Author Notes: Had a crazy idea tonight and now I can't get this out of my head. I hope to turn this fic into an epic story but we'll see how it goes first. I hope this won't be too out there for some people.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, if I did I'd have had Blaine and Kurt together by now haha~

Warning: This chapter contains character death. You have been warned.


"South two miles then East one block…" A digital voice called out of a small handheld device resting on the dash board. A small map of the city was displayed on the screen with a red flashing dot indicating where they were headed. The black SUV sped down a wet street in the evening; the streets were mostly empty so there was no traffic.

"Why does this always happen during American Idol?" A bored voice from the back seat groaned, "I swear, no one has any manners now a days." There was a rustling sound and a small cry of pain from the man as he was hit playfully by a taller one.

"Come on Hummel calm down, Tina is recording it for you." The black male sitting next to him grinned as they got closer to the destination. Indicated by an increase in the beeping on the object, "We'll get there, get it back to GLEE and send it off on its merry way…"

"Yes and I'm sure you guys can finish this job before the first set of annoying commercial breaks…" the same digital voice replied from the device. "Wait…Finn it's on the move…"

"Well damn…" Kurt sighed as he pulled out his gun "Guess I'll miss yet another result show." Matt nodded beside him also pulling his gun out, gripping it tightly. "Calm down Matt… you know they are usually harmless…"

"That doesn't mean we can get sloppy… civilians might be at risk." Finns voice was serious from the driver's seat, as he made a sharp turn down an ally way following the now moving signal. His eyes fixated ahead of him as he increased their speed. The target was moving faster than normal and that meant something bad was going to happen.

"I don't understand…usually they are too docile to…" The voice from the dash board said, sounding like the person on the other end was trying to make sense of what was happening.

"It could be hurt or confused right now; it did come through a rather volatile section of the Void…" Kurt speculated with a voice of apathy, staring out the window waiting for the signal to start the operation, "I am getting a bad feeling though…"

Matt gulped hard and nodded, "I hate when you say that…" he didn't get much farther in his thoughts as Finn slammed on the breaks.

"Move! Split up into two groups, Kurt you and Matt circle around the ally way on the left, I'll chase into your location. Stun it if possible; if its gets too hairy don't hesitate to open fire." Finn ordered and Matt and Kurt nodded in silence as they jumped out and ran down the alley.

"Careful Finn… we don't need to start another war…" The voice said as the device was taken by Finn, pocketing it with a sigh; he didn't need to be reminded.


This had perhaps been one of the most romantic nights of Blaine Anderson's life. Jeremiah had taken him out to an early dinner, then a walk through the city while holding hands. While it may not seem like much to most people to Blaine it was perfect. Neither he nor Jeremiah were well off, Blaine was a struggling singer who worked at a failing coffee house and his boyfriend was a Junior manager at the gap, it wasn't exactly easy street and anytime they got to go out together was enough for him. It also didn't help Jeremiah was a bit of a prude and not very adventurous, holding hands in public was a big deal. Sure it wasn't very crowded tonight but it was forward movement and that's what really mattered in the end.

"What say you and I go back to our place and give this night a proper cap?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, trying to make the older man smile. He was too damn serious all the time, and while Blaine found it comforting it was also a bit much sometimes. But he had always been that way and there was no sense in trying to change him.

"I think I'd like that…" he smiled a bit at the corniness but it was just part of Blaine's charm. He looked around quickly to see that no one was watching before kissing him softly, "Sorry tonight wasn't anything amazing…" he felt guilty that he couldn't afford to take his boyfriend of three years out to a nice restaurant on their anniversary.

Blaine just breathed deep and smiled, "Don't say that, you know I love being anywhere with you…" he held his hands in front of him and gave them a small squeeze before letting them travel through the curly hair of his lover, it needed to be cut soon but Blaine liked that Jeremiah had even curlier hair than himself and he looked good with it long or short.

They shared that rare moment for a while then with a playful smirk Blaine took his hands firmly and pulled him down the street, eager to get home.


"Finn where is it… I don't have a visual…" Matt panted into his head set, they had been told it was chased towards their location but they still had not spotted the creature. Matt was an experienced agent but he was never good with stressful situations. Kurt was the calm one, cold and indifferent, always with the level head.

"What do you mean you don't have a visual? It ran right into the alley way!" Kurt could hear Finn's voice from Matt's receiver, he had turned his off since he didn't like having his ears blown out by their excitable leader. He scanned the area and there was indeed no sign of anything out of the ordinary down the long empty alley.

I'm telling you I saw it run towards your location; I'm on my way to back you up. Tina says it's right on top of you." Finns voice cut through the night air and both agents stood back to back looking around. There was a soft sound of air being beaten and both their eyes went wide.

"Are you sure you saw it run…" Kurt was getting another bad feeling, like he was being hunted, like something hostile was breathing down his neck "You know… they can fly right…" his grip tighten on his gun and he looked up slowly quickly wishing he hadn't. There was a dark shadow falling towards him and a loud screech, a gleam from a sharp talon caught the faded light above a door way as it made its way towards Kurt's throat.


Jeremiah looked around, he thought he had heard gun shots in the distance and he gripped Blaine's hand a bit tighter. While the city wasn't all the dangerous he was still concerned. He didn't often express it but he really did worry about Blaine, his safety was important.

Blaine squeezed the hand back, paying no mind to sights and sounds around them. He just smiled and looked forward, in a few more blocks they'd be home and in bed. Jeremiah always really came alive in bed, and that was all that was on Blaine's mind at the moment.

"You know…" the older man said as he stopped them, "I was thinking about moving…you know… to a safer area." He looked into his eyes, "It's getting rough around our apartment and I think we should start looking as soon as possible." He knew it seemed a bit sudden but the gun shots had brought to the surface what he had been thinking about for weeks now.

"Oh, well yeah of course. If you'd feel safer somewhere else we can take a look at some ads tomorrow after work. Maybe we can score a bigger place." Blaine didn't really mind the idea of change; he'd always been an open minded person, while he did like their apartment now he'd just as gladly leave it all behind for a change of scenery.

If he was going to be completely honest he would say that he didn't mind the bit of danger. The same boring life he was living needed to be broken up a bit more. That's why tonight had been so wonderful; Jeremiah was being romantic and daring, for him at least. He had hoped that this pattern would continue but in the end, wasn't it better to make sure his boyfriend felt secure. Perhaps adventure, excitement and danger were a bit much to expect from real life.


Shots rang out from beside him and seemed to clip the creature causing it to stagger and fall to the ground with a screech of pain. Looking behind him Kurt shot a look of thanks to Matt who nodded shakily and moved next to the creature, "Shit…I didn't mean to kill it…" he kicked it slightly with his foot.

Kurt opened his mouth to speak but the same feeling of dread made his voice catch in his throat. The thing wasn't dead, oh no, Kurt could feel its anger and all too soon it stood up and loomed over both of the agents. Matt raised his gun again but it was too late, they let their guard down, it was all too late. The only thing Kurt could do was watch as the creature swiped its great claw into Matt's throat then fly away in a rush of wind and feathers.

Protocol demanded he chase after the beast; kill it before it could harm anyone else. It attacked first, and that meant they were authorized to use deadly force. While in the back of his heart he felt a small sting of sadness, Kurt did his job and ran after the thing, leaving Matt dead on the cold wet ground.

"Agent Rutherford down…" he said in a detached voice, turning his head set on. There was a gasp from Tina and Finn swore, but that's all that was said. Death was just another part of the job, they knew that. It was how they all knew it would end. "Target injured and on the move…heading West. Move to intercept."

"Roger that." Came Finns reply immediately and Kurt knew it was time to get serious. He had been careless and it just cost the team a senior agent. He focused his thoughts on what needed to get done.

"Finn! Kurt! I've spotted it on a traffic cam, its running down 7th and Palm, the street is clear… no wait…" Tina clearly was still shaken by the news and she seemed more excitable, "Two civs just turned the corner, oh Christ it's making a bee line for them!" Kurt ran as fast as his body could take him.

"Finn I can't make it in time! Location!" Kurt yelled into his set, he knew it would take him another minute and a half to reach the street and even then he wasn't as good a shot as Matt had been.

"I'm almost there!" Finn called out after another prompt from Tina to hurry. The two civilians had made contact with the thing; the state it was in it could kill them both in seconds. Tina's play by play of what was happening fueled both agents to push harder. There had been enough death tonight.


Jeremiah was laughing now in response to yet another corny joke Blaine made as they turned the corner onto their block. Just a few doors down and they'd be safe and together, it was odd how his boyfriend could calm him down so easily. That's what three years of dating, fighting and living together did though. It connected them, "Blaine I…"

"Holy Shit!" Blaine's eyes filled with terror and Jeremiah looked to see what caused his boyfriend such alarm. At first he thought it was just some man dressed in rags, but as it ran towards them he could tell that was not the case. It was certainly not human and it was heading right towards them.


Author Notes: Well this was really fun to write! I'm excited to put the next chapter up soon. It's 2 a.m. and I kinda like the suspense of ending at this point. Next chapter much more will be explained about this world and what on earth is going on. I hope this is enough to get you all interested. Please leave comments! I do oh so love them~

Also if you're wondering why the streets are so dead and empty it's because American Idol is on…duh…