumped down lifting the box up first dropping it into Draco's lap waiting in the floor with its tail hiding the pup and keeping it warm.

Draco smiled sleepily and opened the box curiously. "What's this darling?" he asked softly.

Draco slowly lifted out the different things, reading through everything that Harry had sent him and staring sadly as tears slid down his face. He quickly buried his face in his hands and shook his head. 'What have I done?" he whispered to himself.

The wolf then lifted the pup up plopping it in Draco's lap, It wore the locket Harry had put his favorite picture of Draco on one side but had left the other side empty.

Draco stared over at the wolf with a confused sad look in his eyes then gently lifted the puppy and smiled. "Hello little one. Are you for me?" he asked softly then gently took the locket off and looked inside, smiling weakly. He remembered when that photo had been taken.

The puppy licked Draco's nose wagging his tail excitedly wriggling around in Draco's arms. The wolf gave a nod before turning to leave content to know that Draco liked his gifts,

Draco smiled and gently hugged the puppy close. "You need a name. How about Shadow little one. Your absolutely adorable, I'll have to thank Raven." he said then kissed the pup on the nose.

Astoria smiled sleepily from the couch when she saw the wolf again. "leaving?" she asked softly.

"I am." Harry replied softly suddenly standing where the wolf had been. "Go get some more sleep."

Astoria frowned. "Ry? Were you just a wolf?" she asked sleepily.

"Yeah," Harry nodded sheepishly, "No one knows about that one yet so shhh." he teased.

Astoria giggled and hugged him sleepily then kissed his cheek. "Happy Christmas big brother. You should have a present under the tree. Can you carry me to bed?" she asked shyly.

Harry smiled softly lifting her effortlessly into his arms, "You can give it to me later." He assured before singing her softly back to sleep on the way to her room.

Astoria cuddled close to him and easily fell back asleep, loving the way she felt safe in his arms and the sound of his voice.

Draco chuckled as he lifted Shadow into his arms then grabbed the letter with the charm and took it to his owl to send. He then pulled out the surf board he had heard Blaise promise to Harry and smiled. He had enchanted it himself, draining all of his core for a week to make it work. he slowly wrapped it and re-sized it then sent it with directions on how it worked just like a broom and to be safe Draco chuckled as he lifted Shadow into his arms then grabbed the letter with the charm and took it to his owl to send. He then pulled out the surf board he had heard Blaise promise to Harry and smiled. He had enchanted it himself, draining all of his core for a week to make it work. he slowly wrapped it and re-sized it then sent it with directions on how it worked just like a broom and to be safe then signed it Draco.

After putting Astoria back in bed tucking him in unable to help himself he strolled back to Draco's room peaking in. "You did get him then" He spoke up seeing Shadow, "Merry Christmas Dragon."

Draco turned then grinned. "yeah. Thank you Harry, I love him. His name is shadow, would you like to hold the little one?" he asked and walked over then gently kissed Harry's cheek in thanks.

Harry chuckled tickling the pups chin, "No I've had him bunking with me for three days now he's all yours." He teased with a smirk.

Draco grinned and cuddled Shadow close, softly kissing his forehead. "I love him so much." he said honestly.

"I kind of figured that you would." Harry nodded whispering in the pups ear causing the little one to lick Draco's nose. "I should get back to my room, save me a dance tonight?"

Draco nodded and laughed at the pup. "Gonna give me lots love little one?" he asked playfully.

"Remember what I told you." Harry told Shadow in a series of grunts and facial expressions. "Take care of him for me." Shadow wagged his tail giving Harry an affirmative bark before Harry kissed Draco's cheek heading for the door.

Draco smiled softly and touched his cheek then leaned down and kissed Shadow's head. "I love you little one. Want to help me dress for the day?" he asked it playfully.

Harry spent the day admiring and making use of the gifts he had received and when the time came he put away the book he'd begun reading and pulled out his robes. He showered pulling his hair back in a low ponytail with a crimson bit of ribbon and dressed in Soft white suede pants with knee high black soft soled boots and a crimson shirt with the top few button undone before pulling on the dress robes which were of a beautiful white velvet lined in fake black fur. It had appealed to him due to the similarities between what he wore and his wolf animagus,

He headed down the the doors into the great hall to await Astoria and Blaise's arrival.

Astoria smiled shyly as she swept into the hall where Harry was waiting. She was wearing a long dark purple dress that accentuated her curves and had a brooch of rhinestones just between her breasts, the dress had straps off the shoulders and invisible ones over the shoulders to keep it up. "Hi Harry." she whispered shyly.

Blaise grinned as he walked in with dark blue dress robes, black underneath

and sapphire cape around his shoulders. "Hello darling." he said proudly.

"Hello my lovelies." Harry smiled kissing Astoria's cheek as Fred approached her shyly in the brand new robes Harry had sent him for Christmas.

"You look lovely." He whispered to Astoria while Harry took a moment to look Blaise over,

"delectable." He teased the Slytherin.

Blaise grinned and slid his hands to Harry's waist. "Not as drop dead gorgeous as you are." he teased.

Astoria blushed darkly and smiled shyly at Fred. "Hi." she said shyly.

Fred blushed offering Astoria a deep purple rose tucking it into her hair. "Forgive me I feel corsages to be a tad over done." He murmured with a crooked smile.

Harry chuckled kissing Blaise on the nose. "You do tango right?" he questioned.

Blaise grinned and kissed Harry's cheek gently. "I do tango." he said honestly.

Astoria smiled and leaned up then kissed Fred's cheek. "I love it." she said honestly.

The doors to the great hall opened music pouring out to greet them, Harry raised a brow bowing to Blaise. "I will be right back." He promised going to collect Astoria's hand. "I will return her momentarily." He promised Fred who nodded with a smile. "Treat her right Black." He threatened playfully.
"Ready Torrie?" Harry grinned lining up with the other two champions.

Astoria nodded shyly and kissed Harry's cheek. "Ready." she promised shyly.

Draco stared from the side lines and smiled weakly. "Thank you again for taking me George." he said softly.

George smiled. "Not a problem."

"You are lovely my dear." Harry smiled leading Astoria gracefully onto the dance floor spinning her around into position with one hand on her waist the other holding her hand.

Astoria smiled and easily followed along, his lessons having given her the confidence she needed. "Only because of you big brother." she said honestly.

"I had nothing to do with it," Harry grinned spinning her out and back in for a dip. "I just gave you a push in the right direction." He looked up catching sight of Draco, "Whatever has upset my Dragon?" He asked curiously.
"Damian ended up sick," Astoria shrugged and kissed Harry's cheek softly. "Think Fred can dance like this?" she asked shyly.

Harry smirked waltzing back around to the center of the dance floor a plan forming in his mind The spotlight hit them for a moment almost like in a muggle movie the light reflected off of his robes making it look as if they were powdered with snow. "I know for a fact he can kind of dance like this." He teased.

Astoria smiled and moved close to Harry moving with Harry easily. "Really?" she asked hopeful. "I always wanted to dance romantically with someone like this."

"Don't tell him I told you." Harry whispered as the music slowed nearing the end. "But I gave him lessons too."

Astoria giggled shyly and gently hugged him when the song ended. "I love you big brother. Thank you so much."

Harry hugged her back before taking her arm to lead her back to Fred. "She's all yours again friend." He teased before returning to Blaise. "Ready to sit down and eat?" He asked softly gesturing towards the head table where the champions were sitting with the teachers.

Astoria smiled shyly to Fred. "Hello." she said softly.

Blaise nodded and kissed Harry's cheek. "welcome back beautiful." he said softly.

Fred smiled taking her arm, "May I show you to your seat m'lady?" He teased.
Harry put an arm around Blaise's waist leading him to sit next to Sirius one his side and Severus on Blaise's.

Sirius grinned and gently touched Harry's arm. "you look great today son."

Astoria grinned and nodded excitedly. "I'd like that."

"Blaise what are you doing?" Severus asked the Slytherin quietly while Sirius and Harry chatted.
"Thank you Papa," Harry blushed. "I paid for them with my surf lesson money." he added proudly.

Blaise frowned and narrowed his eyes. "None of your business sir, but if you must know, having a little fun."

Sirius grinned and gently kissed Harry's temple. "You look amazing." he promised.

Harry swatted Sirius away playfully before looking at his menu still blushing, Severus sighed. "and when he finds out?"

Blaise smirked. "He wont. If he does, I'll tell him the truth." he sneered.

Sirius chuckled and gently tapped Harry's nose. "Little adorable one." he teased.

Severus just rolled his eyes at Blaise before ordering his dinner, He hadn't been referring to Harry finding out, he spoke up one last time. "You know there will be pictures of this all over the paper right?"

Blaise frowned and shook his head. "I might need to disappear." he said softly.

Severus shrugged. "Assuming they have already gotten a picture of the two of you, he is Harry Potter after all, he's big news."

Blaise frowned. "Then I'll need to speak with her, make sure she knows I'm still hers." he mostly whispered to himself.

"Did you say something?" Harry asked Blaise putting a hand on his knee under the table. "You seem on edge are you okay?"

Blaise nodded and smiled weakly. "I might need to go for a bit." he said softly.

"Okay," Harry nodded leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Maybe some fresh air." He suggested. Wondering if Blaise had stumbled across any of the potion he'd slipped Damian.

Blaise stood up and gently kissed Harry's lips. "I'll see you later." he promised then quickly left.

Harry ate his meal quietly thinking while he ate and occasionally looking up at Draco. When everyone had finished and the band took the stage Harry danced a few songs with several students before heading up to the stage getting the front man's attention whispering something to him, he then slipped out of his robe parting the crown until he reached Draco and held out his hand to him. "Dance with me?"

Draco looked up and smiled softly. "I'd love to." he said softly then stood up and stretched out. "What happened to your boyfriend?" he asked softly

"I wouldn't really call him my boyfriend." Harry replied a bit teasingly and he lead Draco to the center of the dance floor pulling Draco close to him as the band began to play, "You still like to tango?" He asked the blond with a grin.

Draco grinned and pushed flush against Harry. "Love to." he said honestly.

Harry grinned as the rest of the students gathered around to watch and Harry began to move to the music with Draco soon matching his movements so they moved together like a well oiled machine.

Draco grinned as he easily followed, loving the way Harry's body moved with his. "I missed this." he admitted quietly.

"If I'm honest with myself." Harry sighed. "So did I." He admitted quietly in that moment hoping Blaise wouldn't come back.

Draco smiled and leaned up then gently kissed Harry's cheek. "Thank you." he said quietly

"Do you think George would let me have you for the rest of the evening if I introduced him to someone else?" Harry asked mischievously.

Draco laughed and nodded his head. "I think he had his eye on Neville." he teased softly.

Harry grinned. "Well then young master Malfoy, would you care to be my date for the rest of the evening?" He asked while keeping perfect step to the music, other couples now joining them.

Draco blushed darkly and nodded his head. "I was hoping you'd ask me." he said quietly.

"I apologize for not asking you first." Harry whispered dipping him back low to the floor leaning over him as the song came to a close."

Draco looked up to him then leaned up and kissed Harry's lips gently, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. "I've got something for you." he said quietly.

Harry almost melted into the kiss but regained his senses after a second and pulled slightly away. "Slow down Dragon." He murmured softly. "What is it you have for me?" He stood up taking Draco's hand to lead him off the dance floor.

Draco smiled shyly and pulled out a white wolf charm, with beautiful Emerald eyes. "This." he said shyly.

"You sent me this." Harry smiled sitting down pulling Draco into his lap and showing him the charm bracelet before getting a closer look at the charm. "How did you know?"

Draco smiled and kissed Harry's forehead. "Your eyes. Your eyes are that beautiful green. I wanted the bracelet to tell our story." he said softly.

"I love it, Will you put the charm on for me?" Harry asked with a bright smile winking at Sirius.

Sirius grinned at the two together and leaned back watching them.

Draco nodded and put the charm in place. "I wanted to ask you something." he said quietly.

Remus took Sirius' hand with a smile. "Dance with me?" he asked nervously.

Harry smiled resting his chin on Draco's shoulder. "So ask."

Sirius smiled and kissed Sirius's cheek. "I'd love to." he said happily.

Draco gently ran his fingers through Harry's hair. "I want to try again." he said quietly. "Please give me another chance?"

"I'll think about it." Harry promised with a content sigh.
Remus lead Sirius out to dance with a smile. "Step one completed, now for step two. Will you go to dinner with me?"

Sirius stared surprised then bit his lip and slid a hand to Remus's shoulder. "Would we be getting sushi?" he asked playfully.

Draco nodded and cuddled into Harry. "I'll take that." he said honestly. It was more then he had hoped for.

"Whatever you want." Remus agreed with a nod. "As long as you say yes."
"You seem tired." Harry murmured knowing the signs. "have you been getting enough sleep?"

Draco blushed darkly and shook his head. "I have been having weird dreams." he said quietly.

Sirius grinned and kissed Remus cheek softly. "I say yes." he said softly.

"How about I take you to your room and tuck you in?" Harry offered watching Sirius and Remus with a small smile.

Draco stared at him a moment and shook his head. "I don't want this night to end." he said quietly.

"Not even if I agree to stay with you until you fall asleep?" Harry questioned worried about his friend.

Draco bit his lip then smiled shyly and nodded his head. "Alright." he said quietly.

Harry nodded putting his robes back on lifting Draco to his feet and standing as well putting an arm around the blonds waist. "After you love."

Draco smiled and put a hand on Harry's hand then lead the way to the slytherin common room, yawning as he did.

Harry went with Draco all the way up to his room before stretching out on the bed holding his arms out to the blond. "for old times sake?"

Draco grinned and stripped to his boxers then slid into the bed with Harry and curled close. "I'd love that." he said honestly.

Harry held Draco close threading his fingers through blond hair while singing softly under his breath.

Draco slowly curled up against Harry then fell asleep, hugging Harry close to him in the process.

Harry waited until Draco was asleep and then began to let his magic seep out gently slowly changing the blonds walls and ceiling to make it look like he was living in the ocean with fish and plants moving about, the water illuminated by the moonlight. He then slipped from Draco's arms putting a pillow in his place.

Draco cuddled the pillow close and slowly whimpered in his sleep, knowing he was missing.

Harry frowned kissing Draco's forehead tucking the blanket around him before heading back to his own room kicking off his boots on his way in looking forward to a swim.

Blaise smiled as he swung in Harry's hammock, waiting for the boy to return.

Sheila watched Blaise from the other side of the pool her tail twitching in irritation. The boy had stumbled in drunk rifled through her boys things and then made himself at home.
Harry opened his bedroom door shutting it before catching sight of Blaise nearly firing at him. "Blaise you scared the daylights out of me." he muttered.

Blaise grinned and slid out of the hammock. "There's my beauty. Come here pretty thing." he leered.

Harry raised an eyebrow taking a step back. "Excuse me?" He demanded. "Why are you even in my room?"

Blaise looked at him in disbelief . "I've a right to be in my boyfriends bed, don't I?" he said with a frown.

"Not without my permission you don't." Harry pointed out. "I reserve the right to my privacy."

Blaise frowned and walked over to kiss Harry. "But I want you close." he whispered.

"You're welcome to stay Blaise." Harry chuckled kissing the inebriated Slytherin. "But only to sleep." he warned. "No funny business."

Blaise frowned and kissed Harry firmly. "Come on baby just a little fun. I can show you the world in just a few touches." he teased.

"If you can't behave you can leave." Harry replied folding his arms over his chest. "Which is it?"

Blaise sighed then kissed Harry's lips firmly. "Fine."

"Thank you." Harry chuckled going to change into his sweatpants and coming back tumbling into his hammock with arms open.

Blaise grinned and stripped naked then slid into Harry's arms. He wasn't about to change how he usually dressed for bed with his boyfriend.

Harry rolled his eyes at Blaise's showmanship wrapping his arms around him anyway setting the hammock to swaying a little, "Glad to see you're feeling better." He commented.

Harry eventually fell asleep, he woke again as usual to the morning sun and rolled away from Blaise locking and warding himself with magic powerful enough to keep Blaise out. He settled down into a hot bath deciding to have a day for himself.

Draco smiled as he brought Harry breakfast. He had made waffles with lots of whipped cream and strawberry syrup. He gently knocked on the door and walked in then stared surprise when he saw Blaise naked in Harry's bed. HE dropped the Waffles in shock then just froze and stared at him.

Harry heard the noise of the tray being dropped and climbed out of the tub irritably wrapping a towel around his waist still dripping wet and swung the door open.

Draco turned to Harry and stared hurt. "What the hell!?" he shouted.

Blaise jumped up and groaned silently then pulled on his clothes and slipped out, not in the mood to see Draco and Harry together.

"Good morning to you too." Harry yawned going to his trunk to find clothes figuring he wouldn't get to finish his bath at any rate.

Draco stared at Harry blankly. "You slept with him. After everything I said and asked last night you turned around and slept with him!" he shouted angrily, more hurt then anything.

"Slept yes," Harry retorted pulling on baggy blue jeans under his towel before using it to dry his hair. "Had sex with him no, and I can't believe you'd think I would."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Your wearing nothing coming from the bathroom and he's naked in your bed. What the hell did you think I was going to think!" he snapped.

Harry looked at the blond through fringes of messy hair. "He was in my room drunk as a skunk when I got back, He bugged and begged for sex and I said no," He stood up right. "I told him he could stay if he didn't touch me and he passed out naked."

Draco bit his lip then looked to Harry nervously. "So you didn't have sex with him?" he asked softly, hopeful.

"For the last time NO." Harry snapped storming into the bathroom to finish his with his hair leaving the door open.

Draco winced and quickly went to the slytherin common room, knowing he screwed up.

Blaise slipped down to the Hogwart's visitor's room grinned and kissed Ella firmly.

Harry finished dressing before turning into his snake form tasting out Blaise's location he needed to end things with him. He located him changing back to his human form throwing the door open stopping in shock at the sight of Blaise wrapped around some girl.

Blaise jumped then stared surprised. "ah Harry. Uhm I'd like you to meet my Fiance, Ella Fitzgerald." he said softly.