Disclaimer: I don't own glee or the characters.
A.N: SPOILER to episode 2x14 (blame it). I was watching this episode when three idea popped into my head. This story is going to be a combine of all three. So I made a lot of references to 2x14 but I also changed it a lot so I hope you enjoy.
So Rachel's party turned out to be a bore, no surprise. When I walked into the door Rachel greeted me in a very proper way. I looked at her outfit and I'm disgusted. She is wearing a green dress that looks like its from the old western times. In short it's hideous. Everyone is about to leave when she yells out let's party!
Puck runs over to the liquor cabinet and pulls every drink out. He stats mixing things and handing them out. I don't take one considering I plan on driving home, Finn doesn't take one either but I'm not sure why. But everyone else seems to be perfectly fine with drinking.
"Mercedes! You shouldn't be drinking that stuff. It's bad for you. And you being your mother's daughter should know what it does to your body-"
"Kurt relax, I know what it does, but this is a party and I wanna have fun, maybe you should let loose yourself, I mean look at Blaine he's drinking." she says taking a sip from the cup. She squeezes her eyes together and she makes a face that tells me she hates the taste of alcohol.
"See you don't even like it." I tell her pointing at the cup.
"Kurt, will you chill, it's one drink, why are you so worried?." she asks. Well one drink turned into several and that's why I was worrying. I know what happens once you finish your first cup, you want another and then another. I find her sitting on the couch with Tina laughing their heads off like their on laughing gas. I saunter over to her with my hands on my hips.
"Kurtsie! I'm so happy you're here. Come here sit next to me!" she yells pulling me down onto her lap.
"Mercedes, you're drunk, and you don't know what you're doing." I scold her. I have given up on everyone else but I'm not giving up on my best friend, not when I know her parents will murder her when they find out.
"Here try this it's really good, it tastes like a mix of straw… strawberries and mangos" she slurs shoving her chewed on straw into my mouth. She wont take her eyes off me and she's holding the straw so I can't take it out of my mouth. I take a sip only a small one. My face twists into disgust, but the after taste isn't so bad.
"That's not half bad, but I don't want-"
"Hey!, Puck, Kurt wants this mangoy strawberry thing you got me!" she yells.
"Coming right up!" he yells back from the bar.
"No it's ok I really don't want it," I say trying to get out of what she just got me into.
"Come on Kurtsie, loosen up, it's a drink ,what's the worse that can happen?" she says placing her hand on my upper thigh. Puck walks over cup in hand and hands me it. I smell it and it smells like fruits.
"Just drink it," Mercedes says drinking her own drink.
"Ohh, Puck I need a refill." she calls holding out her cup almost falling off the couch.
"I think you've had enough," he says taking her cup.
"What if I share it with Kurtsie here," she says pulling me into a tight hug. I decide that its better to stay out of it so I just begin to drink the beverage. Well next thing I know is that I've had a few more drinks and that my brain is a little fuzzy and Rachel is screaming something about spin the bottle. We all sit in a circle and put a wine cooler bottle on a board. I'm sitting between Finn and Blaine.
Brittany spins first, the bottle stops on Sam. The lean across the board and kiss, Santana seems to get mad and hits Sam welling him that's enough, they both pull away smiling. Rachel's turn, and it lands on…Blaine. I don't seem to mind because Blaine is gay, but when they kiss and continue to kiss, and when he begins to hold her face then I know something is wrong. Puck's turn, it spins and lands on Tina. They both look at each other and he smirks and she just laughs. They lean in and it's a quick little kiss. But even though it was quick and to the point I still noticed that Quinn got green with jealousy. Not it's Mercedes turn, she laughs and spins the bottle. The room is silent now as we see who the bottle stops on. Me. We both look at each other. She giggles and leans towards me.
"Come here Kurtsie," she beckons.
"Umm, Mercedes, I uhhh, umm-" her lips are pressed against mine. At first I don't feel anything at first but then she gets closer and her hand is on my chest and I place my hand on her hip and return the kiss. Maybe I can get Blaine to be jealous. I just have to act like he did when he kissed Rachel but maybe a little more. One hand is on her hip while the other is tangled in her hair. Her tongue pops out and runs across my lips. Our kiss becomes more then just one kiss, it become slow open mouth kisses. Everyone is still silent. Her hand is tugging at my shirt and bunching it up at the same time. I open my eyes and see that Blaine is still staring at Rachel but he glance to me and stops. I pull away from her and let my hand untangle from her hair. She lets go of my shirt and she starts to laugh.
"Man, my boy knows how to kiss, wow I'm having trouble breathing," she says breathing heavily I let go of her hip and straighten out my clothes. My shirt is wrinkled but I can't do anything about that. She crawls back over to her seat. The game goes on from there. Finn gets Quinn and Santana gets Mike. We stop playing after a while. We all decide since we're to drunk to drive we will just crash at Rachel's. As the night goes everyone gets drunker I don't have to many more drinks just enough to maybe change my judgment but I still remember everything that has happened. Santana and Sam are back in the corner making out, Lauren is looking for Puck but he ran off with Quinn somewhere, Rachel and Blaine are once again sucking faces, and Brittany and Artie and Mike and Tina are all following everyone else. Finn and Lauren are the only ones not making out.
"That's so gross," I hear Lauren say from above me. I don't even bother to look up because if I turn my head I will get a protest from Mercedes. I don't know how we got to this position but some how I managed to be laying on top of her on the couch making out. Never in a million years would I have thought I that I would kiss my best friend but here I am. Her hands are rubbing up and down my back and occasionally they run over my butt. I have one of my hands tucked underneath her back and the other is running along her curves. I take control of the kiss and slip my tongue out and slowly part her lips with it. She doesn't care she sticks hers back out to meet me in the middle of your mouths. She pulls away from me to look deep into my eyes. It must have been the alcohol that had me following her into the back room of Rachel's house because I would never do this when I was sober, I'm gay…right?
Morning came quickly, and the sun that was shining on my face made my eyes feel like they were burning. The music still playing out in the other room sounded like it was in my head. Man I didn't think I got that drunk last night. Stretching my arm out I feel something smooth and soft clinging onto my side. I look down to find a dark main on my bare chest. Whoa, wait that dark hair, the chocolate cover skin, oh my gosh I slept with Mercedes.
A/N: Review please