This is how I feel what my father does to me sometimes

Edward Elric was a young boy. Almost fourteen-years old. He had golden hair and golden eyes. His golden eyes were usually filled with fire, but now they were filled with sorrow.

Edward Elric's brother had just died. He was killed right in front of his eyes. Ed had already lost his parents, lost a right arm and leg, forced to join the military, now everything he worked for was gone. Dead.

Roy Mustang stood in front of him. He wasn't Edward's real father, but he was close to the real thing. Ed had turned to the black hair and black eyed flame alchemist many times before.

Roy glared at Ed with hateful eyes and walked away. Edward's golden eyes lingered onto him. Roy just kept walking.

Ed's eyes filled with tears as he remembered his own father leaving their family. Roy's eyes filled with tears as he knew he was leaving his boy.

This is only how I feel with my father. He didn't really do this. There will be two more chapters on Roy's POV and Ed's POV